anyone want to Recommend Flower nutes?


Well-Known Member
you so not need anything fancy with grass, alot of people go overboard.

personally only use fulvic (weekly), foliar feed (weekly), top max, and PK 13/14 in week 5 of flowering.

also use root juice or rhizo, and cannazym throughout entire grow.


Active Member
Sorry to ask in your thread, but I cant currently order any of the online nutrients I need for my plants. Is there any local store that would sell something decect for flowering?
I always see the MG nutrients, but those seem to get thumbs down from people. any help would be great.. thanks.


Active Member
heavy metal???? r we on abt the same advanced?
I use to use advance, but I stated getting huge brain pains from it. Something in the nutes that doesnt agree with me. I have used alot of diffrent products through the years and never had this happen so it kind of freeked me a bit. Started looking into organics and found that there was products out there that werent as much of a pain in the ass to use as organics but good and clean. Just have to go with companies that make products for themselves so they care about what is in it. I haveing been using Holland Secret for a long time and realy like what I get out of it. It is great in soil or hydro. Easy three part with some additives if you like to play around what your plants are takeing up. Good and clean with no nutrient drop out, and it is ph buffered which is a huge thin for me. They also make dry products that I have used for outdoor, the work well to. I think what the differeance is that the products are made by guys that were tired of what was on the market for theer own needs and decided to make products for themselves that met their needs. I hear the one guy is just a freak about keeping out anything that would be harmfull. That is the kind of guy I want to grow with.
Sorry get a little long winded when I have a couple of puffs.


Active Member
Sorry to ask in your thread, but I cant currently order any of the online nutrients I need for my plants. Is there any local store that would sell something decect for flowering?
I always see the MG nutrients, but those seem to get thumbs down from people. any help would be great.. thanks.
Hey man I know alot of the hydro stores through out US and canada, form a past if you want to shoot me your general area I can probaly give you a couple of good hydro shops in your area that are helpfull not just trying to sell stuff.


Active Member
lol redbull? monster? heh its prolly just responding to the sugar in the energy drinks. Save urself 2 bucks a can and use sugar or molasses instead.