When the @#%^ hits the fan. How will you contribute?


Well-Known Member
bring it on. been a farmer my whole life, was a boyscout. i can build/fix pretty much anything. plus i have a pretty nice gun collection so i really dont think i'd have a problem in a post apocalyptic world, im very confident in my outdoor survival skills.


Well-Known Member
How will you survive an onslaught of starving people without guns? If you are a survivalist you will have food, In the breakdown of society food is one of the first things that disappears, it also drives normally kind and sympathetic people to commit heinous atrocities against other human beings solely for the purpose of getting fed. In Somalia I saw a 8 year old kid hack a mans throat with a Machete over a handful of rice. When the Zombies come you 'll be glad you have a gun. You and your families lives are too important to let others kill to take what is yours. Do you seriously think someone who hasn't eaten in 15 days is going to listen to reason? Nope, they are gonna carve your guts and then take what they want.

And besides, most survivalists aren't hoping for TEOTWAWKI, but they are preparing for it and even if the end does not come, those preparations can certainly be used for other things. You can always eat the food you stored, I guess as long as you stored stuff you actually eat. Lot of folks store food they wouldn't normally eat, so in the end it never gets used, but most other preps get good use out of them.


Well-Known Member
How will you survive an onslaught of starving people without guns? If you are a survivalist you will have food, In the breakdown of society food is one of the first things that disappears, it also drives normally kind and sympathetic people to commit heinous atrocities against other human beings solely for the purpose of getting fed. In Somalia I saw a 8 year old kid hack a mans throat with a Machete over a handful of rice. When the Zombies come you 'll be glad you have a gun. You and your families lives are too important to let others kill to take what is yours. Do you seriously think someone who hasn't eaten in 15 days is going to listen to reason? Nope, they are gonna carve your guts and then take what they want.

And besides, most survivalists aren't hoping for TEOTWAWKI, but they are preparing for it and even if the end does not come, those preparations can certainly be used for other things. You can always eat the food you stored, I guess as long as you stored stuff you actually eat. Lot of folks store food they wouldn't normally eat, so in the end it never gets used, but most other preps get good use out of them.
Clean water would run out first and be much more of a danger than lack of food, especially in the southwest.

The ability to lay low for the 1st 3 months will be the difference between the few that live and the majority that die.


New Member
i'm a survivalist, i suppose....in one manner: i like to grow a variety of veggies and preserve them.....along w/making jam w/berries i pick


Well-Known Member
Clean water would run out first and be much more of a danger than lack of food, especially in the southwest.

The ability to lay low for the 1st 3 months will be the difference between the few that live and the majority that die.
that is a good point water is much more important than food and depending on the situation fresh water could be scarce. but i guess it all depends on the situation, because if the whole world flooded and we had to live on boats and in the mountains then we'd be fucked on food and water..

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
that is a good point water is much more important than food and depending on the situation fresh water could be scarce. but i guess it all depends on the situation, because if the whole world flooded and we had to live on boats and in the mountains then we'd be fucked on food and water..
That's true, drinkable water will be the first thing that runs short.

I have about 6 months of water and about 1 year of food stored at this point and still going.

Not to mention lots of ammo and I also reload my own ammo, so that will help out as well.

I won't have to poke my head out of my fortified dwelling for some time after the crash.


New Member
The shit won't hit the fan, it's just movies. The world didn't end in 2000, won't end in 2012 and there will be no thunder dome.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
The shit won't hit the fan, it's just movies. The world didn't end in 2000, won't end in 2012 and there will be no thunder dome.
What, you again?

Read your history, I'm afraid you may be wrong on this point my friend.

It's better to be prepared in any case isn't it?


New Member
"shit" is "hitting the fan" incrementally...it won't happen all at once, but the average person's standard of living will probably continue to decline. we won't wake up one day to find that there's no food in any grocery stores anywhere. the market IS a free market (to a very limited extent, I do realize this)...but people will be fed...i don't think we're headed toward inevitable famine

and what's with people saving water/learning to "purify" it...is water gonna suddenly vanish, or only be available for purchase, when shit "hits the fan" ? :roll:

christ, do i really have to tell some ppl on a pot-forum to chill out and smoke one? :joint:

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
"shit" is "hitting the fan" incrementally...it won't happen all at once, but the average person's standard of living will probably continue to decline. we won't wake up one day to find that there's no food in any grocery stores anywhere. the market IS a free market (to a very limited extent, I do realize this)...but people will be fed...i don't think we're headed toward inevitable famine

and what's with people saving water/learning to "purify" it...is water gonna suddenly vanish, or only be available for purchase, when shit "hits the fan" ? :roll:

christ, do i really have to tell some ppl on a pot-forum to chill out and smoke one? :joint:
Shit hitting the fan can come in many different forms, such as an earthquake or flood for example.

If water lines and roads are temporarily broken or cut off it's good to to prepared with water as well as food.

It's not only for man made disaster that we should prepare for.


Well-Known Member
Funny, I was just thinking that pretty much every major city could be wiped off the face of the earth at the same time and I wouldn't even know till I turned on the news.

It's nice being self sufficient and far away from everyone else.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What, you again?

Read your history, I'm afraid you may be wrong on this point my friend.

It's better to be prepared in any case isn't it?
Not always. I could spend a lot of time and money preparing for an alien invasion. I think my time an money is better spent elsewhere as the odds of an alien attack are virtually 0%.

I also think the odds of society as we know it totally collapsing is pretty slim. It will eventually happen at some point, and humans will be extinct, but the chances of it happening in my lifetime are close to 0% as well.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Not always. I could spend a lot of time and money preparing for an alien invasion. I think my time an money is better spent elsewhere as the odds of an alien attack are virtually 0%.

I also think the odds of society as we know it totally collapsing is pretty slim. It will eventually happen at some point, and humans will be extinct, but the chances of it happening in my lifetime are close to 0% as well.
I'm sure you're right about a total collapse of society, but man isn't always the one messing things up.

Floods, earthquakes and the like can leave you in a pinch if you're not prepared.

It just better to be prepared in my opinion.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you're right about a total collapse of society, but man isn't always the one messing things up.

Floods, earthquakes and the like can leave you in a pinch if you're not prepared.

It just better to be prepared in my opinion.
Yea but how prepared? There needs to be a balance between being prepared and still living your life. Any resource (time, space, food, energy) you devote to being prepared is a resource you can't use for anything else. I could spend all my time building an underground bunker and stocking it with years of food and fresh water preparing for the apocalypse. If that never comes then I wasted all that time and all that energy for no reason and would have been better off just living my life and having fun. I think you need to balance it based on how likely you think it is you will need it.