8 days...Attitude shipment just "hanging" around the Royal Mail


Well-Known Member
FYI nobody was making a big deal out of the shipping times until the usual suspects came in to give their unwanted opinions about how great our shitty service has been... Not to mention IF our orders do go missing they will probably just say customs got them, and to go fuck off, but have a happy honukah.


Well-Known Member
FYI nobody was making a big deal out of the shipping times until the usual suspects came in to give their unwanted opinions about how great our shitty service has been... Not to mention IF our orders do go missing they will probably just say customs got them, and to go fuck off, but have a happy honukah.

Yes, that is exactly what they will say because they hate you and never want you to buy seeds from them again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I suppose this thread is pretty useless to someone who has no reason to be looking at it other than defending some company they have no association with. All I come to this thread for is to see a timeline if someone who ordered around the same time I did got their seeds yet, and to relay my details as well. Some people have too much free time...


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is exactly what they will say because they hate you and never want you to buy seeds from them again.
Well, when they tell me to send my seed back, so they can send it to the breeder for inspections (it was an autoflower), which they HAD to take out of the breeder pack to give me (since it was pick and mix) So send my 6 week old budding autoflower garbage plant to them, so they can send it to the breeder??? Oh, but, but, but they don't sell seeds to germinate...................... oh my fucking god. REALLLY???????? I know they are saying that for the cops, but that shit WILL NOT fly with the consumer for very long. Either way I'm done debating a troll who has too much free time.

Tell me wtf you think that is telling me to do?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I suppose this thread is pretty useless to someone who has no reason to be looking at it other than defending some company they have no association with. All I come to this thread for is to see a timeline if someone who ordered around the same time I did got their seeds yet, and to relay my details as well. Some people have too much free time...
The plants pretty much grow on their own ya know?


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is exactly what they will say because they hate you and never want you to buy seeds from them again.
Your bored i get it, but if you don't have anything to say about current shipping times and are not currently waiting for an order then do us all a favor and get lost. We are all genuinely relating things to each other and your bored ass comes along and has a real serious issue with it. Its irritating even typing this message to you, don't waste our time, and we wont waste yours.


Well-Known Member
Well, when they tell me to send my seed back, so they can send it to the breeder for inspections (it was an autoflower), which they HAD to take out of the breeder pack to give me (since it was pick and mix) So send my 6 week old budding autoflower garbage plant to them, so they can send it to the breeder??? Oh, but, but, but they don't sell seeds to germinate...................... oh my fucking god. REALLLY???????? I know they are saying that for the cops, but that shit WILL NOT fly with the consumer for very long. Either way I'm done debating a troll who has too much free time.

Tell me wtf you think that is telling me to do?
The term troll is one of the most overused and misused terms on the internet.

I am simply stating the truth. That having a bitch fest over seed delivery times on the internet will have exactly 0 affect on when and if you receive your seeds. That is not trolling.


Well-Known Member
Your bored i get it, but if you don't have anything to say about current shipping times and are not currently waiting for an order then do us all a favor and get lost. We are all genuinely relating things to each other and your bored ass comes along and has a real serious issue with it. Its irritating even typing this message to you, don't waste our time, and we wont waste yours.
I have a better idea. Why dont you do pretty much whatever you want and I will do pretty much whatever I want...

Brick Top

New Member
The only thing this thread proves is that sooner or later some nut hugging attitude person is going to come in and defend them. Get me my fucking seeds, RIGHT, and this would not be an issue. I can't believe people spend all day on here defending attitude... GTFO of this thread, because I think there is enough threads you can go on, and on about how great attitude is about in. This thread is for people who have actually placed orders, oh, I don't know, a fucking month ago and hasn't received their order.

I was told that no one was bitching about Attitude but clearly here is someone blaming Attitude.

As I said:

Also you have to try to understand that once Attitude, or any seedbank, puts an order in the hands of the local postal service Attitude no longer has any control whatsoever in how long it takes for the order to be delivered. Once in the hands of a postal service it is up to them, and if an international order, up to Customs and then that nations postal service.

It is irrational and illogical to blame Attitude, or any seedbank, for slow postal services and slow Customs departments.
This thread is for people who have actually placed orders, oh, I don't know, a fucking month ago and hasn't received their order.
If it was exactly one month ago today that comes to 24 WORK days, 3 whole days longer than Attitude says the longest number of days international order should take. Gee, do you maybe think that the Holiday rush of packages being shipped all around the world and across every nation might add 3 or 5 or maybe even 7 days to the 21 days Attitude says is the longest number of days international orders should take?

My suggestion is to call the USPS, if you are in the U.S., and maybe the Customs Department and bitch to them about the slow delivery since they are the ones that actually deliver the orders, not Attitude or any other seedbank someone might order from.


Well-Known Member
Please for anyone reading this thread for info relating on this manner currently, please do not hesitate to comment with good input because there is a heckler on here, we are all adults and deserve to know when we can expect our goodies!

Let us keep each other updated our orders just like we where then we can tally up what to expect.
I didn't post this thread but am participating and very much found out some things by this post.

Lets keep informed that way things are in the bag!


Well-Known Member
I was told that no one was bitching about Attitude but clearly here is someone blaming Attitude.

As I said:

If it was exactly one month ago today that comes to 24 WORK days, 3 whole days longer than Attitude says the longest number of days international order should take. Gee, do you maybe think that the Holiday rush of packages being shipped all around the world and across every nation might add 3 or 5 or maybe even 7 days to the 21 days Attitude says is the longest number of days international orders should take?

My suggestion is to call the USPS, if you are in the U.S., and maybe the Customs Department and bitch to them about the slow delivery since they are the ones that actually deliver the orders, not Attitude or any other seedbank someone might order from.
I have absolutely already planned to call them up come monday, that i can count on.


Well-Known Member
Please for anyone reading this thread for info relating on this manner currently, please do not hesitate to comment with good input because there is a heckler on here, we are all adults and deserve to know when we can expect our goodies!

Let us keep each other updated our orders just like we where then we can tally up what to expect.
I didn't post this thread but am participating and very much found out some things by this post.

Lets keep informed that way things are in the bag!
I was a troll and now I am a heckler?

May I remind you that personal attacks are not allowed on this site?

Just because I come into a thread and post an opinion you disagree with does not give you reason to start calling me names...


Active Member
LOL this guy blew this thread up. Just earlier today wasn't it just a couple of people trying to get a frame of reference when their package was coming. His first post was a complete false presumption and now he's poking trying with a stick. The beginning of his last "don't call me a heckler" post is a heckle LOL. At least his mind has to be in the Milky Way galaxy.
damn did this ever blow up like 5 pages in the last day of people arguing about weather or not they should be asking where their souvenirs are. I say wtf let people compare delivery times at different places in the country whats so wrong with that? There is a couple of people that just showed up on this thread (i wont say any names you know who you are) that only have had negative things to say and IMO should have not even posted on this thread in there just going to be smart asses.

To let everyone know that says parcel is just being slow because of holidays. I got my 2nd nirvana order 10 days after shipped from Netherlands. That was only about a week or two ago. SAME parcel service just no royal mail involved. My 1st nirvana order came 14 days after shipped back in spring. I have also had a order from nirvana disappear this fall but they resent it.

Attitude order to east coast still NA 15 days. Now dont get me wrong im not freaking like everyone thinks we are just comparing times of arrival. After 3 weeks thats when I will start to wonder.