Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'd like to pull a kilo and a half from a 1 metre squared cupboard, working on it as we speak...but not yet.....helaas pinderkaas
anyone in here harvesting a gram per watt or more?!?
EDIT: Oh, and nice looking jar las!!! Hotsause, I like the close up pics, nice fat round purple calyxes there. Whats with the 16% RH, seems quite low bru.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I'll be happy if I can hit a pound with six plants grown in three gallon containers. I'm shooting for a pound with four or five sativas using the scrog method my next grow. That's my goal weight wise, more so I'm hoping to turn out some top quality sativa. I'm searching for that smoke that is going to put me on the verge of bursting into laughter and an almost uncontrollable case of the giggles. Is that asking too much?

Genuity, I have a case of half gallon mason jars just waiting to be filled. In the mean time I'm managing to go from conservation mode to deciding what I want to smoke. Just tasted a small sample of white widow. It's starting to lose its green smell and the flavor is becoming more full, the buzz is also good.


Well-Known Member

This White Russian is blowing my mind. Such a pretty plant. And only one phenotype: you're seeing it. It's like they came out of a factory they are so uniform.


Active Member
evening 6ers :)

oz and a half bone dry :) citrus and some other kinda fruity smell with some nice skunky undertones :) maybe smoked a quarter since friday?? about 3 weeks veg from seed under the mh for just under 1 week of 12.12, then changed to hps. 8.5 weeks 12.12 (aprox 60days)

Nice jar bro! looks like mine lol. I just orderd a new one from attitude. its got like a name tag that you can write and erase on. I like cool jars ill post some pics when it gets here.
sorry a blatent rip from my thread lol


edit - k-train lol
Nice jar bro! It looks like mine lol. I just orderd a new one from attitude a XL jar with a name tag that you can write and erase on so you can keep track of what in it. but i like glass jars with dank in them.


Well-Known Member
you say you are using a 600 watter well that has me excited i just got my 600 and i hope mine turns out half as good as that i will be a happy camper nice grow looks beautiful
Lovely plants wally! Oh hello club 600, been gone for a while, but things are good. Switching to 12/12 in about a week. Got 4 tops on every one of my plants but 1 rocklock, it has 3 cause she is just special thats all. Oh and the 2 autos I threw in for the fuck of it. Didnt top those. Doing 7 big plants this time instead of 12, last time got too fn crowded. But Im looking at 29 tops when its said and done counting the auto tops, should be nice. Reveg on my Mk Ultra (see avatar picture) is going well, I need to get some rockwool cubes and a dome so I can get to cloning the branches she has put off. The Violator kush will be a bit behind, just stuck her in the veg room a week ago, maybe a bit more. After this run, it will be MK and Violator clones, I need to get my cloning shit soon so I can get some clones from the ones I got now in case of something fn uber. That way I dont have to go through the reveg process. Made some hash the other day with what I had left of my trim that didnt go to baked goods, got almost 6 grams of hash, from I think 4 or 5 different strains. Its nice. I will get some pictures of the ladies up soon, I dont want you guys to think I forgot about you, just been busy lately is all. Take care Club 600.


Well-Known Member
I have a few questions on cloning, if I was going to just clone in soil, would I just use whatever I would start seeds in? I want to get rockwool cubes, because it seems easy, but couldnt I just use soil in a solo cup, I think the most important thing is to have some sort of humidity dome, am I correct? Its winter time, dont think I will find one locally, I think I could use one of those aluminum baking pans they sell at wal-mart with the clear plastic lids, anyone use those before? If I used one of those should I put holes in it for air flow? I sound like a retard, it sounds like such basic shit, just its new to me, I have always started from seed. I tried to do a few when I topped this time, but I didnt have anything over them, and even with spraying they just dried out. So I want to ask these questions now before I fuck up again. As far as feeding goes, just water, or light veg nutes? If someone could pm me some info that would be good, honestly I might not get back here for a week, and finding a response could be difficult by that point.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1338902
any way to improve you see?
They look good, could be more green, maybe need something extra, I have the same issue using just Grow Big from Fox Farm during veg, so a few weeks into veg I have to use a little bit of Big Bloom, makes them nice and green again. I love to LST, one of my favorite methods to grow with, I am thinking about pulling over the tops on my plants now to let the lower branches come up to the top as well, then they would be nice thick little bushes...


Well-Known Member
Find my DIY thread i have a cloner in there that uses no Dome and plain water.
100% every clone roots, its just a DWC veg with more holes in it.


Well-Known Member
They look good, could be more green, maybe need something extra, I have the same issue using just Grow Big from Fox Farm during veg, so a few weeks into veg I have to use a little bit of Big Bloom, makes them nice and green again. I love to LST, one of my favorite methods to grow with, I am thinking about pulling over the tops on my plants now to let the lower branches come up to the top as well, then they would be nice thick little bushes...
I havent Fed them in a week or so 100ppm 20 10 20 total gro and 100ppm Alaska morebloom 0 10 10
I should hit em every time they are dry with that PH is 7 i need to brind that down some how, dolomite lime is in there.
Too weak for every water or too strong?