All Done By Design?


Well-Known Member
Ask your computer about "Three World Wars" Albert Pike it is mindblowing how accurate it is.

Ask your computer that's funny.


Well-Known Member
I did, all it did was beep and boop at me and spit out a bunch of ones and zeros. ??

Didn't Hal Lindsey predict that there would be no Christians on earth by the year 2000? Some Armageddon book he wrote.


Well-Known Member
The North American Union is the ultimate goal. US, Canada, and Mexico will be merged to form a new economic union. First they need to get Mexico Closer to the levels of the US and Canada, this is why they all of a sudden care about the amount of control the cartels have. They need to curb the activity of the cartels or at least push them into South America. Then once that is achieved and Mexico installs the social structures the Mexican president talked about in his speech to congress about 1 year ago. He was saying how they need to build up thier country so that people won't need to go to the US to find work or to recieve a higher education. They want to build universities and allow the citizens to attend for free. So they can justify absorbing Mexico as a member. As of now it would unfeasible.


Well-Known Member
The latest data from the 2010 census is out and shows that in the last 10 years the population grew the least since 1930. Population control?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
The latest data from the 2010 census is out and shows that in the last 10 years the population grew the least since 1930. Population control?
When the economy sucks, people stop having kids. Italy is facing a situation declining population...they are really bad shape when all things are considered. Economically they are screwed, and their young people are leaving droves. They have a HUGE age gap to fill in the demographics.

Yes, this is all a form of population control, IMO...and you know, the stated goals of the UN, TLC, CFR say pretty much the same things.


Well-Known Member
The latest data from the 2010 census is out and shows that in the last 10 years the population grew the least since 1930. Population control?
Not quite, the population in Colorado grew 17% since the 2000 census. And it is getting crowded.


Well-Known Member