How to grow/make mushies/cocaine/dmt/lsd


Well-Known Member
We are all hypocrates about something, but unless we realy address each other heart to heart, the space for that hypcracy will not go away.
Empathy, concern for the welbeing of others etc, does not realy get conveyed well in written text, not nearly as effective as seeing the pain in my eyes when I see plain ignorant comments, or the earnesty in my eyes when I say this substance we were discussing is of critical importance to those who spend their time seeking "more than this".


Well-Known Member
It is true to some extent, but one does not have to change everyone, ALL the major changes in the world were isntigated by MINORITIES.
Even in my group of friends, who some are just potheads, or guys doing the odd line of coke or extacy, their is great trepidation over the more potent molecules.

I am also very cynical, but at then end of the day I am left with two things on my scale, true first hand experience and the lies of governments and media, guess which one is going to win in the long term.


Well-Known Member
hey i wanna get into making / growing

any advice??

what equipment i need
what kinda shit i need to get

price range im looking at
Damn boy you have big aspirations!

Mushrooms and dmt. Google it. There is enough info on the net about those already.
Cocaine grows best at high altitudes. The higher the elevation the higher the coke content in the leaves. Also they take like 5-7 years to mature. So I'd abandon that.
LSD. Don't even try. You gotta be a chemist and acquire chems/other things that they just don't sell to any ole joe

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Damn I could show you how to synthesize like 2 kilos of crystal LSD in a bathtub... too bad about these no synthesis rules :lol:

edit ( i now read the thread/replies)

It would be that we change the focus of this section of the website, so that it is not ALL other drugs.
Instead it should only be halucigens and entheogens, no addictive narcotics and pharmaceuticals and stimulants.

We are never going to get the legal world and other people in general to have a more informed view of these things, if we don't help them from the inside to classify and relate to the mirriad of natural substances out there. Plants that evolved symbioticaly with us, changeing us as much as we changed them by cultivation.
I would support this.

@ FDD lets not give up 100% on your ideas, perhaps we could come together and figure out a compromise? Perhaps something like ANC proposed.

I understand where your coming from, and I hope that the understanding is mutual and you can understand where the good people of this HS section are coming from & we can work something out and all be happy :) ..



Well-Known Member
This is a strange forum.

We ALL take about drug use, directly or indirectly, in one form or another. What should it fuckin matter what drug. Freedom is freedom.....and your choice of drug is just that, yours.

I could also say, "well I understand for man-made, chemical drugs" but even that is bullshit. This whole site is dedicated to an illegal industry, and teaches people how to manufacture an illegal product, and ways to ingest it.

Kinda fuckin hypocritical.

Pot is the best, always will be the best........but it's still just as criminalized as the other mentioned how the hell is it different.
Never thought I 'd see a site that encourages drug use.....but discourages drug use.


But this is just the opinion of someone who has done nearly every drug on the what the fuck do I know.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Haha. Calling any drug the best is in many peoples eyes an oxymoron but if I was to be that moron, I'd call Marijuana the best as well. :D Not my favorite, but 'best'.


Well-Known Member
Haha. Calling any drug the best is in many peoples eyes an oxymoron but if I was to be that moron, I'd call Marijuana the best as well. :D Not my favorite, but 'best'.
Don't really see the "oxymoron" in my statement. More than anything, I am trying to understand the hypocracy. As well, I think there are other better drugs out pure MDMA......or I even enjoy a blast of Special K every now and then.......but I guess I should have said favorite....and followed by "in my opinion".

The only "morons" out there are the pricks that criminalize us without any first hand knowledge of what they are talking about. Square motherfuckers than put the ban on mary jane back in the day.

Anyways, I was just stating my confusion in the topic at hand as it relates to this site.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Oxymoron meaning conservative America has on more then one occasion stated "All drugs are bad" so for a drug to be 'best'...... Ya know what, forget it. :) I'm done trying to figure out conservatives whether they're from America or not. :p


Well-Known Member
Oxymoron meaning conservative America has on more then one occasion stated "All drugs are bad" so for a drug to be 'best'...... Ya know what, forget it. :) I'm done trying to figure out conservatives whether they're from America or not. :p
This is the definition of oxymoron.

An oxymoron (plural oxymorons or oxymora) (from Greek ὀξύμωρον, "sharp dull") is a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms. Oxymorons appear in a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors such as extremely average and literary oxymorons crafted to reveal a paradox.

As per Wiki.

I don't see any reference to conservative, or America.

I was not trying to be square ...... I just didn't see your point on the first post, as per the definition of the word. I do now though.

By my first post in this thread, I was merely trying to understand something that clearly can't be explained.......bullshit hypocracy.


Well-Known Member
Kkkk, that's my biggest problem as well, the hypocrisy. :)
That was the basic jist of my post.

Oh well, I'll just go somewhere else for any other info I need....god knows it's everywhere nowadays.

Just funny to see a drug promoting site (whether it is admitted or not) that looks down on certain drugs.


Cocaine's a helluva drug....!!!!!! LOL

And remember...... I just might break in your house and grind my feet on your couch.