Wilting plant's

Ok, so I vegged for 5 weeks and just changed over to 12/12 and to HPS from MH lastnight. I went in the room this am and 4 of my babies are wilting. I am using Fox Farm nutes, Ocean Floor medium. I have perfect air flow and temp. Is this normal when changing the light cycles? This is my first indoor grow, I have a lot of experince outdoors. I also have correct PH and I water twice a week. Any suggestions? Temp stays at 74 during the day and 64 at night. The other's seem fine, it's just the back 4...so far. Thank's in advance. :joint:

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
As your plants fill up the pots with roots they will need to be watered more often. Lift the pots and if they feel light to you then give them some water. They probably need water bro.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
That is what I'm hoping for! I just did'nt have any time to check this morning, but I will tonight!
can you get someone in the house to water them? Or can you do it on your lunch break? Leaving them all day when they were wilting in the morning is really going to piss them off!


Howard is rite experience has taught me that wilt is usually a lack of water dont add nutes more than once a week better off just to make sure if they need more add it you really do not want to over fertilize as the water gets used by the plants the salt levels increase in the soil
DOPEYCDXX...yeah, I think he is right to. I thought maybe it was due to the change in bulb myself. I water Mon & Thurs, st8 water on Mon and Ferts on Thurs. I added a small heater too keep it above 60F just 4 days ago. I'm betting the little added heat on lights on dried up the medium a tad faster.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
They are sleeping, I live in a COLD climate so I need to have lights off during the day (warmer outside) Won't be long tho..
Ok cool. Is there a way to water them in the dark? Just asking cus I can just leave the lights off if I need to open my grow rooms. One of my Kush plants was a lil droopy last night. I water all my flowering plants together but that one Cat Kush wasn't happy with me! :) Gave her some water and she popped right back up the next morning. I hope your plants do the same bro! That is a good way to tell when your plants need watering. If you were waiting every 3 days kick them up to every two days. even sometimes at the end some plants like it every day, cus most of the water then is just going to run right through before the roots can suck it all up.
YOU the man Howard!! I am so used to growing outdoors, but just got legal and can't grow in the snow! ha ha I appreciate it bro. I'll be posting pics soon.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Oh hey IA check this program out. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/345468-free-grow-software.html I highly reccomend it to anyone! I use it and it is easy as hell to pull up the last time you watered your plants, fed them, topped them, when you switched them to flower! This program is so great and it's free! Just go the end of the thread and download the most up to date version. Just tinker with it, as soon as you get the hang of using the program it is awesome!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
YOU the man Howard!! I am so used to growing outdoors, but just got legal and can't grow in the snow! ha ha I appreciate it bro. I'll be posting pics soon.
Thanks bro, there are alot of people on here that are willing to help out! RIU is the shit! I have learned so much on this site and I have had so many people help me that now I am just trying to help others! I have a feeling your plants are going to bounce back quickly! Glad you have joined the MMJ community! ;) I am MMJ and also a provider so I can grow a few plants! LOL


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I vegged for 5 weeks and just changed over to 12/12 and to HPS from MH lastnight. I went in the room this am and 4 of my babies are wilting. I am using Fox Farm nutes, Ocean Floor medium. I have perfect air flow and temp. Is this normal when changing the light cycles? This is my first indoor grow, I have a lot of experince outdoors. I also have correct PH and I water twice a week. Any suggestions? Temp stays at 74 during the day and 64 at night. The other's seem fine, it's just the back 4...so far. Thank's in advance. :joint:
pics? it could be a def.
BUDS, it was totally a lake of water. I had stuck a space heater in there days prior and did'nt even think about it. It's all good to go, for now.... lol