PF tek - Shotgun Terrarium - GT & Cambodians Cubensis


Well-Known Member
Hey man those are some nice looking cakes. I have 8 jars of Ecuador I'm thinking about birthing tonight or tomorrow. They've been fully colonized since about tuesday or wednesday. This is my first time growing so I'm still debating the dunk or not. I might just wait til after the first flush since I'm paranoid as hell about getting contam.

Man, I've been wanting to do this for so long. I can't believe how easy PF Tek is. 8 jars and no contam :). I have a little 400w space heater that I kept on low and that kept my area a constant 80 degrees. Think that's why they colonized so fast for me. Got 4 more syringes (2 more ecuador, 1 golden teacher, 1 puerto rican) that I can't wait to get going! Maybe I'll start a grow log.

never fear contams once you have colonization...the myc is strong enough to defeat an invader...dunk those cakes...roll 'em up and send them to the FC...hth


Well-Known Member
Hey man those are some nice looking cakes. I have 8 jars of Ecuador I'm thinking about birthing tonight or tomorrow. They've been fully colonized since about tuesday or wednesday. This is my first time growing so I'm still debating the dunk or not. I might just wait til after the first flush since I'm paranoid as hell about getting contam.

Man, I've been wanting to do this for so long. I can't believe how easy PF Tek is. 8 jars and no contam :). I have a little 400w space heater that I kept on low and that kept my area a constant 80 degrees. Think that's why they colonized so fast for me. Got 4 more syringes (2 more ecuador, 1 golden teacher, 1 puerto rican) that I can't wait to get going! Maybe I'll start a grow log.
hmmm. great idea with the space heater.
most people dont know how to use one but if you kept it at 80 degrees. you def. know how to.

never fear contams once you have colonization...the myc is strong enough to defeat an invader...dunk those cakes...roll 'em up and send them to the FC...hth
and i agree with this guy


dunk those fuckers.

i didnt roll them this time but you can roll if you want but im not doing a casing layer this time


Well-Known Member
Hey man, just so you know, most hygrometers suck and aren't reliable. If you want a decent one go to a cigar shop and get one that can be calibrated. But really, since you built the shotgun correctly you shouldn't have and rh% issue, so don't stress if that thing isn't reading as high as you think it should... If your perlite is moist and your tub is raised up, you should be golden. Also, a proper built fruiting chamber doesn't really get condensation on the walls, that's not related to humidity... it's just was it is, condensation... Which forms when it's warmer in the tub than in the room it's in... With a proper chamber it gets enough air from the room to keep the chamber the same temp, which doesn't cause condensation. Just clearing up some common misconceptions about humidity... Cakes look great by the way! Can't wait for some pin porn! Haha
i hope you are right because the hygrometer is still being stupid.
i even tried an electric one and it reads 40% humidity.

im glad to hear i created a proper FC.

when do the first signs of pins show after the first day of initiating pinset???
isnt it a week?


Well-Known Member
i hope you are right because the hygrometer is still being stupid.
i even tried an electric one and it reads 40% humidity.

im glad to hear i created a proper FC.

when do the first signs of pins show after the first day of initiating pinset???
isnt it a week?

wrap the hygrometer in a damp towel...look after 1 hour...calibrate from there...hth


Active Member
What he means is, wrap your hygrometer in a damp towel and if it doesnt read 90%+ humidity after an hour you know not to believe a thing it says. Also, digital ones suck too... Like I said if you really wanna know you need a calibratable one from a cigar shop... do the damp towel thing and ajust it to 95% after an hour. Even then, they need to be calibrated weekly. Expect pins within a few days if you gave the myc a chance to consolidate after 100%, otherwise they wont do much til after a week or so.


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me =]

what does it mean if the cakes are already slightly turning blue?
i say this because only one of the cakes on the top is slightly blue already?

am i fanning too much and it needs more moisture?


Well-Known Member
Came to see some shrooms! How's it going?
i wanna see some too!!!!


things are loooking awesome.
i got 9 GT cakes in the FC so far.
the first 6 cakes are looking realllll bumpy with knots.

i should see pins within the next day or so.

off to go mist and fan!!!


Active Member
Myc turns blue from handling it, it bruises... Which can also happen if they start to dry out, but since it's only one of the cakes I'm guessing it just got handled a little more rough. Nothing to worry about, should be back to white in a few day and shouldn't hurt a thing. Just remember how heavy the cake was after the dunk and shoot to maintain that moisture content... If they start to shrink and feel light (even while they still are fruiting) you can fill a small dish with water to set them in while still in the fruiting chamber and it will help keep them hydrated.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm....i like the dish with water idea.

you are a goldmine of info yo

i try and +rep you as much as possible haha


Active Member
heatless, how long did it take before you noticed growth in your jars? Like how many days from innoculation? Im on day 6 now and have absolutely nothing in any of my jars. Maybe im being impatient lol. Temp was right at 70 so i got a heat pad and raised the jars on a rack above the pad. now temps are at 78 so hopefully that speeds things up.

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
not trying to hi-jack here. ive been looking and reading kittys and ur,heatlessbbq, threads and just asking questions and learning

ive got B+ cakes in my fc,been there for 9 days. no signs of anything goin on. i spray and fan in the a.m. around 7, then when i get home, like 7p.m. i'll get home and wont have any water droplets on any of the walls. i've even taken the cakes out and turned over the perlite while adding a lil water. temps are around 70-80, i've got a heater goin in my closet. also got lights,christmas lights, i put on for just about 12.

do i just have to wait longer to see anything??, ive got the f/c elevated with a floor mat and towel under it,and its always moist....the verm seems to be stuck on the cakes pretty good,some times while misting the cakes get hit with water,is that bad? i've got pics on kitty's thread of my fc with cakes in them

good luck with urs,heatlessbbq


Well-Known Member
not trying to hi-jack here. ive been looking and reading kittys and ur,heatlessbbq, threads and just asking questions and learning

ive got B+ cakes in my fc,been there for 9 days. no signs of anything goin on. i spray and fan in the a.m. around 7, then when i get home, like 7p.m. i'll get home and wont have any water droplets on any of the walls. i've even taken the cakes out and turned over the perlite while adding a lil water. temps are around 70-80, i've got a heater goin in my closet. also got lights,christmas lights, i put on for just about 12.

do i just have to wait longer to see anything??, ive got the f/c elevated with a floor mat and towel under it,and its always moist....the verm seems to be stuck on the cakes pretty good,some times while misting the cakes get hit with water,is that bad? i've got pics on kitty's thread of my fc with cakes in them

good luck with urs,heatlessbbq
i think it may be taking longer because you used a casing layer??

ive never used one so i wouldnt know.

but im about a week into initiating pinset and no pins yet. and i didnt use a casing layer.

so i think everything you are doing is fine =]

good luck to you as well sir!
feel free to post your progress in this thread


Active Member
Senor, are you using a shotgun terrarium with holes on every side? Are you leaving your closet door open or closed? Try to mist and fan at least 4 times daily or at least do it a 3rd time before you go to bed. Water drops on the cakes is no problem with proper FAE. They SHOULD be drying off on the surface but you need to replace that moisture by misting. Also, string those damn christmas lights up on your house and show a little chrismas cheer, then go pick yourself up a small CFL with a 6500k spectrum. Cristmas lights are probably one of the worst choices for lighting. Also, a verm roll wouldnt make it take longer to fruit... not letting the jar consolidate for 1 week after 100% and only fanning and misting twice a day might though... Its the ebb and flow of moisture from the substrate that initiates pinning. By the way Heatless, you seeing any knots yet? You should have pins in no time!

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
Senor, are you using a shotgun terrarium with holes on every side? Are you leaving your closet door open or closed? Try to mist and fan at least 4 times daily or at least do it a 3rd time before you go to bed. Water drops on the cakes is no problem with proper FAE. They SHOULD be drying off on the surface but you need to replace that moisture by misting. Also, string those damn christmas lights up on your house and show a little chrismas cheer, then go pick yourself up a small CFL with a 6500k spectrum. Cristmas lights are probably one of the worst choices for lighting. Also, a verm roll wouldnt make it take longer to fruit... not letting the jar consolidate for 1 week after 100% and only fanning and misting twice a day might though... Its the ebb and flow of moisture from the substrate that initiates pinning. By the way Heatless, you seeing any knots yet? You should have pins in no time!
interestin very interesting.....well its my first grow so i figured i'd make mistakes

yea i got a shotgun terrarium,holes in all sides,someone on here mentioned i might have to may holes. closet door is always closed but its a good size walkin closet,although during the day the chamber is kinda of concealed and hidden. baaaa humbug with christmas..j/k.. i've got a tube light,that i use to use for my lizards,puts out uva and uvb light, would that be better then the x-mas lights? hehe,might have not waited a full week after 100% colinization. rookie mistake. damn. ill try to mist and fan some more...thanks again to all and to all a good night


Well-Known Member
heatless, how long did it take before you noticed growth in your jars? Like how many days from innoculation? Im on day 6 now and have absolutely nothing in any of my jars. Maybe im being impatient lol. Temp was right at 70 so i got a heat pad and raised the jars on a rack above the pad. now temps are at 78 so hopefully that speeds things up.
it depends what strain of cubensis you got.
mine showed anywhere from 4-10 days after inoculation (if it takes longer than 10 days it is probably because its contaminated)

if it was at 70 degrees F. then that is probably why it is taking a while.

hopefully the heat pad works IF USED PROPERLY. sounds like you are since you have elevated the jars from it.

good luck friend


Well-Known Member
Good thread. I wish I could join you all but I happen to live in Georgia. :(
ahhh that is worst of luck.
im sorry bro. maybe youll figure something out ;)

yea i got a shotgun terrarium,holes in all sides,someone on here mentioned i might have to may holes. closet door is always closed but its a good size walkin closet,although during the day the chamber is kinda of concealed and hidden. baaaa humbug with christmas..j/k.. i've got a tube light,that i use to use for my lizards,puts out uva and uvb light, would that be better then the x-mas lights? hehe,might have not waited a full week after 100% colinization. rookie mistake. damn. ill try to mist and fan some more...thanks again to all and to all a good night
you should just go to home depot or local hardware store and buy a cheap clamp light.
and buy a Compact Florescent twisty lightbulb that gives off the daylight spectrum. 6500Kalvin range.

that all should cost you not even $20