You Know You're a Stoner if....


looking for my fucking god damn one hitter for fucking ever then saying fuck it and go to roll a joint and realize the fuckers been in my mouth the whole time...............



Well-Known Member
You know you're a stoner when...

... Your one dream in life is to drive around all day smoking mad weed, selling it legally, just like you did back in highschool.

:P Goodtimes.


Well-Known Member
........if your sitting on your couch...watching tv with a bag of oreos in your lap...then as a commercial for oreos comes say out loud
"mmm oreos..wish i has some oreos"
forgetting you have a oreo in your hand...then you look at your hand...and smile


Well-Known Member
You know you are a stoner when you smoke a bowl and pull into a busy fast food rest. It's cold so you got the window up and
are crankin' the music. Slowly moving up, rockin some good tunes and you realize you passed the ordering spot... WITHOUT ORDERING!!!
Yup, it happened...


Well-Known Member
U know ur a stoner wen u go downstairs or upstairs 4 somthin, and wen u get ther u totally 4got wat ur there 4.. aahhhh, fucking


Well-Known Member
I know I'm a stoner because here I am at home, no wife or kids (they are out for the day) so I smoked a bowl of my finest after stopping at the news stand for the newest copies of High Times & Weed World.

I swear I searched the house high & low for those magazines & I still couldn't find them. 20 mins later I find them on the back of the toilet where I sat them when I came it.


Real nice..


Active Member
You know your a stoner when your entire christmas list consists of:
Slim Jim 2.0 w/ precooler
7gs Of Kush
and that bee line stuff

I doubt my parents are going to buy me any of that, so I'll go another year of getting bullshit i don't want.


Active Member know you're a stoner when you have names for the places you smoke at, like "The Tree" and "The Woods."
We're always like "Where are we going to smoke?"
the options are always
"The Roof Top" "Old City" "The Alley"
The Roof Top is in the busiest part of our city and it has an ad painted on the wall for a radio station that reads 420 AM - Wims we smoke up there and wave at all the cars and duck when a cop comes. LOL


Active Member
You know you're a stoner when your teacher calls you a "Doper" because you know how many grams there are in an ounce... Awkward day..
Lmao, A subsitute for my physics class was asking us that one day. He was like How many grams in an ounce/ pound/ kilo and we told him fast and he was like "Oh, You guys are good. You know who would know that really good?" we answered "Pot dealers" and then we laughed. He knew what was up lol

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
You know you're a stoner when you jack off and forget to put up your spank spank material and your parents find it.

Happened to me when I was younger:wall:

Lost my 50th anniversary Playboy my bro gave me for my bday and I miss it dearly.

mr west

Well-Known Member
You know you're a stoner when you jack off and forget to put up your spank spank material and your parents find it.

Happened to me when I was younger:wall:

Lost my 50th anniversary Playboy my bro gave me for my bday and I miss it dearly.
girlfriends are much better


Active Member
Yep...I'd have to know you're a stoner when you check the grow forums on Christmas morning!! Wakeybakey!