Can cuttings be stored in the freezer ??

I have an excellent mother plant that I want to harvest and would like to take cuttings from, for cloning at some future date, while I experiment with other strains.

Question: If I store them in the freezer, will they go into a state of suspended-animation (like other plants do in the winter), or will the process of freezing actually destroy the tissues or otherwise render the plant incapable of regeneration when thawed & planted ??


I have read you do NOT want to freeze them. But you fill a zip-lock baggy half full of water, get the "thickest" cuttings u can grab, Put them in the crisper( bottem drawer in the FRIDGE). i heard you can keep em in there up to 6 weeks, but dont quote me on that.

Good Luck



Well-Known Member
you can keep clones in the fridge but not the freezer. I have kept clones alive for months (2) in a fridge, FYI. and they rooted super fast for me...Good luck JR


Active Member
This is a very interesting topic i'd love to do a bit of experimenting when my girls are ready for some cuttings to be taken


New Member
There is a new kind of freezer here in Japan that users magnets or something that prevents crystals or something from happening, anyway they can freeze shit for months and it's as good as fresh. Only used in restaurants and prolly costs something like 100k but in the future who knows, we might be able to freeze clones forever.


Well-Known Member
I have an excellent mother plant that I want to harvest and would like to take cuttings from, for cloning at some future date, while I experiment with other strains.

Question: If I store them in the freezer, will they go into a state of suspended-animation (like other plants do in the winter), or will the process of freezing actually destroy the tissues or otherwise render the plant incapable of regeneration when thawed & planted ??
u may have watched too many sci-fic movies. just a little frost can kill a plant, so how can it survive -25c for 2 weeks? no