Just wondering...

Why do people cut the ends off of the leaves.

The last few threads that i've seen, growers have cut the tips off their seedlings.

Thanks in advance. +rep for any good answers :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Why do people cut the ends off of the leaves.

The last few threads that i've seen, growers have cut the tips off their seedlings.

Thanks in advance. +rep for any good answers :blsmoke:
Yes the dispensary i get clones from clip the tips too.....Its suppose to help redirect energy for faster root growth or somthing. ......thats what ive read and heard anyways..


Active Member
on a clone it helps roots

on a healthy plant when done with care triggers a predation instinct in the plant
vaguely increasing node production.

i do wierd things to the male plants. just see what does what.

when carefully aplied leaf trimming can alter the overall developmental shape of your plant

when done poorly it simply stunts growth.

when done badly it kills.