1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

sorry for the delay but i got some new pics up. some of my lower leaves are drying out and turning brown. i tried to get a good pic. if you have any idea whats causing this please let me know...


no nutes yet. they arent even 3 weeks yet.
temps are between 70-80 for the most part.
i started watering them every other day then someone mentioned watering a small amount everyday while they were still small and i tried that for a couple days but ive cut back to every other day.
its jungle growth soil. its called water wise and its supposed to manage the water better, or something like that, which makes me think i might need to cut back watering a little more.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Your watering too much, your soil sucks and your fans are installed wrong.

Only water when they need it not on a schedule, but water enough so you get good runn off (get rid of the run off)
My guess is your using MG time release, so you want those nutes to run off
Always suck air out of the room never blow air into it, turn the fan around that is your intake and make it exhaust and make another hole for passive intake

Good luck
Your watering too much, your soil sucks and your fans are installed wrong.

Only water when they need it not on a schedule, but water enough so you get good runn off (get rid of the run off)
My guess is your using MG time release, so you want those nutes to run off
Always suck air out of the room never blow air into it, turn the fan around that is your intake and make it exhaust and make another hole for passive intake

Good luck
i water until i get runoff but im pretty sure now that the schedule was a bad idea. so just water when the soils dry?
its not MG, its called Jungle Growth Water Wise. but im guessing that its probably close to the same thing, time release that is...
and just to make sure i understand, i dont want ANY fans blowing in?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Yes water when they are dry and make sure they don't suck the runoff back up.

Be patient there is lots of activity going on under the surface.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
i water until i get runoff but im pretty sure now that the schedule was a bad idea. so just water when the soils dry?
its not MG, its called Jungle Growth Water Wise. but im guessing that its probably close to the same thing, time release that is...
and just to make sure i understand, i dont want ANY fans blowing in?
i also had an intake and an outtake fan in my cfl box and that was a bad idea.. i turned the intake to an exhaust fan and the plants were much better..

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Your overwatering a little bit too much,
let it dry out.
And your lower leaves looks like its having pH problems and if you dont fix it,
its going to go through the entire plant.
Do you have a pH tester?

Your overwatering a little bit too much,
let it dry out.
And your lower leaves looks like its having pH problems and if you dont fix it,
its going to go through the entire plant.
Do you have a pH tester?

I dont have a pH tester yet... thats my next purchase. but im letting them dry out now. and ill start watering them when they need it instead of trying to have a schedule


Well-Known Member
I dont have a pH tester yet... thats my next purchase. but im letting them dry out now. and ill start watering them when they need it instead of trying to have a schedule
What I do is I pick up the pot when its completely dry, then pick it up after its been watered well.. and just remember what that dry weight feels like... Since I started doing mine like that I haven't overwatered once..
What I do is I pick up the pot when its completely dry, then pick it up after its been watered well.. and just remember what that dry weight feels like... Since I started doing mine like that I haven't overwatered once..
Thanks, thats actually my plan but im gonna make sure they dry so i can remember the difference in weight....

I appreciate all the help from everyone


Well-Known Member
Thanks, thats actually my plan but im gonna make sure they dry so i can remember the difference in weight....

I appreciate all the help from everyone
Oh and if you look at the bottom of the pot where your drainage holes are you should be able to see dry soil to.. I use this to just double check from time to time.. plant getting bigger makes the dry dirt weight heavier.. :) but you should be good..
well its been three weeks today since i planted the seeds. i took the intake fan out and put it inside the cabinet to blow on the plants. The tallest one is still looking kind of rough but the shorter ones actually look really good. I think NoB was right about the pH problem because it seems like its attacking the lowest leaves first then working its way up slowly.
about to head to the store to get some bigger pots, flowering bulbs, a pH tester, and some pH down. is there any special nutes i should be using? I may let these veg for another week but then Im gonna swap to flower just because of space...
These are the plants after the transplant into 8 inch pots... Ive got four 23watt 6500K CFLs and two 23watt 2700K CFLs. Ive still got to get a pH meter and figure out why these leaves are turning brown. I also took a picture of my soil bag just to let you guys know what im using.

Any help or comments are greatly appreciated!!!
