when should i start to flower

new lad

iv had my plants on veg now for comeing up 4 weeks they are hymalayan kush and crystal weed sort plants iv been told they are 12inc tall and coming on good im feeding bio-grow and im wondering when i should put into flower the flower for 8-10 weeks pleace look at picSDC14031.jpgSDC14028.jpgSDC14027.jpgSDC14030.jpgSDC14029.jpgSDC14032.jpg


Well-Known Member
It will get two times larger in flower so take that into consideration when choosing when to flower. what type of lights are you using?



Hey, I'm new to growing and this community as well but from what I hear it can be a preference thing relating to how big you want your plant to get. My friend who grows goes from veg to flower when his plants are one and a half feet tall. If you let them veg for a long time (like mothers, that tend to be in veg for a long time) they will grow very big and although that sounds good in theory if you don't have the space for it you might not want to do that. A Majority of those plants look like they'd be fine going into 12/12 light right now but it wouldn't hurt you if you waited another week. Again I'm a novice as well, so I might not know the exact science of it but from what I've read on this site after a couple weeks with some decent growth throwing your plants into flower is a preference thing.


If you let them veg for a long time (like mothers, that tend to be in veg for a long time) they will grow very big
Im actually approaching this stage as well. Is there a limit to vegging for too long? Like after a certain point will it start to mess with what i see from my flowering cycle? Not super concerned, just curious

new lad

i dont think there is a time when to flower from what iv read.pepole say u should give a plant 4 weeks at least before u put into flower iv done this and im puting into flower now and see how wee go.also look at the full height of ur strain and use that to to compare or get an idea.u live and learn as they say


Well-Known Member
there is no set time. Anyone who tells you some specific time is someone who can't think past their own needs and experience. With proper light you could veg a plant to 6-8 feet tall over months, or little 20 inch bushes in a few weeks. Of course the strain will play a huge part in it, and oftentimes breeders can give you an idea of how much stretch to expect in flower so you can judge when to stop veg. Mostly people veg to a certain size based on what size they want in flower. Since that depends on your situation, other peoples experiences won't translate to yours :)

Edit: On the other end it's different though. There is a minimum veg time in the sense that if you put an immature plant into flower it won't flower till it's mature. Maturity is marked by alternating nodes. How long till maturity is dependent on strain and environment, switching 12/12 before maturity is wasting time since you are decreasing light but not yet inducing a flower.


Well-Known Member
iv had my plants on veg now for comeing up 4 weeks they are hymalayan kush and crystal weed sort plants iv been told they are 12inc tall and coming on good im feeding bio-grow and im wondering when i should put into flower the flower for 8-10 weeks pleace look at pic[ATTksACH=CONFIG]1328472[/ATTACH]View attachment 1328475View attachment 1328474View attachment 1328476View attachment 1328477View attachment 1328478
now ,theyll still stretch another 12" in the first 3-4 weeks of flowering so youll get a main cola a foot long if your using hps.


Well-Known Member
there is no set time. Anyone who tells you some specific time is someone who can't think past their own needs and experience. With proper light you could veg a plant to 6-8 feet tall over months, or little 20 inch bushes in a few weeks. Of course the strain will play a huge part in it, and oftentimes breeders can give you an idea of how much stretch to expect in flower so you can judge when to stop veg. Mostly people veg to a certain size based on what size they want in flower. Since that depends on your situation, other peoples experiences won't translate to yours :)

Edit: On the other end it's different though. There is a minimum veg time in the sense that if you put an immature plant into flower it won't flower till it's mature. Maturity is marked by alternating nodes. How long till maturity is dependent on strain and environment,
switching 12/12 before maturity is wasting time since you are decreasing light but not yet inducing a flower.
huh? ru saying that u cant manipulate a plant into flowering by cutting pp to 12/12???