Can't find any


Well-Known Member
Cant find any trans-fats in any of my food. does anyone know where to get it or what foods still have a lot of trans fat.


Well-Known Member
ha ha I laughed at this... I would just shop at like a 7/11 or Mac's, someplace cheap.

My question is why would you want to seek out the trans-fats? is it pot related somehow?


Well-Known Member
have you looked it up, it has to be made!...i still would rather have the choice to eat it,may have to set up a "trans fat lab"lol

Total Head

Well-Known Member
check out ben and jerry's. it has .5 g of trans fat per serving which the label claims is naturally occuring in the dairy. other than that i would check out low budget pastry type stuff like cakes and cookies. the cheap stuff is least likely to have revamped their recipies. this thread is weird because i had actually recently noticed that it's really hard to find trans fat on lables and went on a brief hunt while at the market. i do hope the op isn't asking because he wants to do some silly radio competition or something.