Check it out! advice would be greatly appreciated.

alright so this is my first grow and im am new to all of this. I have been doing a lot of reading and research and have come up wit a lot of info. My babies have been in the soil for 1 month 1 day, since nov 15...and it seems like this is going to take FOREVER!!! becasue of this i made a DWC for one of my babies and want to transtplant it into my DWC hoping this will speed my the process, and to see what style of growing i like.

But im already starting to have problems in soil. I have the Flora Nova series and have used that just one time for watering so far.. but i havent seen any results yet... Most of the lower single leaves are starting to turn yellow and die, espically on the big momma, it lost all its lower leves, and are starting to get dead spots of some of the upper sets. Most have purple stems...dont know what this is exactly from.

Hers some picks of my setup...

IMG_2302.jpgIMG_2296.jpgIMG_2298.jpgIMG_2299.jpgIMG_2306.jpgIMG_2301.jpgView attachment 1328590View attachment 1328589IMG_2295.jpgView attachment 1328586View attachment 1328587View attachment 1328588


Well-Known Member
they look a bit low in nitrogen, that could cause purple stems too. good lookin grow for a 1stee tho! but u could have thos CFL's about 2-4 inches away from the plants leafs....

(clear containers are bad too tho, roots dont like light)
Appriciate it Budz, ya the clear containers.... i have them wrapped with ducttape, but i think im going to put anotheer layer on there, and the CFL's there hanging on the pivit point that holds my glass in my MH, so to bring it down i gotta drop my MH.


Well-Known Member
You might have a better experience if you start a clone or seed directly into the dwc. the soil plant will have to develop roots for the dwc.



Well-Known Member
You might have a better experience if you start a clone or seed directly into the dwc. the soil plant will have to develop roots for the dwc.

this is the only way i have went about it, start the seed in soil, pull her out, was them roots off REAL well then let her heal for a week or 2 in the DWC water. once u got good thick white rootage....she sback on her feet and MUCH better than before. theres a DWC show off thread in my sig if u wanna see some DWC grows or even talked to experienced dwcERS

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
My out door g.daddy purp did the same wouldnt happen to be in mg wud ya? Floa nova& mg seemed to much together.seemed to burn?. Same nute sched.,everything excrpt ffof,all is good now.


Well-Known Member
I only grow in DWC's this is my fourth crop im on. I start mine in a paper towel then transfer them into a garden plug similar to rapid rooters.
the seed goes in tap root down and in a few days i have a sprout.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? That's a ton of soil and for them to not be getting proper nutrients from it than it's probably no good. That or your ph is way out of wack or both. When you go to DWC your ph is gonna be a lot more crucial that's why I haven't done it yet. I just use foxfarm ocean forest and pretty much set it and forget it lol.