Remember the Deepwater-Horizon oil spill?


Active Member
nope. old wives tale. the magnetic field generated by the counter rotating iron core of the earth will deflect most harmful radiation into space, and prevent that atmosphere from being thinned out due to solar winds....

now if we do burn up the ozone layer, well, lets just say invest in a good sunblock company lol

what IS scary tho, is the salinity of the N atlantic is dropping... if it drops too far, were fucked... ice age here we come
Good thing I live in Florida... I might have to buy some property 30 miles out in the gulf though cause when the Ice age comes that will be prime waterfront property, pass that shit down to my kids and eventually someone will be living the life haha


Well-Known Member
turns out it was a deliberate step in the plot by the government to depopulate louisiana and transform the area into a refinery, a toxic waste dump.

you can thank jesse ventura and alex jones for enlightening you.


other little tidbits:

barack obama was a cia asset since the early 80's.

bp runs the dept of energy for the united states.

we are headed to another ice age, which will work towards the profits for bp.

stay safe, friends.
I have been thinking this since it happened, I'm glad it is finally getting some attention.


King Tut
I've always admired Jesse Ventura's lifestyle of bucking the norm, but....

He is obviously a showman. I think the funniest part about his show is when he attempts to lend himself credibility by stating "I'm a former Governor, a Navy Seal, etc, etc..." but never throws out the rest of his credentials. I.E. "Oh yeah, I smoke pot, wear a pink boa, and was a professional wrestler too.":mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I often wonder if they are not just part of the propaganda machine ....Its allmost like the storys they cover are overshadowed by how retarded they both act , All that shouting and raveing like two WWF Wrestling Actors .

The world is corupt ... we know .... less talk and more doing something about it i say :)


Well-Known Member
They do raise importent issues that we should be takeing interest in and doing something about ....But for the avarage joe who just wants to belive all the propaganda spewed by governments and media ... Its hard for them to take what Alex and Jess serious enough .


King Tut
They do raise importent issues that we should be takeing interest in and doing something about ....But for the avarage joe who just wants to belive all the propaganda spewed by governments and media ... Its hard for them to take what Alex and Jess serious enough .
Very true! I watch the show, it's entertaining. I like the fact that they address a lot of important topics, which I then look up on the all-truthful internet and media sources.:mrgreen:
I tend to view it as an entertaining way of getting topics to research.


King Tut
Very true ANC, VERY true! These days you can't even trust what you see with your own two eyes, let alone trusting some corporate media outlet.


Well-Known Member
In south africa we have a bird that does the same thing
let me see if i have this are saying i am akin to a bird burying its head in the sand because i do not buy into sensational claims that have no evidence to back them up?

claims such as barack obama is a secret operative of the cia dating back to the 80s? claims such as the deepwater horizon oil spill was intentional and aimed at depopulating louisiana to convert it into the world's largest refinery?

we have a creature here in the states that does believe in claims like that, despite the glaring and enormous lack of evidence.


the hashshasher

Active Member
Fuck the Government.
I think this generation of kids will have a war in america,
Government vs. Rebel or something along the lines.
Or the next generation.
Whenever enough people in this world finally realize that the Gov. is brainwashing people.
People need to realize this shit.
A number of us do, but 3/4 of the others dont.

nah man thats not gonna happen because once the kids of today grow up their gonna be just like the adults of today im watchin it happen all my friends from high school that used to have some rather anti-government views are gettin beat down by the real world and arnt even concerned with it anymore their just all about make that dollar to survive


King Tut
nah man thats not gonna happen because once the kids of today grow up their gonna be just like the adults of today im watchin it happen all my friends from high school that used to have some rather anti-government views are gettin beat down by the real world and arnt even concerned with it anymore their just all about make that dollar to survive
Prophetic and real.


Well-Known Member
UB, I don't for a second suggest you eat everything the alternative media feeds you.
But at least look at what they present and do your own research from there...

In my opinion if something, looks, sounds and walks like a totalitarian dictatorship (even if it is slightly disguised), it is a totalitarian dictatorship.
If you are not seeing how the whole world is being played like a chessboard, you have to be blind, or delusional. Whatever they pull of in one country quickly gets exported to the others.

There are too many pieces of the puzzle that no longer fits the official picture. The picture that is portrayed to you by the media who belongs to 3 men.
Now in normal society we are confronted by proponents of both sides of a story, and if backers for one side are few and far between, we tend to go with the larger group as probably haveing the right idea.
With modern media the oposing voices are snubbed, so haveing no discenting voices, people logicaly follow through believeing what is fed to them.


Well-Known Member
...look at what they present and do your own research from there...(even if it is slightly disguised), it is a totalitarian dictatorship....the whole world is being played like a have to be blind, or delusional. Whatever they pull of in one country quickly gets exported to the others.

There are too many pieces of the puzzle that no longer fits the official picture. The picture that is portrayed to you by the media who belongs to 3 men.
Now in normal society we are confronted by proponents of both sides of a story, and if backers for one side are few and far between, we tend to go with the larger group as probably haveing the right idea.
With modern media the oposing voices are snubbed, so haveing no discenting voices, people logicaly follow through believeing what is fed to them.
well, i was trying to edit this to make you sound like a paranoid conspiracist, but after the first little bit, it all sounds so tin foil hat that i stopped, and just let your words stand exactly. thank you for saving me the work.

let's suppose everything you say is true, which for all we know may be the truth, according to you. what are we supposed to do about it then? how do we stop these three men who control the media from feeding the people no dissenting or opposing voices, thus playing us like a chessboard into totalitarian dictatorship?

how do we stop this scheme?