HA HA grow mary jane in soil with crushed xanax


I just got my buddy so high he was explaining how the weed would really trip you out if you add xanax as a nutrient in the soil

anyone have any other potentially retarded shit coming out of peoples mouth that would get a laugh or two
needless to say no more snake bite for him:hump:


Active Member
Really? cause ive been foliar feeding with cocaine for rapid growth. Do you think the heroin would yeild better?

heroin aids in trich production, continue foliar use of cocaine for rapid growth. If you really wanna see results, cook up crack and use in substitute to perlite.

That Canadian

Active Member
LMAO funny shit. Had some retarded motherfucker get upset with me thinking I laced my latest batch of Power Plant with blow. Yes I bought blow just for his ounce of ppp and sprinkled it with the white stuff. hahaha


I think I will give the crack a try but now what am I gonna do with this 8cu. ft. of perlite but I think I will need MUCHO cocaine to fill up 50 5 gallon grow bags ....and after I can sell the soil

Really? cause ive been foliar feeding with cocaine for rapid growth. Do you think the heroin would yeild better?



New Member
ebobpopper..you must be in Highschool because there is no logic in what your saying..your like a butter knife on a knife rack...not the sharpest one.