Welcome New Members!

Hello everyone, i m from Kathmandu Nepal. I got a few babes shooting up will need your advice from all you fantastic people see you round and thanks for all the post
I'm new here and checking in, been reading a bunch of threads trying to get a feel for growing indoors. Smoked for year when I was younger and now have legitimate need for some smoke and AZ just passed the law so its good timing.
Hi everyone, I'm new in this or any forum:
I have a question, I have grown a few really good plants then I started having a problem. My last 5 plants have looked great, big buds smells good but when harvest time comes , no potiency. I'm growing White Widow seeds I bought from a good supplier,I use Miracle gro potting soil, some manure, a hand full of powdered lime and perlite in a 3 gallon container. I grow in a 3x4 well ventilated closet with a 400 hps light. I water when the soil is crusty on top, I use distiled water. No potiency, and I have buds the size of my forearm, what am I doing wrong, what should I be checking.
Hello everyone, I live in south florida and am planning on using an aerogarden for my first grow, i'm sure soon I will need advice but for now I'm just gonna be getting acquainted with the forum and such, blay10 :bigjoint:
Hey all! New here searching for insight and input. It's great that many like minded adults gather here and offer up a wealth of knowledge.
hello all just like to say what a brilliant site this is and can find everything you will ever need to grow great crops thanks everyone whos posted all this good information peace
I have a white widow x sage I received as a cutting. It is 12 inches tall and looking good. I want to keep it as mother. The days are hot here and getting longer. I have been putting it in the direct sun by day and under fluorescents at night with a slow fan in a cupboard. I believe its an indoor, so got to thinking it might be better under the lights 24/7.? Also, I have some outdoor, does them being in the hot shade or under the direct sun make any difference?
My name is Maryjane and I am new to this forum. I have two plants that I am starting with. I am in cold climate so all is done indoors which is a real challenge as I lived in Arizona 30 years and would grow outside and cover with bamboo. Now it's legal and I am having hell with spidermites. I grow tomatoes every year and sell them in the spring but the plants will have to be moved I am afraid. I just started 12/12 on lighting to flower after getting rid of mites. *Used the organic recipe from this site and it makes me sneeze but is doing the job. I was using nemo oil but it was just temporary fix. Bleaching my greenroom this week and hopefully that will be the end of it. Any advise is more than welcomed! Using Tigerbloom hoping for better buds. Thanks!
My name is Maryjane and I am new to this forum. I have two plants that I am starting with. I am in cold climate so all is done indoors which is a real challenge as I lived in Arizona 30 years and would grow outside and cover with bamboo. Now it's legal and I am having hell with spidermites. I grow tomatoes every year and sell them in the spring but the plants will have to be moved I am afraid. I just started 12/12 on lighting to flower after getting rid of mites. *Used the organic recipe from this site and it makes me sneeze but is doing the job. I was using nemo oil but it was just temporary fix. Bleaching my greenroom this week and hopefully that will be the end of it. Any advise is more than welcomed! Using Tigerbloom hoping for better buds. Thanks!

I wish I had organic advice for you, but the only thing I've found that actually gets rid of mites is Hot Shot No Pest Strips. You don't have to use them for long - put them in a plastic bag after a couple of weeks so you don't breathe the fumes.

Now that I think about it, pyrenthins are organic and they work a bit better than Neem... but I'd hate to smoke the stuff. At least NoPestStrips do not get on the plant.
Hello everyone, I recently stumbled upon this blog. I looked through it for 10 minutes and knew that I found mecca.

First of all I'd like to say PROPS to the people who type life in this fantastic knowledge-exchanging-medium.

Secondly, I was wondering if it is possible (and more importantly, useful) to take 2 or several sproutlings (or clones) and plant their relatively immature roots about 1 or 2 centimeter away from eachother and create a monster-mother-plant for cloning purposes.

I got the idea when I thought about a pair of tree's that I'd seen a while back that had grown into one another- like they melted into each-other at about 2.5 meters from the ground up.
I hope to do the same thing with my MJ.

I need a few more months until I got the clones to spare for this experiment and since I simply couldn't wait to get my hands on this info I thought I'd throw it on Rollitup.

Is there anyone out here who has experience with the concept of "fusing" several plants into 1?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
I intend to experiment with this concept when I got the excess clones and with some luck, if I'm successful, post my journal on Rollitup.

Hello everyone, I recently stumbled upon this blog. I looked through it for 10 minutes and knew that I found mecca.

First of all I'd like to say PROPS to the people who type life in this fantastic knowledge-exchanging-medium.

Secondly, I was wondering if it is possible (and more importantly, useful) to take 2 or several sproutlings (or clones) and plant their relatively immature roots about 1 or 2 centimeter away from eachother and create a monster-mother-plant for cloning purposes.

I got the idea when I thought about a pair of tree's that I'd seen a while back that had grown into one another- like they melted into each-other at about 2.5 meters from the ground up.
I hope to do the same thing with my MJ.

I need a few more months until I got the clones to spare for this experiment and since I simply couldn't wait to get my hands on this info I thought I'd throw it on Rollitup.

Is there anyone out here who has experience with the concept of "fusing" several plants into 1?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
I intend to experiment with this concept when I got the excess clones and with some luck, if I'm successful, post my journal on Rollitup.


You will stunt plants if you try to grow them that close together - the roots will not have enough space. If you want a plant to look like that, FIM cut it and then take the four branches and weave.

I would keep multiple plants at least a foot away from each other at the bases. Roots don't like crowding...
Hey guys, I am new to this forum and just wanted to say Hi and thanks! There is so much helpful information on here I almost didn't know where to begin. I am going to be starting another 4 bucket DWC within the next 30 days (just moved in) and I'm really excited to track and share the experience on here. Any strong opinions on stand alone buckets vs. a connected system with a res? Its been about a year since I had any type of indoor grow. Also, I planned on using the three part General Hydro Nute system, just because I have experience with it and it is stocked at my local shop. Has anything earth shattering-ly new and awesome come out that I should investigate? Thanks for reading and hello again!
Hello all.

I've been reading all your posts with intrigue for the last few months, but this is my first post.

I have just started an Aerogarden grow and will be writing a Grow Journal to cover it.

I look forward to interacting with you all and hopefully some day giving back something worthwhile in return.

May all your crops bloom mightily!
hey .
i just put my room together and got some clone's . my clone's are about 5'' tall and i don't know how old they are (i was blazed when i got them) is there a way to tell ,or does it matter. and why are my fan leafs turning super light yellow. roots/organic...600hps....temp80.....half dose supernova.....20on 4 off ....i water when the medium dry's 4'' down .... help anyone