Smallest Micro Grow Ever!!! Pics


Well-Known Member
This is probably one the the smallest, if not the smallest, micro grow ever.. I am doing this as an experiment and i dont care how much bud i get off it. i took a mini fridge (the smallest one i could get), i bought it a while ago and it just broke on my, so in stead of throwing it out, i decided to use t for something good. There is one cfl, 23 watts , i will get a bigger one later, i used a low tupperware container with soil. i will start with flowering right away

I will also LST the shit out of her. I mean as much as possible,, i am looking for some small buds. I would like to hear comments, suggestions on setup or LST methods.

i am still building the grow box and my seeds are germinating. I will post pics every couple of days!!


Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
I'm a first grow noob with a 250 mh/hps setup myself, but I think I came across some posts about LED's also being used. I think that they had a pretty low profile - critical in your setup, though I don't know what kind of spectrum they throw.


Well-Known Member
yeah leds can be used pretty effectively but they are generally more expensive, watt for dollar then other lights. and i had all of the parts to my grow already in my house lying around.. you have a 250w mh/hps.. that pretty good,, how much did that cost?

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
I've spent tons - on cfl's, an aerogarden and all sorts of hare-brained, half-a$$ed schemes. All told, I'm prawly 1k into this, and my Fox Farms soil doesn't even arrive until tomorrow... .


Well-Known Member
I've spent tons - on cfl's, an aerogarden and all sorts of hare-brained, half-a$$ed schemes. All told, I'm prawly 1k into this, and my Fox Farms soil doesn't even arrive until tomorrow... .

I love that screen name....Wasnt he a kicker for the Giants back when LT and Phil Simms were playing?


Well-Known Member
damn, 1,000!!! i hope you yield a lot and are satisfied. i personally like to keep it cheap, i have another cfl grow that is full sized two plants lots of light and love.

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
yeah, AHS was the kicker back then. He was a shrimpy guy, and had one of those one bar facemasks, so you could see the look of pure terror on his face the three or four times a season he had to try to tackle someone.


Well-Known Member
If you were smart and wanted to be as covert as would find the power cord that plugs into the wall ocming from the fridge...detach it on the inside and rig your light setup that way. I have a way smaller grow right now in a computer case. You really dont even need LST...just small containers and no light leakage. Make shure you have good ventilation....thats a must.


Well-Known Member
hey passittotheleft, that was a good suggestion about the cord, and thats what i planned on doing, the only thing was this fridge has a dc converter so i would have to bypass it.


Well-Known Member
ok so i bought two light sockets for 94 cents each and got two 40 watt 30000k cfls. I mounted the two sockets and bulbs the only way that they would fit. I plant to use my 2 40 watt 5500k bulbs for two weeks while i lst then switch to 3000k for flower. The two lights will give me 5200 lumens for flowering. do you think that will be enough for one SMALL plant? ill post pics


Well-Known Member
no i have 5 seeds germinating. i am still working on getting intake and exhaust in my mini fridge grow box. but i cant wait


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is what i figure, if 4 seeds germinate, then i will take the two healthiest ones and put them in my box and let them sprout. i will veg for 2 weeks and lst the two babies. i will have them in opposite corners while lst ing. after 2 weeks i will flower. if 1 is girl and 1 is boy, then ill throw out the boy and let the girl thrive. if they are both girls then i will pick the healthiest looking one to survive and put the other one in my flowering room. if they are both male then i will kill them and cry my self to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is what i figure, if 4 seeds germinate, then i will take the two healthiest ones and put them in my box and let them sprout. i will veg for 2 weeks and lst the two babies. i will have them in opposite corners while lst ing. after 2 weeks i will flower. if 1 is girl and 1 is boy, then ill throw out the boy and let the girl thrive. if they are both girls then i will pick the healthiest looking one to survive and put the other one in my flowering room. if they are both male then i will kill them and cry my self to sleep.
Yea that's what sucks about seedlings, i had 2/5 females. :-|


Well-Known Member
ok so here are some hommade pics of my lst plans. The pic on the left is my veg cycle for 2 young plants. they will veg for 2 weeks and i will switch to 12/12. after they show sex the pic on the right is of the 1 remaining female that i will keep.

