The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Say if i wanted to make a auto-cross to suit the conditions were i live, and to suit my height/potency expectations?? ( i grow outdoors ), but dont have the time to cross ruderalis with a photo plant to make a auto – photo plant ( I would do that if I had a grow room ), should I start with already available strains and cross them, and cross them with other autos ect… ???
Rtoke..yup m8..go straight for your cross with 2 X 100% AF's...
Hybrid them...on your conditions...F1 TO F5...
and by the time you have them hyb...they will Probably be acclimatised too.
Survival of the fittest.


Active Member
I've saw a few JEMs that had 11 finger leaves... Really I think all the Taller green/white pheno JEMs that I've grown have had 11 finger leaves like the one I have as my avatar.


Well-Known Member
and now i have some catching up to do. If i dont get back at you before

MERRY CHRISTMAS every one. I say we have a big unified smoke out on the day.


John Mondello

Active Member
JM..every morning they make me smile more...
me 2 me 2!

got one of these at my local shop too. Mr know it all. I went in looking for some gnat control products. He hands me trounce. I'm like no.. i need some thing with spinosad in it... no no this'll work..
I just turned my back to him, put it back on the shelf and grabed what i need.
Bloody hell. I don't even talk to them more often than not. In and out
yup, gotta be one at every place I'd guess... lol

That tall pheno is a looker, i see why you stare soo much..
damn straight! mossy that bushy ogun.. OMFG!
and now i have some catching up to do. If i dont get back at you before
MERRY CHRISTMAS every one. I say we have a big unified smoke out on the day.
think you'll be back befre christmas? lol

Def a big cojoined smoke for the day... in honor of mini-christmas-trees everywhere!



Active Member
damn mossy you got some crazy grow going on man i think if you and FD started a auto seed shop youd blow the damn doors off it i smoke alot but i dont think id be able to smoke everything you guys got going in a damn yr

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
HBS, the brown spots are a cal deff starting to happen. When the soil drys a bit hit her with some nutes, if you have one with some cal/mag that'll help.

The spots are cal deff, the pale leaves wit green veins starting, is the mag def. If the leaves didn't have the green vein down the middle it'd be more of a lacking N thing. If you over fed them you'd have eagle claw looking leaves all over and burnt tips on new and old growth. I seen none of that.

Like Neal was saying, let it sit until she drys out a bit then hit her with some feed. She is or sure not over fed.

Got to keep in mind, the over watering will give you defficencies. So once that is sorted you can start to work the next issue, the feed. If there is one.

Much appreciated info there TD and Bh. She is at 27 days TD, and it is the 1st 3 blade leaf. So what if I hit her with some bone meal? Would that take care of both the N and the cal? I could give her some fish fert also to boost the N in the tea, or do you think that the 6% N in the bone will be enough?

Sorry for all the questions but I am in somewhat of a panic mode being that this is my biggest girl.

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member

FullD...WATER...I can't grow good girls in small pots......water......:clap:

Wish you could smell these Bitches first thing in the morning...

That 1st pic is freakin sweet mossy (not like the other one isn't). But damn.. it almost looks as if the stalk gets wider at the top. Like a mini baseball bat.


Active Member
you got some crazy grow going on man can certainly be self-sufficient in AF.

That 1st pic is freakin sweet mossy
Cheers HBS...makes me smile for a small pot..FullD's water works....:wink:

Autos how they Auto be...

karma sent for your girl...

Has no-one else Dressed their girl for Chrstmas....?



Active Member can certainly be self-sufficient in AF.

Cheers HBS...makes me smile for a small pot..FullD's water works....:wink:

Autos how they Auto be...

karma sent for your girl...

Has no-one else Dressed their girl for Chrstmas....?

Check back in a bit Mossy and I'll have some pics of my two big girls dressed up for Crhistmas...


Well-Known Member
Here are the latest pics of my girls and sprouts. #5 and #6 are from the same mother and are the first contestants up in the MG organic choice and FFOF comparison.



Well-Known Member
OneTip for everyone....smoke a bit of your male.
They have THC glands as well.
Nip some of the fine leaves..dry and smoke.

Scratch and sniff on the main-stem.
I had a a couple of plants in a side garden, years ago. They were in such low light they didn't get very big, and they were both male, but I let them do their thing. Everyday I'd collect the flower clusters, before they opened, from one plant and smoke 'em. I really liked it, very floral and different. Nice clear buzz.


Active Member
Here are the latest pics of my girls and sprouts. #5 and #6 are from the same mother and are the first contestants up in the MG organic choice and FFOF comparison.

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I think you'll be surprised at what the end result will be...
MG Organic Choice is all I use and will ever use for indoor grow and for autos... But keep in mind that you will not need to feed the plants in the MG OC for at least 3 weeks...
Outside unless the breeder says that the strain is nutrient sensitive I'll use well aged compost derived of 35% Horse manure & 65% Wood shavings/saw dust...


Active Member
I think you'll be surprised at what the end result will be...
MG Organic Choice is all I use and will ever use for indoor grow and for autos... But keep in mind that you will not need to feed the plants in the MG OC for at least 3 weeks...
Outside unless the breeder says that the strain is nutrient sensitive I'll use well aged compost derived of 35% Horse manure & 65% Wood shavings/saw dust...
Neal, I started using MF OC over FFOF because of the price. The only problem I have with it is that it usually comes infested with fungus gnats so I'm using dish soap in my water for the first few weeks. I did notice this time when I was at the garden store that they now have MG OC Blood Meal and Bone Meal that you can buy separately and I'm thinking of using that in conjunction with the MG OC Soil. They say to only put some in the top two inches of the soil when using it... Why can't you just mix a table spoon of the Bone Meal or Blood Meal in with all the soil in the pot?


Well-Known Member
Neal, I started using MF OC over FFOF because of the price. The only problem I have with it is that it usually comes infested with fungus gnats so I'm using dish soap in my water for the first few weeks. I did notice this time when I was at the garden store that they now have MG OC Blood Meal and Bone Meal that you can buy separately and I'm thinking of using that in conjunction with the MG OC Soil. They say to only put some in the top two inches of the soil when using it... Why can't you just mix a table spoon of the Bone Meal or Blood Meal in with all the soil in the pot?
I add bone and blood meal to the MG as well. I get it in the 1 cubic foot bag that is meant to amend top soil and add my own perlite. I have pics and amounts in my BHD thread


Active Member
I add bone and blood meal to the MG as well. I get it in the 1 cubic foot bag that is meant to amend top soil and add my own perlite. I have pics and amounts in my BHD thread
Cool I'll check that out and hit you up with questions if I have any. Thanks bro.



Hello guys, i found your thread and is wonderful. i am also fan of autos.this is my first grow.They are 5 lowryders 1 ,is soil grow, with 2 led lights ufo 90watt and 50 plus one halogen 200 watts, temperature is around 20, fertilizer is iguana grow organic from advanced nutrients,ph 7,at the moment soon i will add the bloom they have 37 days and they started to flower.the tallest is 30 cm and the shorter going good my grow ?how much wield i must expect from this plants?i am beginner so any advice will be apreciated.thnaks