This is extremely strange, assistance required please


Im gonna make this quick as i can, as I dont want to bore anyone with specs e.t.c, I currently have a bubbleum clone (female) on day 17 of flowering. Ive just spotted 2 male pollen sacks(unburst) on 1 branch of the plant and there are no others to be seen but pre flowers. Is this normal and will it effect the remainin flowerin phase. I have cut it off but cant find camera now. All comments/feedback is appreciated. Try


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
no big deal.. nothing to worry about.. just a couple seeds out of your plant thats a good thing.. its when you have a whole etire branch that seeded up is when somthing went bad..


Well-Known Member
no big deal.. nothing to worry about.. just a couple seeds out of your plant thats a good thing.. its when you have a whole etire branch that seeded up is when somthing went bad..
Self pollenated hermi seeds not a good thing. Will more than likely just pass on hermi traits.


Self pollenated hermi seeds not a good thing. Will more than likely just pass on hermi traits.
Exactly. Trust me, it is a bad experience to find out that your seeds are from a hermie mother a couple weeks into flowering. Often, every single one is a hermie!

You can hopefully maintain them by picking the pollen sacs. I always throw them away though... I would much prefer the garunteed sensi from the others.


I think you should find out why the plant hermed. Is the strain is prone to herm? or you might have a light leak? Otherwise this may keep happening to you.

I read that inter-sex plants produce "femenized" seeds. Maybe you could go into the seed biz.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Exactly. Trust me, it is a bad experience to find out that your seeds are from a hermie mother a couple weeks into flowering. Often, every single one is a hermie!

You can hopefully maintain them by picking the pollen sacs. I always throw them away though... I would much prefer the garunteed sensi from the others.
funny funny


Well-Known Member
hermies=bad. toss em. if it's your only one, maybe keep it and deal with a few seeds. if you have more then 1 and/or are staging flowering plants, cull it before it polinates others. i've lost thousands this year due to hermies .... this is why i'm against feminized seeds as it promotes hermaphrodism within the species.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna make this quick as i can, as I dont want to bore anyone with specs e.t.c, I currently have a bubbleum clone (female) on day 17 of flowering. Ive just spotted 2 male pollen sacks(unburst) on 1 branch of the plant and there are no others to be seen but pre flowers. Is this normal and will it effect the remainin flowerin phase. I have cut it off but cant find camera now. All comments/feedback is appreciated. Try
yeah if your not carefull you'll be cutting off branches left ,right and centre as male flowers appear. its a mongrel hermie, u will get seed ,throw seed in bin. The smoke wont be as nice either as its a hermie. Keep growing it ,something to smoke i guess.


true true true, but i removed the balls 2 days ago, theres no more trace of pollen sacks, just bud, does this mean everythin will be ok now?


Well-Known Member
Definitely let 'em grow. My first grow, bagseed, 6 plants, two of them just like yours. Kept them and removed the "balls". Of course when you remove them, more will appear but as long as you manage to remove them it's ok. I got a few seeds in two of the branches but the weed tastes just the same and I didn't notice any difference in potency. Plus, if you have a female that is accidentally polinated by a hermie, you'll most probably get feminised seeds (that will still probably have the hermie trait, though).
If you can keep your growroom at a decent temperature without ventilation at the plant level, that will help too as the pollen won't spread that much in case a pollen sac opens (keep in mind that when your buds get fatter it will be hard, I'd say even impossible, to locate all of the pollen sacs. You're now 20 days into flowering so I guess you won't have much of a probem if you keep them. Cheers and good luck!


ERINGThanks trabecula very assuring, there does'nt seem to be anymore signs of new balls for now, i guess i might be luck for now. But ive got two other plants. One is a bagseed on day 44 of flowering. She is smelling lovely and terpen development is unreal. I have a thread for it. (also SLH ON WEEK 2 OF FLOWERING) PICS COMING SOON