8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
so is it tru then? cuz i mean if ur stacking shit on top of shit etc etc u already herd my opinion on that lol.. id quote it again but im too lazy to find it thru this mess, either way get a light fixture atleast and put some proper CFL 6500k in it

i think im done, anyways read my thread and mayb you can learn a few things that u can apply in the future if anything right now.
yes, that is the plan.


Well-Known Member
maybe we are all wrong, maybe tafbang is living in a parallel universe in which all his theories and facts are absolutely right. maybe he is the ganja lord and we all should kneel before him
I've had no theories or facts? are you another one of these idiots? lol I just asked why 1 persons word is better than the others on my quest on marijuana research. nobody is saying SHIT. comprende?


Well-Known Member
or maybe you are not well informed of the search button on this site, it is a nice tool to use, if you have a question or concern, type it in the search box , or hell, even go advanced search to further narrow your concerns. and oh my god, would you know it, a million posts will be at your fingertips for the problem you are facing,. then you read em, make an EDUCATED decision on what the facts are that you got dealt to you in your search and find your own happy lil median amongst it all and go from there. it works homie


Well-Known Member
tafbang, walmart has some decent floro set ups , they also have cheap ass digitall cameras, do us a favor and get your sled dogs out and mush your way to walmart and buy some and post us some fuckin pics


Well-Known Member
I'm developing new tolerance to idiots. I'm usually done after the 1st dumb thing said. I guess nobody will ever understand what this means except for Stoner Barbie and Frmrboi.

I have had no theories. I just asked why? and people don't answer and start yelling saying their theories are superior to other self-claimed expert growers theories. only thing I've done was called everybody an idiot for not understanding that. there has to be a basis of fact and proof. not just an opinion of somebody who is pushing 60 years old who smokes weed with his sister. that doesn't prove that you can't grow 8plants in 1 area. it only proves that you are old and like to smoke weed with family members.... get it yet?


Well-Known Member
or maybe you are not well informed of the search button on this site, it is a nice tool to use, if you have a question or concern, type it in the search box , or hell, even go advanced search to further narrow your concerns. and oh my god, would you know it, a million posts will be at your fingertips for the problem you are facing,. then you read em, make an EDUCATED decision on what the facts are that you got dealt to you in your search and find your own happy lil median amongst it all and go from there. it works homie
I was reading on this forum way before I had even signed up and had every bit of information I needed besides the root hugging thing ( I signed up just to get that question answered..... which was answered. some people said some things that were informative and helpful. Some people said things that I've heard otherwise... and I just asked why or which is better. and they their reply is. my theory is better because my dad and mom smoked weed in college. that's not going to cut it for me as a fact.

I'm done here for today. going to bed now. it's late. will provide visuals as soon as I can... I have a crazy setup. I don't have extra cash to just spend on a camera and it's hard to ask someone for a camera so I can take pictures of my grow op... ~_~ I'll try to make it soon but this thread still has at least a couple months to go.


Well-Known Member
I'm developing new tolerance to idiots. I'm usually done after the 1st dumb thing said. I guess nobody will ever understand what this means except for Stoner Barbie and Frmrboi.

I have had no theories. I just asked why? and people don't answer and start yelling saying their theories are superior to other self-claimed expert growers theories. only thing I've done was called everybody an idiot for not understanding that. there has to be a basis of fact and proof. not just an opinion of somebody who is pushing 60 years old who smokes weed with his sister. that doesn't prove that you can't grow 8plants in 1 area. it only proves that you are old and like to smoke weed with family members.... get it yet?
Didn't you check out those links I quoted from Bricks post? All the facts are in there, but if you choose to remain ignorant that is your choice to make.


Well-Known Member
There I Pared it down for you so its easy and concise. Start reading kid, then come back with questions.


Well-Known Member
might i chime in that i too had more than one plant in my 5 gallon buckets when i started em. just for the sole fact that it was bagseed and i didnt have enough room for every one to their own bucket, and i knew there would b males. as my luck had it though, only 4 fems showed themselves and i was lucky enough to have them decide they were female in 4 different buckets. also , when i found out they were male all i did was chop em at the base and then i left the roots in there if there was another plant residing by it, so i wouldnt fuck up the root structure. there is some knowledge for you, if you absorb it it would b an act of god, or should i say "buddha"


Well-Known Member
I don't have extra cash to just spend on a camera and it's hard to ask someone for a camera so I can take pictures of my grow op... ~_~ I'll try to make it soon but this thread still has at least a couple months to go.
STOP CALLING IT A GROW OP IT IS NOTHING ITS A MESS. If it was in fact an op (operation) it would have been properly planned out and the environment would be in complete control. You are doing like a careless middle schooler experiment at this point bro. I hope at some point or another you actually successfully have a grow op til then keep dreaming buddy.


New Member
OP is definitely a gimmick account. He's too good at trolling and too bright (he clearly exhibits a solid grasp of the English language) for his ignorance of growing to be legitimate. Would be neat, but ruin the fun at the same time, if the mods ran his IP and told us who he is.


Well-Known Member
STOP CALLING IT A GROW OP IT IS NOTHING ITS A MESS. If it was in fact an op (operation) it would have been properly planned out and the environment would be in complete control. You are doing like a careless middle schooler experiment at this point bro. I hope at some point or another you actually successfully have a grow op til then keep dreaming buddy.

It's a grow disaster :P


Well-Known Member
The plant the was bleeding a little from the towel bending it has grown stronger and it's back straight again. it was my 3rd best plant but has now moved into 2nd. I did give it a little extra treatment with a little mist and I gave it 1.5 hours more light (it bent as I was moving to night shift position yesterday) .
still didnt explain your foolishness on how you gave it more light then the rest in a picnic basket on top of book stacked on top of a stool hell i forget all i know is this is fucking ghetto not even a timer, just explain how did you give it more light than the other seven?


Well-Known Member
still didnt explain your foolishness on how you gave it more light then the rest in a picnic basket on top of book stacked on top of a stool hell i forget all i know is this is fucking ghetto not even a timer, just explain how did you give it more light than the other seven?
Probably with the towel that he fucked it up with :P
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