Need advise with veggiePRO and auto flowering seeds

I just got a veggiePRO and ordered some auto blueberry seeds from Dutch passion.
I'm looking for tips on things like stregth of nutes, light cycle for auto flower seeds and not sure if I germinate seeds first the old fashion way or do I just toss them in the pods? Let me know if you have any answers or advise from past experiences with auto flowering seeds in the AG. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
hey i grew some autos in an aerogarden and just threw the seeds in it i also used a 150 to bud it with and o ya just use the nutes it comes with if thats all u have
hey i grew some autos in an aerogarden and just threw the seeds in it i also used a 150 to bud it with and o ya just use the nutes it comes with if thats all u have
Thanks for the reply, I do have some three step nuts from the hydro shop I will use but I've heard that with
autos you need way less nutes, I'm just trying to confirm that. How bout light cycle ? 24/7 the whole time ?


Active Member
IF UR using only the light it came with id go 24 7 and id just wait till about 2 wks and go a 1/4 strenghth until ur used to ur nutes and how the plant will react slowly bumping it up to full strength with the bloom nutes when it flowers
Cool, I'll go with that. I will be adding 4 - 42 watt cfl's ( two hangin off each side with reflectors) 6500k til flowering then switching to 2700k.
Not sure what the Kelvin rating of the AG is but there are three bulbs I assume are in the 5000k zone. Also, can you get replacement bulbs for the AG in 2700k ? I will defenatly be getting a extra air pump as well. Thanks again !


Well-Known Member
I did it this way: Veg Pro 200. I poked holes with a chop stick all the way through the sponges, from top to bottom. This will help the root grow down and help secure the seed in place. I always germinate before putting them in the sponges. I always give nutes right off the bat, but I start very slowly. I use Floranova Grow and Floranova Bloom ($11 bucks each at amazon). Then, I increase the nutes slowly. Make sure to keep a log on how much nutes you gave them and how much you increased, because i didn't and paid for it. Also, get an extra air pump (the more bubbles the better), I have 3 airstones in each of my Aerogardens. I would also get some 2700k bulbs and find a way to place them around the AG for extra light. You are going to need to buy a PH tester and PH up and down (like 12 bucks on amazon). Make sure you have PH'd water in the AG before putting the pod in the AG. Then, you just wait for the sprout. Make sure your water and room temps are correct, I didn't and again, I paid for it.
The best thing you can do is get a camera if you dont have one and take pics of the plant and post them here, I don't think I could have finished my first grow without the help of these boards.
There is my start and results and my setup is pretty ghetto dude. You can do it!


Great info, thanks dude! I have the same reflectors, about 6 of them. They came with clamps, I'll just clamp them on the top. What strain was that bud in the last pic ? Was it an auto ?