20 Hours of darkness! Did I mess up?

Hey everyone,
Today I accidenly left my girl inside and forgot to put her out in the sun today for her daily 12 hours. She got ariund 18-22 Hours of darkness.
Is that going to effect her in anyway? Thanks for the replys & Keep it growing!

Don't worry about it. An occasional dark day will not harm the plant.

Even in nature, not all plants are treated to a steady diet of HPS/MH/CFL.

It takes a few days for the plant to recognize that the days are getting shorter.

As far as your plant is concerned, it was just a dark & gloomy day.
Don't worry about it. An occasional dark day will not harm the plant.

Even in nature, not all plants are treated to a steady diet of HPS/MH/CFL.

It takes a few days for the plant to recognize that the days are getting shorter.

As far as your plant is concerned, it was just a dark & gloomy day.
Thanks for wording it the way I wanted to hear! :D:D:D
+Rep man, And I know what you mean exactly.



Well-Known Member
Yes, you did mess up and it will effect her, but thats a relative statement and need to be looked at from different contexts. So while yes you messed up and it will effect her, it wont be anywhere close enough to actually matter. She just lost 12 hrs of light she could of used to grow with. No big deal


Well-Known Member
If in flower, won't really make a difference. Though the above is correct, a single longer night is unlikely to be a noticeable difference.

If it was in veg, it'll be slightly different (though again, nothing to fret over). 12 hours of dark will allow enough hormone to build up and trigger flowering, however if it immediately goes back to a 8 or less hours of dark, the most you might see as a result is a day or two of slowed growth (and this can be very strain dependent, some strains increase growth at the start of flowering).

Again, the differences might be subtle enough that you never notice them :)


Active Member
The only thing you would have done other than stop it growing a day is maybe increase the chemical buildup, THC CBD ect by a barely noticeable amount, I done the same thing with my last grow and it turned out grand...good powerful smoke so no worries it's when you have it miss a few days it starts do die off.
The only thing you would have done other than stop it growing a day is maybe increase the chemical buildup, THC CBD ect by a barely noticeable amount, I done the same thing with my last grow and it turned out grand...good powerful smoke so no worries it's when you have it miss a few days it starts do die off.
Thats whats up man,
how long you been growing?



Active Member
Not that long really, a year or 2 ago I tried growin northern lights but somebody stole the plant I had before it started flowering, then last grow I done was just seeds from a bag of weed I got that was really powerfull, if you need any advice don't hesitate to ask I'm not a highly experienced grower by any means but once you've got a grow over your head you'll know what your doing and it'll be easy-sailing from then on. I'll suggest you find a copy of the cannabis grow bible online it'll be the best thing for you.


Well-Known Member
some people take whatever they read as an absolute fact when in reality alot of it is based on the writers opinions and when the first copy came out and when it was last revised to include new information learned since then. I've seen alot of things in growing books that are completely the opposite of what you should do and dont have any real supporting evidence.
some people take whatever they read as an absolute fact when in reality alot of it is based on the writers opinions and when the first copy came out and when it was last revised to include new information learned since then. I've seen alot of things in growing books that are completely the opposite of what you should do and dont have any real supporting evidence.
Now I know what you mean, thanks man..
Yea theirs little children out their that read and pass on whatever they say.
Like when you place the seed in the soil, I see alot of people saying to put the root facing down,
and other say put the root facing up. Either way will work but you know what I mean.


Active Member
That's one thing to do with everything you look at or read, over-complicating it will only make you have problems...it's a plant simple as, I took advice from the grow bible but some things I didn't agree with myself but a heel of a lot of good info still.