Another letter from Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
Yes. I am a supporter of ron paul and above all i hope he wins the election because i support his view on all of the issues but it seems to me like the media and corrupt government are fucking him out of a seat in the whitehouse.


Too many brownies
Yes. I am a supporter of ron paul and above all i hope he wins the election because i support his view on all of the issues but it seems to me like the media and corrupt government are fucking him out of a seat in the whitehouse.
Oh of course they are, every time I have seen him on Cnn they mock him the entire usually ends up backfiring though hahaha so now Im not seeing him on the news at all anymore really....its a shame.


Well-Known Member
yes he reminds me of chong everytime they bring him on CNN or FOX they try to downplay his thoughts but he just laughs at them i love the video where they ask him "are you still smoking that bad stuff?" and chong retorts"HELL YEA MAN I SMOKE EVERYDAY AND YOU SHOULD TOO"


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is theres a very slim chance of this country getting what would be one of the best president we've had in a hell-of-a long time because our modern day government is so power hungry.:finger::wall:


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is theres a very slim chance of this country getting what would be one of the best president we've had in a hell-of-a long time because our modern day government is so power hungry.:finger::wall:

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"-- you are the reason Ron Paul isn't doing better. Put your values into your actions- the personal reward is better than any high. The southwest and western Chicago suburbs are littered with Ron Paul signs. The only other candidate sign I've seen in this state is Obama, and that was only in the inner city.
I'm the reason?..geeze that's not to much pressure :mrgreen:.
IL is a dem contolled state, has been and will be.
I live in the northwest side of chicago,in the hart of the city.
no, I havent seen one RP sign,nothing in the loco news or news paper.
glad to hear that the burbs are keeping an eye on RP,because the city aint.

I'm voting RP!Ive givin money and have talked with friends/family and co workers and I might be the only guy in the city with a huge RP sign in his yard....Ive done my part!! gun point is my next opition:twisted:


Well-Known Member
I'm the reason?..geeze that's not to much pressure :mrgreen:.
IL is a dem contolled state, has been and will be.
I live in the northwest side of chicago,in the hart of the city.
no, I havent seen one RP sign,nothing in the loco news or news paper.
glad to hear that the burbs are keeping an eye on RP,because the city aint.

I'm voting RP!Ive givin money and have talked with friends/family and co workers and I might be the only guy in the city with a huge RP sign in his yard....Ive done my part!! gun point is my next opition:twisted:

Doesn't matter than Illinois is a dem state. We're working on the Republican Nomination, the Republican Primary we'll be voting in has nothing to do with the democrats- we're not voting against them yet... not till Nov.. we just need to beat of the other REpublicans right now, and THAT is do able, we just need to get him out there..

Btw, wasn't trying to be a bitch-- just saying that thousands of people saying "he cant win here because blah blah" and using that as an excuse not to get the word out is what's making him do bad in the polls. If that includes you I encourage you to goto Meetup: World's largest community of local Meetups, clubs and groups! and find the nearest Ron Paul meetup to you and get invloved. If you think you've done your part to get the vote out, then by all means, keep it up and this comment wasn't diected at you...

Also.. the Chicago Trib and the Suntimes have both done extensive unbias articles on Ron Paul in the past few months. :blsmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
He probably won't get elected, as badly as I want to see that happen. If he does, the corrupt world bankers will have him assinated, probably before he even takes office - if they go by their SOP of killing off their opponents to global domination. The time is coming my friends when we will have to arm ourselves and draw the line in the sand. Anyone on "that" side of the line must be taken out without remorse or hesitation. Once the police have our means of protecting ourselves who is going to protect us against them? the "justice" system?? I don't think so; you only get as much justice in this country as you can afford; the poor are focked. CNN (the Communist News Network), rupert murdox's "Faux News", ABeeC, CBeeS, NBeeC, and MSNBeeC are all controlled by the global bankers. These MF's have been systematically undermining our government and our money since the scumbag congressman Nelson Aldrich organized the little trip to Jeckle Island with the Rockyhorrorfellers (spelled wrong on purpose), the Duponts (the magots that made pot illegal), J. Pee Morgan, and Paul WARburg. That is where and when they came up with the diabolical scheme of the "Federal Reserve". In only 80 years our currency has gone to 4 cents. The average American's bill is $170,000 for the "National Debt". They have stolen the gold from Fort Knox and replaced our "currency" with worthless paper notes. They have bought and paid for senators, military officials, big business CEO's, media moguls, and even several presidents to keep things the way they are. I fully believe this is the last 4 years of so called "freedom" that we have as a nation. The global bankers are pushing like hell for the RFID and the Ecard that you can not buy anything or sell anything without. This way, they know who you are, what you buy, where you are and everything about you. They have full access to your money. You will be nothing but a slave to them. They tell you when you can do anything. Your freedoms will have been sucked down the toilet without a shot being fired. They will have dictatorial control of the government, the military, the state and local police, the media and who knows what else. By this time we will NOT be allowed to have guns of any description - or any other way to defend ourselves. For those of you looking at our nation thru your rose colored glasses, you only have to Google what I'm saying to find that it is the truth. We can't afford to walk with our eyes wide shut anymore. Wake up people! BTW, to my foreign friends, I personally apologize for the actions my country has taken against your lands. It is specifically against our founding constitution to have military bases in your country or anything other means of controlling your country. The government of this country does NOT represent the people and we are sorry for their constant meddling in your affairs. But before anyone points too many fingers at how bad we are, just know that the globalists have corrupted your governments also.


Well-Known Member
He probably won't get elected, as badly as I want to see that happen. If he does, the corrupt world bankers will have him assinated, probably before he even takes office - if they go by their SOP of killing off their opponents to global domination. The time is coming my friends when we will have to arm ourselves and draw the line in the sand. Anyone on "that" side of the line must be taken out without remorse or hesitation. Once the police have our means of protecting ourselves who is going to protect us against them? the "justice" system?? I don't think so; you only get as much justice in this country as you can afford; the poor are focked. CNN (the Communist News Network), rupert murdox's "Faux News", ABeeC, CBeeS, NBeeC, and MSNBeeC are all controlled by the global bankers. These MF's have been systematically undermining our government and our money since the scumbag congressman Nelson Aldrich organized the little trip to Jeckle Island with the Rockyhorrorfellers (spelled wrong on purpose), the Duponts (the magots that made pot illegal), J. Pee Morgan, and Paul WARburg. That is where and when they came up with the diabolical scheme of the "Federal Reserve". In only 80 years our currency has gone to 4 cents. The average American's bill is $170,000 for the "National Debt". They have stolen the gold from Fort Knox and replaced our "currency" with worthless paper notes. They have bought and paid for senators, military officials, big business CEO's, media moguls, and even several presidents to keep things the way they are. I fully believe this is the last 4 years of so called "freedom" that we have as a nation. The global bankers are pushing like hell for the RFID and the Ecard that you can not buy anything or sell anything without. This way, they know who you are, what you buy, where you are and everything about you. They have full access to your money. You will be nothing but a slave to them. They tell you when you can do anything. Your freedoms will have been sucked down the toilet without a shot being fired. They will have dictatorial control of the government, the military, the state and local police, the media and who knows what else. By this time we will NOT be allowed to have guns of any description - or any other way to defend ourselves. For those of you looking at our nation thru your rose colored glasses, you only have to Google what I'm saying to find that it is the truth. We can't afford to walk with our eyes wide shut anymore. Wake up people! BTW, to my foreign friends, I personally apologize for the actions my country has taken against your lands. It is specifically against our founding constitution to have military bases in your country or anything other means of controlling your country. The government of this country does NOT represent the people and we are sorry for their constant meddling in your affairs. But before anyone points too many fingers at how bad we are, just know that the globalists have corrupted your governments also.
Great great post, I agree 100%. Our freedoms are rapidly ending, and all we need is any type of "disaster" to happen and our country will be put under martial law. The Revolution is coming people, get prepared.

My suggestion, and what I'm doing.. got my gun and working my ass off to get out of the "power grid". Get some land in the middle of no where and grow your own food and such.. the citys will be the first place where the people will be surpressed... PEOPLE, THERE'S EMPTY PRISON TYPE STRUCTURES JUST WAITING AROUND ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY, MANNED BY EMPLOYEES, BUILDINGS EMPTY, WITH ALL THE "SECURITY" OF THESE BUILDINGS TO KEEP PEOPLE IN, THE ONE IN ALASKA IS BUILT TO "HOUSE" UP TO 2 MILLION PEOPLE.

They've been pushing relentlessly to get guns out of the citizens hands- what happens when the love of power is too much for these people in control and they want MORE MORE MORE control? We will be left defenseless. This would become Germany but worse-- no one will save us.


Well-Known Member
there is zero chance of a Ron Paul victory. The only thing voting for him will do is draw votes away from the next best thing, a democratic candidate, and open the chances for Mccain or Romney to take the win. He is nothing more than this elections Ralph Nader. Don't hate me for stating the obvious. I know people are going to say its an additude like mine that kept Ron Paul from having a chance, but that's just simply not the case. It's the million dollars for endorsement money by big business and media curtailing that cost Ron Paul the race. Just telling it like it is. Focus your attention on one of the candidates that has a chance. It's the best thing you can do with the chips we are given.


Well-Known Member
there is zero chance of a Ron Paul victory. The only thing voting for him will do is draw votes away from the next best thing, a democratic candidate, and open the chances for Mccain or Romney to take the win. He is nothing more than this elections Ralph Nader. Don't hate me for stating the obvious. I know people are going to say its an additude like mine that kept Ron Paul from having a chance, but that's just simply not the case. It's the million dollars for endorsement money by big business and media curtailing that cost Ron Paul the race. Just telling it like it is. Focus your attention on one of the candidates that has a chance. It's the best thing you can do with the chips we are given.
EVERY other candidate, Democrat or Republican WILL advance the destruction of our country and of our liberties. Every other candidate is a member of the CFR an believes that worldly interests are more important than our country's concerns... all our their claims are bullshit with zero record to prove it. We need to vote for Ron Paul because we need to send a clear message to these peices of shyt controlling our country- WE KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO, AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO LET IT FLY.

Our elections are complete fraud anyways. We've had clear problems with EVERY primary thus far. Ron Paul is the platform we needed to get these serious issues out to the masses. Btw- even with the clear election fraud going on- we're still beating "real candidates". We've already taken 2nd in two primaries (should be1st in La. after the recount) and have beat out Gulliani many times.. stop letting the media and elite tell you who a "real candidate" is.

Btw, a third party run has not been completely ruled out.. which would still put us on the ballot in Nov..:blsmoke: He's already been told by the Libertarian party (3rd largest political party) that if he chooses, he's guarenteed their nomination. Any of the other Republican's have zero chance of winning against a democrat in the Nov. election except Ron Paul (73% of Americans think the Iraq War was a mistake and that we need to come home, so clearly a pro-war candidate should have zero chance of winning) If Ron Paul were to not get the rep. nomination and run third party- this very well may b the first time in American history where a third party candidate would have a real shot...


Well-Known Member
i dont think he will win, i want him to of course. do you think he will switch to an independent later?
He says no, "he has no plans of doing so at this time". But he can't say yes right now, because he's trying to get the republican nom. But honestly with the huge amount of supporters and the current presidental candidate field-- I think we'll force him into running independant. Ron Paul didn't even want to run this time around, he didn't think "the american people were ready". Supporters got him to run in the first place- he loves this country too much and all the citizens in it to turn his back on us. I believe 100% he will go independant if he doesnt get the rep. nom. Even if his name doesn't "officially" appear on the ballot in Nov. I'll write his name in-- my concious tells me that elections weren't meant to be horse races, you're not supposed to pick who you "think will win" or think "can win". You're supposed to vote for the candidate you choose based on your OWN personal values-- so my concious won't let me vote for any other than Dr. Paul.

Remember, most of our truly great leaders, such as George Washington were pushed into governmental office by the citizens-- they weren't in the government for their own personal ambitions.


Well-Known Member
He says no, "he has no plans of doing so at this time". But he can't say yes right now, because he's trying to get the republican nom. But honestly with the huge amount of supporters and the current presidental candidate field-- I think we'll force him into running independant. Ron Paul didn't even want to run this time around, he didn't think "the american people were ready". Supporters got him to run in the first place- he loves this country too much and all the citizens in it to turn his back on us. I believe 100% he will go independant if he doesnt get the rep. nom. Even if his name doesn't "officially" appear on the ballot in Nov. I'll write his name in-- my concious tells me that elections weren't meant to be horse races, you're not supposed to pick who you "think will win" or think "can win". You're supposed to vote for the candidate you choose based on your OWN personal values-- so my concious won't let me vote for any other than Dr. Paul.

Remember, most of our truly great leaders, such as George Washington were pushed into governmental office by the citizens-- they weren't in the government for their own personal ambitions.
if he runs as independent, that would be a whole different story, and by far the smartest move he can make. There is no chance of him getting the Republican nod. And man, I dont let anyone tell me anything, my beliefs are mine and mine alone. My candidate of choice is already out of the race, so believe me, I know how it feels. I basically feel that a vote for Ron Paul, at least on a Republican ticket, is nothing more than a vote against the Dem. nod, which at this point i firmly believe will be Obama. Obama is not my first choice by a large margin, but he's (I feel) the best option left with a reasonable chance. Unless of course Ron Paul goes independent. Then I would consider a vote for RP.


Sector 5 Moderator
I will not vote for the lesser of two evils ever again. If they only give us the choice between "dog shit" and "cat shit"; I'll just do a write in. There is a huge difference between being a politician and a patriot. George Washington paid the troops of the first Continental army out of his own fortune. They had to pressure him into being president both times, unlike the worthless scumbags that would sell their souls to run the country. My best friend was in the CIA and flew an airplane for "Air America". He said he left "the company" when he discovered the *government* was shipping heroin back to Amerika in the cadavers of dead soldiers/sailors/airmen and marines. How damn sick is that!! It's a matter of historical record that GHW Bush's grandfather financed the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. The Bush ancestry comes directly from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, another matter or historical record. Ever hear of the doctrine of "Right of Kings"? Google it.


Well-Known Member
I will not vote for the lesser of two evils ever again. If they only give us the choice between "dog shit" and "cat shit"; I'll just do a write in. There is a huge difference between being a politician and a patriot. George Washington paid the troops of the first Continental army out of his own fortune. They had to pressure him into being president both times, unlike the worthless scumbags that would sell their souls to run the country. My best friend was in the CIA and flew an airplane for "Air America". He said he left "the company" when he discovered the *government* was shipping heroin back to Amerika in the cadavers of dead soldiers/sailors/airmen and marines. How damn sick is that!! It's a matter of historical record that GHW Bush's grandfather financed the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. The Bush ancestry comes directly from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, another matter or historical record. Ever hear of the doctrine of "Right of Kings"? Google it.
If anything you enforce my point. Many people today still believe that Bush won the election because Nader took just enough votes away from Gore. A vote for Ron Paul just opens the door for a candidate like Huckabee, who wants to "put God back in to the constitution." The only reasoning I can see behind a vote for Ron Paul is if he runs Independent, otherwise you are helping one of the big three Republican candidates. You do understand that right?


Well-Known Member
I will not vote for the lesser of two evils ever again. If they only give us the choice between "dog shit" and "cat shit"; I'll just do a write in. There is a huge difference between being a politician and a patriot. George Washington paid the troops of the first Continental army out of his own fortune. They had to pressure him into being president both times, unlike the worthless scumbags that would sell their souls to run the country. My best friend was in the CIA and flew an airplane for "Air America". He said he left "the company" when he discovered the *government* was shipping heroin back to Amerika in the cadavers of dead soldiers/sailors/airmen and marines. How damn sick is that!! It's a matter of historical record that GHW Bush's grandfather financed the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. The Bush ancestry comes directly from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, another matter or historical record. Ever hear of the doctrine of "Right of Kings"? Google it.

:hump::hump::hump::hump: I love it when I don't have to type all this information out...:blsmoke:

I'm assuming you're a patriot in the infowar potpimp?:blsmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
I guess you are not aware of this Ineed but the War Powers Act suspends the constitution. It doesn't matter if it's a "war on drugs", the "war on poverty" or "war on terror" or whatever boogieman the pigs create next time. You are aware that George Bush referred to our most sacred document, the Constitution, as "just a God damned piece of paper.", right? The bastard should have been dragged out by the nuts ,right then, and shot in the head. "They" are professionals at playing politics; we are simple revolutionaries, patriots and sheep. They tell us what we should believe and who we should vote for. They are the ones that give us the choice between shitbag #1 and shitbag #2 to vote for. Is that really the best we have to offer?? I really don't want to see the bro or the ho go into office but I'll be damned if I'll vote for shitbag #2 just because shitbag #1 stinks worse. I'm voting for Ron Paul if it hairlips the pope.