The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Not impressed with Short stuff seeds...

Firstly my Russain rocket fuel turned out to be a runt and now my Feminized auto assasain has turned out to be a full blown male..

On a happier side, Out of 6 other regular seeds, 5 of them have turned out to be female..


Thanks again Herrekin, I'm looking for all mix in the 20L bag but they only have it in 50L. As I'd be venturing to the big smoke via public transport, size and weight are issues. They do have the lite mix in 20L but from what I've read it won't do for the whole grow. Also 80 bucks for a 200w cfl for vegging seems a tad expensive, right?


Well-Known Member
In Ireland you'll pay on average 60-80 for those bulbs, but they are good and I probably wouldnt risk getting one shipped, seem sorta fragile for the abuse postal workers would give them. The 50L bag really isnt as large as you'd think, last time I bought All-Mix my friend carried like 5 20L bags by himself, so one 50L should be grand!


Active Member
my god jay you must have big fucking hands! cos no way could that tiny bit of shit between your fingers be called a plant, its a dwarf dwarf pigmy plant. i would be rightly pissed off so i would get in touch with them and let them know you are sharing your grow on here, you never know they might throw you a few seeds.
the three skunk 11 germinated fine and the others are germinating now, ill put up a few pics when they are all showing there little round leaves.
thanks doiremick, yes the led did a grand job but with the six plants i have now it would really be pushing it, so i might go ahead and get the hps, you can pick up a ballast and cover for about 70 euro now, the buds on the plants are nice, i must say i was quite surprised how big they got. the tall plants pistils havnt really changed colour but the leaves are dying off and a few pistils are drying up so im gonna give it the chop, leaving them in the dark now for a couple of night.


Well-Known Member
You know what they say about people with big hands....

Big gloves..!

I know it's a long, long time away but has anyone given growing autos in their back garden in the summer a thought..?

I hoping to do at least 1, but must find it a hiding place when visitors arrive

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
You know what they say about people with big hands....

Big gloves..!

I know it's a long, long time away but has anyone given growing autos in their back garden in the summer a thought..?

I hoping to do at least 1, but must find it a hiding place when visitors arrive
Im going to do a few next year jay, not shure what strain to pick but sweet seeds big devil looks ok, grows a nice size and had a nice thc/cbd balance. They have a few auto's now that grow to around the meter mark. I dont realy want to grow something that turnes out to be a fifty bag on a stick ya know lol


Well-Known Member
Not a chance of that man, some of the outdoor stuff Iv seen is peoples gardens are WAY larger than any plant Iv ever grown. Like 6 foot tall and thats with LST! Never got to see them flower tho, he was using Biobizzz Biobloom for flowering tho, so he probably got some SICK buds.


Well-Known Member
Im going to do a few next year jay, not shure what strain to pick but sweet seeds big devil looks ok, grows a nice size and had a nice thc/cbd balance. They have a few auto's now that grow to around the meter mark. I dont realy want to grow something that turnes out to be a fifty bag on a stick ya know lol
Ha ha.. Fifty bag on a stick..!

So long as its an auto flowering or a heavy indica then it should be o.k...

Or if your feeling brave get a landrace sativa and LST it along the neighbours fence..!!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Ha ha.. Fifty bag on a stick..!

So long as its an auto flowering or a heavy indica then it should be o.k...

Or if your feeling brave get a landrace sativa and LST it along the neighbours fence..!!

I grew a crazy sativa last year that i got in some brick, didnt start flowering till mid-november. Never the less it was a very nice plant but the flowering time was crazy! I would have been surprised if it finished bu christmas! Definiitly buying some poison seeds next season to see how they go, love the ould up sativa high nowdays.

What strain do ya have on the go now jay? Anything funky?


Well-Known Member
Alri physique!
Ya can get those for 6euro each off seamus online grow shop,
Dunno where bouts in Ireland they are but they deliver


Well-Known Member
Most shops that do the E40 CFLs will do them, ring places, usually their websites quite poorly represent the massive selection decent places have in store.


Well-Known Member
I grew a crazy sativa last year that i got in some brick, didnt start flowering till mid-november. Never the less it was a very nice plant but the flowering time was crazy! I would have been surprised if it finished bu christmas! Definiitly buying some poison seeds next season to see how they go, love the ould up sativa high nowdays.

What strain do ya have on the go now jay? Anything funky?
Nothing too funky at the moment..

Although I am growing Purple Widow which looks nice at harvest time other than that I have "The Church" and "Jay's Magic Lavender" (my own strain)
I have a few different auto growing too... Jet 47, Cobra, MI5, Purple mazar and finally Santa, I also have a couple of seedlings from a bag of thai i got about a year ago

What do you think of growing in those tomato grow bags for a guerilla grow....?

I've a couple of books of different strains i must read though and pick i nice one for our climate.


Active Member
i would give power city a try, if they dont sell the whole thing you want to just get the screw in cap part and then a figure of eight lead, cut the eight end off and wire it yourself. look around the house to see if you have that type of screw in fitting on an old lamp and then wire in a figure of eight to it, thats what i did. two screws, a live and an earth lead!bobs your uncle and fannys your aunt.


dont need a credit card, set up a paypal account, they will take it straight outa bank account
Nah takes 3 days to transfer and by the time that happens it wont deliver before xmas. Anywhere I can go to in Dub? Thanks lu great help i might try. Anyone know of a site that will take laser for one?


Active Member
Lousy one Jay, no russian rocket fuel for me in future, was gonna order some short stuff seeds but I guess their on the back up list now too haha I was thinkin about goin dinafem next instead of the afghan seeds and probably from now on, only reason is if you read up seed reviews and listen to some interviews with the growers they are the guys next door who seem to have perfected their technique, plenty of info when you read their descriptions too.

Bought me some Co2 tablets today to try them out, apparently their good especially if your using low ventilation, only problem (if you could call it a problem) is that one tablet does 100 litres of water and there must be 100 tablets, it says overdoing it is only a waste and won't harm the plants so fingers crossed they do the job.