My Very First Mini DWC Grow!


Well-Known Member
hello. first time seeing this post and it turned into a war zone, so...we get back to helping? dont kno if you have read the marijuana garden saver 2005, but it really helped me at first. im on my 4th dwc and 6th grow altogether. roots dont have to go out the side. heres one of mine: View attachment 1326531 it really depends on the water level, size of the container, type of container, and true dwc unless the solution is bubbling on the net pot, wont have roots growing sideways, they will reach for the nutes. drooping plants in dwc generally means either a lack of nitrogen or some type of micronutrient. what i do: slowly add nutes to build it up as long as the tips are not yellowing, your fine. youll notice the leaves will perk up and start reaching toward the light again. stop adding nutes now. check ppm, maintain until plant looks thirsty again, repeat. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
oh and that photo of those roots takes a trick: use small net pots in a tote, when root mass is toughing the bottom of the tote, transfer to bucket, run straight tube (no airstone) through old net pot to a few inches below the pot. roots from 1st pot should be layed out in a circle on the bottom of the second pot. the roots will grow towards the water, all of them. the air line prevents balling and creates a cone growth as you see here, evening out the nutrient uptake. this is the plant at 6 weeks with those roots: IMAGE_039.jpg

420 Dream Team

Active Member
well wow......your thread makes my head hurt much drama hahaha......

Im going to go hide back at my post now lol

Miss M


Active Member
I don't think that plant was mature enough to show sex... there was no pics taken of the pollen sacs... oh well, it's to late now, good luck on your next one...


Well-Known Member
yeah..there was pics posted of the male was on 12/12 from seed...ive had some show sex at 12 days old that way


New Member
yeah its kinda funny, my buddies and i were chatting the other day about mmj plants and they are as bad as a real women sometimes. if you give her what she wants and keep her stress free, she will reward you with herself!!!!!!! but give everything she could ever need or want but stress her out and make life difficult, you get nothing good off her and you may find a pair or several pair of balls(sancho)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
princess i love the avatar you got going on. how did you do it? thats shits really bad ass girl..... i have to +rep again for the avatar.....