How much UVB ??


Well-Known Member
how many watts of UVB does one need for a standard 400w SOG?

and bonus, what is the difference between the 25 and 50 uvb lights?


Well-Known Member
Personally I wouldn't bother. The benefits shouldn't be terrible amazing if noticeable and might even make it so you have to wear protective clothing/lotions/glasses whenever you want to be around that light.

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
UVB bulbs can be dangerous to you if your under it for more then 10mins, as they are essentially the same as the tanning bed lights, now they will deff give you a fair good amount more crystal formation on your buds and I'd say is even liked/loved by your ladies as the sun puts out UV rays (sunburn anyone?) so they obviously have evolved and adapted to this, for amount I could say as I havn't had a chance to use em yet (will soon though) but it would be interesting to see if different strengths of UVB bulbs help (IE.. both 25 and 50watt) as the sun also changes in strength depending on which side of the earth it is facing.


Well-Known Member
UVB bulbs can be dangerous to you if your under it for more then 10mins, as they are essentially the same as the tanning bed lights, now they will deff give you a fair good amount more crystal formation on your buds and I'd say is even liked/loved by your ladies as the sun puts out UV rays (sunburn anyone?) so they obviously have evolved and adapted to this, for amount I could say as I havn't had a chance to use em yet (will soon though) but it would be interesting to see if different strengths of UVB bulbs help (IE.. both 25 and 50watt) as the sun also changes in strength depending on which side of the earth it is facing.
i was doing some reading after making this post

uvb 25 (tropical) is 5% uv light and 50 (desert) is 10%

not the wattage

x D

theres a good thread on rollitup about it. now where did i put it....

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
A couple of those tropical bulbs mixed in are a good thing for your plants, and they will thank you for it.

They just aren't cheap and can be dangerous to your skin.


Well-Known Member
Not worth the risks in my opinion
The vast majority of big indoor grows don't use them (in fact I've never seen one that did)


Active Member
UVB does wonderful things to plants. And Ed Rosenthal says so. Avoid anything UVA/UVC. Plant SAR, anyone?