

Well-Known Member
Expert gardeners,

I just read an interesting thread and must ask for clarification. The thread mentioned that you can flower early to find the sex and revert back to vegetative state for growth. Do you know this to be the case?

Those who know, please add some light to this topic. In my short experience, I understood the results from such an action would be mixed at best. Please advise.



Well-Known Member
If you wanna determine sex faster, just take clone and put them under 12/12. In a week or so you will know what sex you have. I would not suggest revegging a plant.


Well-Known Member
Expert gardeners,

I just read an interesting thread and must ask for clarification. The thread mentioned that you can flower early to find the sex and revert back to vegetative state for growth. Do you know this to be the case?
You can do it sure, but it's not advisable.

If you think about it, what you're/we're doing is essentially bringing nature indoors and fully controlling all aspects of what nature would normally control. In nature these plants grow vegetatively during the long hot sunny days of summer and when autumn comes and the days grow shorter and the nights longer, this acts as a signal to the plants to start flowering and producing seeds to complete their lifecycle. They're happiest when they're following the normal genetic code that's given to them at birth/germination.

By vegging them and then flowering them and then forcing them back into vegetative growth you're basically confusing the hell out of them and confusion equals stress and stress equals poor growth, poor yields and poor potency and sometimes even hermaphrodites. If you want to get the very best results from the plants, then you have to care for them, respect them and allow them to follow their normal life-cycle without messing with it.

If you want to know the sex of your plants before flowering - take clones about 10-14 days before flowering starts and immediately put them into a 12/12 light cycle, within 10+ days they should start to show signs of sex, but it depends on how old the plants were when you took the clones from, older ones show sex earlier then younger ones.

There are plenty of situtations when knowing what sex plants are is helpful before flowering - when all the plants are fighting for space, it's better to thin out the males and allow the females to get more light, or when you're doing a Scrog grow - much easier to pull the males before you install the scrog than after. But in my experience, within two weeks of flowering, you'll know for sure which plants are male and which are female - it becomes pretty obvious and it's just a question of pulling them before they get a chance to shed pollen.


Well-Known Member
As my little grow is in need of flowering, I will just let them flower and thin out as they develop. I just took the two photos below.

Do you agree it is time to flower?

Thanks.... -ngtybear



Well-Known Member
Thanks. It has been an interesting project. Looking forward to the returns. ;) Today they go on 12/12. I will start a grow log tomorrow. There are 11 plants now and I hope to thin them to 5 or 6 once I can pull the males.

Any thoughts on if their ready to flower?


Well-Known Member
Thanks seedlessone. I just changed the timer. I will change the lights out tonight to 2700k.

Once they sex, I am going to move the light config around a little. I want to move a couple of lights down under the canopy level and free up room to add 4 42w 2700k CFLs for the canopy. I want to fill the light in in the corners.

I will also go over the foil with while poster board for better light reflection.

New grow log starts tomorrow. ;)


Active Member
I have talked to many experienced growers, some of them have pictures of there past crops in issues of hightimes magazine, and they have mentioned that if you do flower then reveg the plants it will cause very little stress if any.


Well-Known Member
i do it all the time. take my moms to be, grown from seed. let them get 10-12 nodes high, throw them in the flower room for a week or so. use a jewlers loupe. DON"T let them get big buds,duh. look for the very first flower. check leaf intersections closely and daily. you see the first 2 hairs throw her back into veg. done. pods it's gone, dead.
take a cutting and it takes 10 days to root them at least another week to show sex. could be 20+ days with a cutting. less then 14 if you just flower the whole plant.
yes you can do it. i do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
Tonight is the first night on 12/12. Just upgraded the lights. Wow, 10 42w CFLs crank out the light. ;) I am starting a thread on flowering with CFLs. I will post todays pictures there.

I will watch them close in either case. The last thing I want is some nasty male seed all over my pretty girls.


New Member

Those plants look great. What were you using for your vegging lights? Thanks ...



Well-Known Member
Thanks Vi,

I vegged with 10 26w 6500k CFLs anb 5 18w Eco-grows. Not sure the Eco-grow did much. Once the CFLs where on it was hard to tell tubes others where on at all or not.

Here's a pic.


Well-Known Member
Lovely crop mate. Have you done anything to keep them small or are you prune/short potting them?


Well-Known Member
They look small because of the way the box is design. Otherwise, they are as natural as it gets. Hope to be able to sex them soon so I can thin them out.