How to find out who gave u reputation points ?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i feel really offended some guy said that shit below dont have a clue who it was or for begging for rep point what a lying ahole (i will rep u helps me)

can anyone help?
Latest Reputation Received (541 point(s) total)



Well-Known Member
I get nasty little reps too, I've gotten "eat dick faggot" and "have fun douche"... I know they are from the same person, and I'm sure I know who that lameass is.

It's obviously some guy that has previous with you and is a petty asshole. Don't worry about it though man, whoever it is doesn't deserve the time of day...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Haven't got a negative rep yet, but I don't think there is much you can do other then ask an admin really, REALLY, nicely and hope for the best. I doubt they have time for such pettiness. :) If the person neg repped you and didn't man up and say it to your face, then THEY are the faggot. :)

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Dont even worry about it,
their ducks.
And when they see this thread about how many people talking shit about them,
they will be the ones who disagree with you..
and that will be the one who gave you the rep.



Well-Known Member
I AM A REP WHORE!!!!!! Anyone that wants to leave me a rep w/ a fucked up message feel free!!!!! No skin off my ass. It's funny cause, no matter the pissy little message they leave ya, the end result is still the same: YOUR GETTING YOUR REPUTATION BUILT BY A FUCKIN HATER! So fuck em and feed em fish heads. Thanks in advance for the rep! lol

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Can you not neg rep on this forum or something? LOL If someone +rep me and left an insult I'd laugh and try and fine the person to thank them. :D


Well-Known Member
I guess you have a fan boy some were...guess you will never know...didnt they youse to have a negative rep system here...trolls could really fuck with you with that..guess thats why they got rid of the negative system...


Well-Known Member
Exactly, if you want to be elite then you have to pull out the checkbook and pay. To be honest, i don't even know if they do that anymore...?

I doubt they need the odd five dollar contribution, with all the ads and such.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't worry about it. WTF is rep worth here anyway? not much if it can be fuct by members who pay to neg rep peeps. :eyesmoke: