my first male bud


Active Member
hey guys good news, my male plant is pretty mature and i decided to cut a bit off the top and smoke it and resin came oooozzzzing out of were i cut the stem. So i am assuming that the plant and the little bud i picked will be nice. just an update on my plants.



Well-Known Member
I'd like to see some pics as well, why are you growing a male plant, is it the only plant that survived?


Well-Known Member
Dude you cant smoke male bud cause there is no bud and thats why everyone would like to see pics. If you have a hermie then you could smoke it but it wont be good.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok Im on board I wanna see a male bud...plant male bud you guys keep your buds covered.Might be a hermie but that would be low grade smoke and if it was male thc is just about non existant in males


Well-Known Member
i wanna this male bud lol resin oooozzzzzzzzzzing out huh?

and too RASCALONE nice pick cheech and chong lol so funni lol


Active Member
hey i was just wondering when my plant will start to show sex. its been flowering for 3 days now and there is no change. should i just be patient or is the plant npo good


Active Member
ok just one more thing. today when i woke up i noticed what appear to be stamen growing. if these are in fact females, when do the pistals appear