Hello everyone, i m from Kathmandu Nepal. I got a few babes shooting up will need your advice from all you fantastic people see you round and thanks for all the post

My name is Maryjane and I am new to this forum. I have two plants that I am starting with. I am in cold climate so all is done indoors which is a real challenge as I lived in Arizona 30 years and would grow outside and cover with bamboo. Now it's legal and I am having hell with spidermites. I grow tomatoes every year and sell them in the spring but the plants will have to be moved I am afraid. I just started 12/12 on lighting to flower after getting rid of mites. *Used the organic recipe from this site and it makes me sneeze but is doing the job. I was using nemo oil but it was just temporary fix. Bleaching my greenroom this week and hopefully that will be the end of it. Any advise is more than welcomed! Using Tigerbloom hoping for better buds. Thanks!
Hello everyone, I recently stumbled upon this blog. I looked through it for 10 minutes and knew that I found mecca.
First of all I'd like to say PROPS to the people who type life in this fantastic knowledge-exchanging-medium.
Secondly, I was wondering if it is possible (and more importantly, useful) to take 2 or several sproutlings (or clones) and plant their relatively immature roots about 1 or 2 centimeter away from eachother and create a monster-mother-plant for cloning purposes.
I got the idea when I thought about a pair of tree's that I'd seen a while back that had grown into one another- like they melted into each-other at about 2.5 meters from the ground up.
I hope to do the same thing with my MJ.
I need a few more months until I got the clones to spare for this experiment and since I simply couldn't wait to get my hands on this info I thought I'd throw it on Rollitup.
Is there anyone out here who has experience with the concept of "fusing" several plants into 1?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
I intend to experiment with this concept when I got the excess clones and with some luck, if I'm successful, post my journal on Rollitup.