I never used to believe any of this either until one day i realized that the universe and everything in it was actually impossible.
I gained faith from this realization but
i still don't really believe most of the bible as it was written and rewritten by so many assholes over the years its unreal.
Jesus basically to me was a cool stoner dude who got so wasted on pounds of cannabis oil he opened his mind to something higher and he may well have been able to use his mbs to manipulate objects/people/heal etc.
I think we all have this ability locked inside of us i.e. 90% on average of our mind is wasted.
I think its like having a pc and not knowing how to use it to its full potential.
Millions of people still see their pcs as glorified typewriters and nothing more but they are much more capable than that.
If we could use 100% of our minds potential we would be even more powerful than a comic book character.
I think if there is a Jesus there will always be an equal and opposite force whoever or whatever that is remains to be seen.