Pc Grow Box Odor? Need help asap!


My friend and I have a pc grow box with 2 plants. They have been budding for about 1-2 weeks, and his room is starting to smell obviously. We need some sort of solution to get rid the odor (until we harvest). I researched the carbon air filter but have no idea how to put it on a PC grow case. Any other good solutions. (The room is a small/medium sized bedroom)


hahahah okay, would you know where to buy it? I live in canada. I've got a walmart, home depot, and home hardware store near, do you think any of them would have it?

Btw nice avatar :D


Active Member
grind up some charcoal, the real stuff, not kingsford. and put it in a sock, inside a sock, and tape it to your exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
grind up some charcoal, the real stuff, not kingsford. and put it in a sock, inside a sock, and tape it to your exhaust fan.
This is certainly not the dumbest idea but rather than using charcoal I would get a small activated carbon (same as charcoal) at Walmart and put it infront of your exhaust fan and it should kill most of the smell until late in flowering.


Active Member
Any type of odor eating gel. Home Depot carries a product similar to ONA gel, but isn't as pungent. I think those would work pretty well. They're about $4 USD a piece. Buy maybe three of them, and I think you'll be good. You could maybe get away with only using one at a time, too. Especially because this is a micro grow.

I have used them personally on a few larger plants and they did the job for me. Combine that with the suggestions above and I think you're good to go.


This is what I use in my grow box. I got it at altgarden.com. I cut up a shoe box and mounted it over my exhaust so I could control the exhaust air and it comes out of the bottom. I either put a couple of shot glasses full of this gel inside the box near the exhaust fan, or at the opening of my shoebox vent. Works great. One pic is from my first grow and you can see the shot glass. I tried using carbon in the sock and it just restricted air flow for me. My exhaust fans are only 120mm though.



I prefer the inside, the smell of the gel will stay in the box and slowly come out through the exhaust.


Active Member
You can put them in either places, really. I always put mine on the outside. Experiment and see what works best for your grow!