Question about germinated seed to seedling phase

I have some concerns my germinated seeds are taking a bit too long to sprout upwards and through the soil. I planted them (already germinated) last Thursday. I do think I probably put them in a little too deep but this shouldn't make too much a difference right?

How long does it normally take for germinated seeds to sprout through the soil?
my seeds are definately NOT fresh at all how will this influence the timeframe? they are germinated though and i've had buddies that grew quite large plants from the same batch of seeds. Theyve gotta be like 6 months old if not longer


Well-Known Member
my seeds are definately NOT fresh at all how will this influence the timeframe? they are germinated though and i've had buddies that grew quite large plants from the same batch of seeds. Theyve gotta be like 6 months old if not longer
with age the seed uses up it's energy reserve by keeping the germ alive. 6 months is a baby, it would take years for a seed to loose it's energy reserves to grow out of the soil.
When I get impatient for late seeds I carefully claw back the soil with a pencil tip to see what the heck is going on.
A little higher then room temp it's probably between 72 -78f. Those would the highs and lows throughout the day. Temp might dip for an hour or so as they are infront of the window for a bit extra light colors a couple hours a day