Smoking herbs?


Well-Known Member
What kind of herbs or herb mixes do you guys like to put your synthetic cannabinoids on? im looking for something very tasty(or at least not horrid), light, and smooth...

here are a list of the ones im looking at any imput on these herbs will help me decide what to buy, and suggest any herbs you really like to smoke, and if i mention any that should not be smoked let me know...

Raspberry Leaf
Rose Red Buds & Petals
Lavender Flowers
Jasmine Flowers
Hibiscus Flower
Damiana Leaf
Wild Lettuce Leaf
Blue Lotus
passion flower leaf


Well-Known Member
I prefer using cannabis with it. I've smoked a few different blends though and usually need to mix more in. Marshmellow leaf is nice and smooth buts burns up pretty fast. One blend I have now has California poppy and red poppy in it, the flowers burn surprisingly nice and long. I recommend mullein too.


Well-Known Member
I prefer using cannabis with it. I've smoked a few different blends though and usually need to mix more in. Marshmellow leaf is nice and smooth buts burns up pretty fast. One blend I have now has California poppy and red poppy in it, the flowers burn surprisingly nice and long. I recommend mullein too.
yeah I have a freind who's gonna give me an ounce or so of some outdoor trim im gonna use for my personal stash, but I need some other herbs for some stuff im makin for freinds who dont mind other smokeables infact some of them prefer it, there crazy of course..


Well-Known Member
It would be nice to find something cheap that I prefer smoking with it. I'm sure the blend I have now has some kind of blueberry flavoring added to it that makes it very nice. What I really want to do is follow the guides to modify an electronic cigarettes so I can put jwh liquid in the cartridge and smoke through that thing.


Well-Known Member
hmmm I didn't think about flavoring it but I have like 8 flavors of tabacco drops, those electric ciggs sound intersting to


Well-Known Member
looking at this blend because of what it boasts

Non-tobacco ritual blend. Designed to reduce coughing, repair lung tissue & aid in weight control. Can be made into tea. (Mullein, Nettle, Coltsfoot, Damiana & Dandelion.) Comes in a drawstring cotton bag. 1oz


Well-Known Member
Mullien should make the bulk of your material, it is a very smooth natural smoke (lung herb).


Well-Known Member
ive decided on ratio of 2 ounces of mullien (as you said lung herb),

one ounce of Damiana Leaf (medicinal aid in treating coughs, constipation and depression. It is also said to help with fibromyalgia, and breathing issue),

and one ounce of passion Passion Flower: (Herbalists have found that Passion Flower can be used in calming muscle tension and twitching without effecting respiration or mental function. Because of this it can be used in treating anxiety and high blood pressure. It can also be put to use in treating pain that results from muscle tension as well as, in some cases, emotional turmoil. In Europe it is added to medications that are used to treat nerve disorders, heart palpitations, anxiety and high blood pressure. Unlike most mild sedatives, Passion Flower has also been show to be non-addictive.) good qualities:mrgreen:

hows that sound...


Well-Known Member
If you make a fortified passionfruit component, the MAOI "might" help you fry in your own brain juices a bit.


Well-Known Member
hrmm could you explain that, what do you mean by fortified passionfruit, is the passionfruit dangerous to add? or is it a plus?


Well-Known Member
It has very low concetrations of MAOIs, so extracting and then letting the extraction dry out on some fresh unextracted materials will fortify it, like some arseholes do with salvia.
I'm not aware of any serious health issues with it. When smokeing a MAOI you only need a tiny fraction of the oral dose, as it gets to the brain without going through the gut.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh ok i totally get what your saying, i may actually pick up a few extra ounces of the passionfruit then, sounds cool, does it carry effects of its own it says sedative, is it like a weak kratom?


Well-Known Member
Thats a mindset you'll need to overcome, trying to preempt the experience, almost no plant is like any other in any but the most superficial way, kinda like people.
Nor is there a consistant response from person to person, one guy likes rum and raisin icecream, another thinks its gross.
When you take an entheogen and just let it do its thing without expecting anything is when it tends to blow your mind.

That said, the passionfruit on its own, is no more calming than say tea. If you have a diet high in synthetic components like preservatives, sugars, caffeine, salt, meat etc, you will be less sensitive than a bushdwelling nuteater.


Well-Known Member
does fortified passion fruit give noticable effects? basically is it worth making?? would smoking an mao inhibitor with jwh on it be dangerous possibly?

edit: didn't read your full post before posting, so even fortified its effects are only as strong as tea?


Active Member
if your used to it tobacco goes well with weed (can see the flame comming lol) if you have ratio right it can taste soooo nice, but dont start smoking bacci :P and yes im british we dont use cigarette tobacco either haha


Well-Known Member
im allergic to tabacco or something, causes terrible headaches and nosebleeds lol so no tabacky for me....


Active Member
somewhere along the line i think you guys may have gotten mixed up
at first you were calling it passion flower which is right but now your both
calling it passion fruit hahaha waaaaaay different. :)


Well-Known Member
somewhere along the line i think you guys may have gotten mixed up
at first you were calling it passion flower which is right but now your both
calling it passion fruit hahaha waaaaaay different. :)
actually passion flower is the flower from the passion fruit vine or maybe a relitive of it, but yea I noticed that to lol

EDIT: excerpt from wiki
Passiflora edulis is a vine species of passion flower
^is passion fruit

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
If you can find some Bloodroot, I find that just a pinch of the powdered root in a bowl to enhance dreams.


Active Member
actually passion flower is the flower from the passion fruit vine or maybe a relitive of it, but yea I noticed that to lol

EDIT: excerpt from wiki
Passiflora edulis is a vine species of passion flower
^is passion fruit shit man ive had passion fruit and i love it
but i just thought it would be way different then an MAOI containing flower...
you learn somthing new everyday =)