Club 600


Well-Known Member
Nice Pr0n Bender!
I like the Dubstep too. I've never listened to dubstep when I'm not high but I do listen to it when high (like now thanks to the neighbor, haha).

He was asking me if I'd harvested anything new yet so I showed him the Afghan Kush that's curing and he insisted I take a trade for some Bubba. How could I resist?


Well-Known Member
Cool song bender.... I'm waking the neighbors with that one. That shit lumps.

Beautiful buds too... and whodat - thanks for the early gift.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig. I'll be firing up the 1000w tomorrow with soemplants under it. A bit excited about it since it's all new stuff to me, using a light rail, scrog and 1000watts.


Well-Known Member
just a little peek at the 600w grow space
Man this plant looks cool. Sativa leaves if I ever saw them. Thanks for stopping by Mane

Sounds exciting Dez. I'm gonna pop my beans in the cubes tonight... that is if I ever stop playing skate on my new ps3. My old one crapped out finally. Sux.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys, appreciate the kindness.

And yeah Dub-Step is my religion.

Here is one of my favs


wally nutter

Well-Known Member
i love this club.

i totally made contact with an alien race telepathically this night. i had to share this with someone so im sharing it with you!!



Well-Known Member
i love this club.

i totally made contact with an alien race telepathically this night. i had to share this with someone so im sharing it with you!!


Is this an inside 600 joke or somethin


Well-Known Member
i love this club.

i totally made contact with an alien race telepathically this night. i had to share this with someone so im sharing it with you!!

What did they say?


Well-Known Member
Hey 600 Watters, and all our friends out there. Cool with the anniversary, I like that!!! And didn't even realise myself!!!

SWEET!!!! I am finally getting out of my training undies, hehe.

Lovely pr0n from everyone!!!!

And there's only one thing I insist on in the 600, and no offence to Wally....please lets leave Alien discussions off the thread, haha. Only reason is one of my mates here is obssessed with it, to the point where this is generally where the conversation is steered everytime I meet him. When I talk, see, or speak to an Alien, then I am happy they exist, until then....I got other things to talk about and problems closer to home to deal with, lmao....

Quick memory update on sexes. My Bleeseberry Kush is a beautifull lady. My SSH is a beautiful lady, I have a Timewarp lady, I have several DPPxJTR ladies, and I also have a few Mannetjes as well. The DPPxJTR is probably one of the nicest looking male plants I have seen to date. Updates from me at some point when my wife stops hogging HER camera, lol.




Well-Known Member
De-lated Happy Birthday all 600 watter's! Thank's for the Ireplacable wealth of knowledge, friend's and general Help! Much Appriciated Guy's! Y'all know who!;>)


mr west

Well-Known Member
Only one year, feeels like 3. Wish i had some poirn for yas but im too tired and my girlfriends asleep in my bedroom where the porn is lmao.


Well-Known Member
girlfriend - bedroom - porn - all in the one sentence.....and not even a mention of hanky panky...

Only one year, feeels like 3. Wish i had some poirn for yas but im too tired and my girlfriends asleep in my bedroom where the porn is lmao.