week 8 white widow


Active Member
So if you could get them to the highest percentage of cloudy to clear, just before the point of turning amber, that would be ideal? Does that go for all types? I think that I ( and many others ) confuse CBD with CBN . Is there any sign of cbd ripeness?
Is there any benefit to cbn?
sorry for all the questions, I obviously don't know the science behind it, I can grow and smoke it though. :)

Brick Top

New Member
So if you could get them to the highest percentage of cloudy to clear, just before the point of turning amber, that would be ideal? Does that go for all types? I think that I ( and many others ) confuse CBD with CBN . Is there any sign of cbd ripeness?
Is there any benefit to cbn?
sorry for all the questions, I obviously don't know the science behind it, I can grow and smoke it though. :)

In indicas and indica/sativa crosses that are not like 90% sativa you would want to harvest when you have about 5% amber tops.

If you are growing a pure sativa or a cross that is like 90% sativa you actually want to harvest earlier. A pure or almost pure sativa will reach peak THC levels just before clouding begins, so in those you would wait to see about 5% cloudy trichomes, maybe slightly more, but not much more, and that would be when you would want to harvest.

The question of CBD ripeness signs is basically answered by saying harvest when the info I provided says to harvest. You won't increase it by waiting any longer.

The problem is many, and I do mean MANY, growers pick the wrong strains to grow according to their likes and dislikes. Many want major couch-lock but when they pick a strain all they look for is HIGHER THC, HIGHER THC, HIGHER THC percentages, but the higher the THC level the lower the CBD level will be so by picking the highest THC level strains they can, they only assure they will NOT be getting the higher CBD levels they actually want.

The other thing that MANY growers do is join the 'flavor of the month club.' They read where someone says some strain is the best of the best and without researching to find out if it is actually right for them, they place their order.

They do not stop to consider that the genetics of the strain might be very wrong for what they actually like and want the most. They just take the recommendation of some total stranger. They also do not pause to consider that there are over 3000 known strains in the world and on sites like this, this one in particular with it's high percentage of new to fairly new growers, few people have had experience with and exposure to all that many of the strains that are available.

There are people here who have mainly, or even up until this moment, have only smoked average commercial grade herb they bought and have one or three or 8 grows under their belts, or maybe are even just part way into their first one. They can end up having picked some mid-grade professional genetics that when compared to the crummy commercial they have only smoked will make their mid-grade seem like the 'Holy Grail' to them. Then they start a thread about hos strain 'XYZ' is THE BEST EVER and in no time you see a parade of other people here saying how they just ordered strain 'XYZ' and can't wait to grow it ... and among that group there are always a percentage of people who like the one who started the craze, are new or fairly to growing and have had highly limited experience with and exposure to the tremendous number of strains in the world ... and then they smoke strain 'XYZ' and they also think it's the cat's meow .. so they talk it up .. and another group of people jump on the bandwagon and order the 'flavor of the month,' even though it is only mid-grade at best and possibly not genetically something that will, or can, give them what they actually like the most, or if a medicinal patient, not give them what they NEED the most.

But they attempt to play cannabis alchemist and try to turn it into something it genetically is not and never will be by harvesting it at different time according to different trichome colors.

People need to learn to pick genetics that will give them the most of what they want when they are harvested at the peak time and totally ignore everything else about the strain, it's name, it's fame, the advertising copy, high percentages of things that will only assure a low percentage of what they most want and also what some totally unknown stranger who very well might not have the slightest clue about genetics claims.


Yea you hit that nail right on the head. I just started so to speak, I was given a strain and told what it is without any documentation, and I've probably only smoked twenty or so of the thousands of strains available. But I'm willing to learn and I'm quick at it. I just started hydro. I've only done a few soil grows.
But you've pointed me in the right direction, thank you.


Well-Known Member
I really like you "Brick Top",,,Your no-nonsence approch aspires me. To Bad Iv'e tried to get "Black Widow",,,The true White widow,,,With no avail,,,for a reson I guess. But i can tell you the "knock Off's",,,can be really good to say they are Mid-grade sounds rediculious unless you have tried some?
I see your all for medical Benifit's,,,Me to I also self diagnose myself. That's what make's each strain and genetic's special. But it really seem's to me at you are very specific in actual effect's. 10-15% cbn sound's like "Morphine",,,considering some of the effect's of so called "Bud",,,grown out with lot's of degraded THC,,,CBD???Hope I got that right? Which would be a good thing considering "Morphine" is Highly addictive. Me personally I love High THC,,,Speedy head High's,,Work in my case,,,Would hate to see The Pot world go for just "Medicinal" use's only...I Guess that's the difference's beetween California and the Netherlan's?


Active Member
Thanks bricktop, you cleared up alot for me. Unfortunately most company's only provide inflated thc percentages and they are not known for answering emails with any valuable information. I like to research though and now know what to look for. I am alittle confused as to why if a cloudy trich is at peak thc that you would harvest a sativa at only 10% cloudy? Isn't it technically unripe?

Brick Top

New Member
I really like you "Brick Top",,,Your no-nonsence approch aspires me. To Bad Iv'e tried to get "Black Widow",,,The true White widow,,,With no avail,,,for a reson I guess. But i can tell you the "knock Off's",,,can be really good to say they are Mid-grade sounds rediculious unless you have tried some?

I like to try knockoff "White Widow" strains just to see how different they are. Normally I will purchase two seeds of one or another from The Single Seed Center or Attitude rather than purchase an entire pack. Normally I say the best "White Widow" knockoff so far has been Seedsman Seeds but I totally forgot about how De Sjamaan's "White Widow" is really pretty good, so I would have to say next to Shantibaba's creation De Sjamaan's is likely the best.

I see your all for medical Benifit's,,,Me to I also self diagnose myself. That's what make's each strain and genetic's special. But it really seem's to me at you are very specific in actual effect's. 10-15% cbn sound's like "Morphine",,,considering some of the effect's of so called "Bud",,,grown out with lot's of degraded THC,,,CBD???Hope I got that right? Which would be a good thing considering "Morphine" is Highly addictive. Me personally I love High THC,,,Speedy head High's,,Work in my case,,,Would hate to see The Pot world go for just "Medicinal" use's only...I Guess that's the difference's beetween California and the Netherlan's?
Unless I misunderstood you I think you mixed up CBD and CBN. It's CBN that THC turns into when it oxidizes/degrades/diminishes/becomes less that at peak levels.

I'm not sure if you were saying that a really high CBD strain would be something like Morphine and Morphine is addictive, if you were saying high CBD stains could also be addictive .. or what .. but if so .. they are totally different in their chemical makeup, Morphine - poppies .. addictive ... cannabinoids, whichever one, cannabis .. not addictive,

I much prefer a head high too ... as in a pure sativa even over a cross that is highly sativa in it's makeup. If it has THCV in it ... that's even better .. then it won't have a ceiling and it is like being shot into outer space. To me that's what getting high is all about .... not about having your mind and body numbed to the point where you think you enjoy being bored to death.


the problem is that at week 8, most of the smaller stalks are already showing almost all red hairs, but the taller stalks are not looking like they are close to finish. the lower part of the plants are more mature than the top. i know that there will be a little growth spurt towards the end of their lifecycle, but the tops have stretched about 2 inches and now it looks like the top needs to fill out more. i was under the impression that WW is a 8 wk flower, im going to let it go another 2 wks just in case.
i flushed every week in the beginning of flower, ie the 2 week and the 4th, but ive just readded and topped off since then. im planning on changing the res today to half strength nute, then a few days from that ill change again to just h2o. am i missing something? only a few of the plants are showing any signs of burn, like a couple wilted and dried leaf tips but thats it.
I have one that I believe is a WW now in 13th wk flowering, leaves turning yellow, no powder, but sticky and smelly. The top is about 4" and green like yours. Tried overloading dark hrs, flushing, hydrogen peroxide, CO2, ect. but it just won't finish.
I think it was damaged by faulty molassas treatment, which I believe destroyed two other small plants and damaged a 3rd. :dunce:

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks bricktop, you cleared up alot for me. Unfortunately most company's only provide inflated thc percentages and they are not known for answering emails with any valuable information. I like to research though and now know what to look for. I am alittle confused as to why if a cloudy trich is at peak thc that you would harvest a sativa at only 10% cloudy? Isn't it technically unripe?
My advice to finding information about CBD levels would be to Google medicinal marijuana dispensaries, as many as you have the patience to look through, and if and when you find a strain you have questions about, if the information is not posted on the site, email or call them and ask and see if you can find out the information you want and or need.

Seedbanks only supply information the breeders supply to them. Breeders all want to make themselves look like they have created 'The Holy Grail' and to recreational users, even though they might be ones who to their 'Holy Grail' would need to be very high in CBD, they wrongly believe it will only be found with high levels of THC. So that is how breeders write their advertising copy, or possibly have it written for them, do be the best bait possible to catch as many growers as possible, regardless of their gear not at all being what many of those buyers actually want and instead is only what they think they want.

If a true couch-lock lover ever finally manages to grow a strain that has a true high level of CBD they will only then realize that high levels of THC was everything they ever wanted in a strain, until they discovered what they really wanted in a strain.

If someone wants to see a list of medicinal marijuana sold in Dutch pharmacies, a list that includes percentages of THC, CBD and CBN follow this link. http://www.bedrocaninternational.com/prod/products.php

Look for where is says; "Our cannabis varieties are standardized and clearly labeled for cannabinoid content, including THC (Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD (Cannabidiol), and CBN (Cannabinol). Click here for detailed specifications on Bedrocan’s products." and then click where is says "click here."