Alaska Bloom

Hi all,

I'm a newbie I'm not sure if this question had been asked and I hope i post this in the right place if not please move it to the correct forum or direct me to the link already asked. Ty

I'm growing in soil and if I use the Alaska fertilize bloom, can I mix it with other nutrients when feeding or it can only mix in water when I'm watering? Thank for all your help and Merry X-mas


Well-Known Member
I'm new to the organics too Krazy. I also have the Alaskan Fish 5-1-1 & Morbloom 0-10-10(havn't used it yet). Never mix Nutes together directly! Always mix with water before adding to your Nutrient solution(the water U will use 2 water plant) Using chem ferts with your organics will render your organics useless.


Well-Known Member
I've used Mor Bloom (I had to buy a whole gallon as that was the only size I could find)
It is very acidic (Phosphoric Acid) so watch your PH. I only use it alone for the last half of flowering.
I really can't say if it's safe to mix with other nutrients other than the Fish.
I was mixing it with my 15-30-15 and I was getting nutrient burn or lockout, maybe totally unrelated and more fom the low PH from the Mor Bloom.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Fertilizers can be mixed together. Any fertilizers that can't be mixed together wouldn't both be able to be given to the same plant, because they would mix together in the substrate. Nearly all organic premixed fertilizers are blends of different ferts. No one fertilizer has everything every plant needs, so to feed them what they need, you have to mix ferts.

Only mix fertilizers when you use them. Once mixed with water, their shelf life decreases dramatically so they need to be used immediately. Most mixed ferts can be refrigerated for two weeks but if you can just mix what you need, that's even better. Always alternate fertilizations with plain waterings.

Chemical fertilizers do not normally affect organics.

Fish Emulsion is a great organic fert and Alaska is a decent brand.


Well-Known Member
Fertilizers can be mixed together. Any fertilizers that can't be mixed together wouldn't both be able to be given to the same plant, because they would mix together in the substrate. Nearly all organic premixed fertilizers are blends of different ferts. No one fertilizer has everything every plant needs, so to feed them what they need, you have to mix ferts.

Only mix fertilizers when you use them. Once mixed with water, their shelf life decreases dramatically so they need to be used immediately. Most mixed ferts can be refrigerated for two weeks but if you can just mix what you need, that's even better. Always alternate fertilizations with plain waterings.

Chemical fertilizers do not normally affect organics.

Fish Emulsion is a great organic fert and Alaska is a decent brand.
I hear you M.T. Sorry Krazy if I wasnt clear. I thought & still believe that you were thinking of mixing raw nutes with eachother, no water....NO?
& yes no 1 bottle of nute chem or organic will have all the ladies need from begining to end.
Mothers Finest could you explain this----"Chemical fertilizers do not normally affect organics".
Im new to organics and belived that chemical ferts kill the micro life in your soil? & that organics nutes feed the micro life who in turn do dey thing & provide food to the ladies? So chemicals kill micro, organics have nothing to feed (organics do not feed plant[edit.directly]edit. must be broken down and deficated by microbes? before ladies can uptake)= Useless.....Am I off M.T.????...BsB.


Well-Known Member
P.S ....Can some put up Vol. for the Alaskan plz:) I read somthing like a cap per Gal or Litre... Also has any 1 used Morbloom in some way with the fish mix on LC's soil mix thread? Honestly though this stuff stinks, Ill give it a run and then save for outdoor or something....

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
When I said chemicals don't affect organics, I was just referring to the nutrients you're giving the plants and not how they affect the microbe population. I'm sure I could have said it in a better way. I'm a big believer in the nutrients in organics by themselves. Microbes are helpful but the natural levels of micronutrients in organics also set them apart from most chemicals.

Strong chemicals can indeed kill microorganisms. There are many aspects of that effect to consider, though. First and foremost, chemical fertilizers are often just concentrated versions of nutrients very similar or the same as those found in organics. Secondly, organic ferts have many substances in them that create a healthy growth environment for microorganisms. With organics, the more fertilizer you give them, the more of this healthy growth environment is provided as well, allowing the same amount of a nutrient as chemicals without killing the microbes. So chemicals kill microbes the same way a person would get sick drinking twenty gallons of water in an hour. It's a substance neccesary for us to live, but high concentrations of anything can kill. Even if there are some chemicals in the soil, the microorganisms should be fine as long as there is enough of the "beneficial environment" created by the organics being used. There are still other factors like how mixing chemical ferts into the soil will kill more bugs than diluting them in water first.

Now let me say that I always reccomend organics when available. Some people can't find organic Potassium locally and in rare situations where online ordering isn't an option, they have to buy chemicals. Doing so, however, doesn't mean they have to scrap the whole organic process. Adding some but not too much Muriate of Potash can supply the K that the plants need for flowering while organic teas provide N, P and all micronutes.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Fish Emulsion is usually mixed at 1TBS/gal for mature plants. It can burn fairly easily, compared to most other organic ferts, so use less for very young plants.


Well-Known Member
I use Alaska, but I never mix any other fert in with another. I feed them that, than next time a few days later it's only water, than the next time if they need something else I give them that. Like another poster said, morbloom is quite acidic, so anything else mixed in can screw the ph up even more. That's why I always separate with 1 or more water only feedings. It helps me keep things in check, and when using morbloom, I always add some dolomite lime a bit before to handle the ph issue. If I don't do that, my ph will drop too low.
Thank you all for the info. I do plan to start out with a bit lesser dose than recommend on the label. I also heard you suppose to mix n let it sit 24hrs before use not sure why wonder cus of the fume very strong or serving other purpose.

I have learn quite a bit info in this website but the same time very confusing cus some of the info i had learn is quite conflict.

For example, feeding schedule: One told me I should feed skip a day, water skip a day and feed again however I got another person said, I should feed skip a day, feed again n skip a day, then water and that is a complete week.

So what's the correct way to do so. Thank in advance.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
the correct schedule is watever works for you. It oesn't always work out like I plan for me sometimes the plants don't need a watering so watering it just to water doesn't seem to make sense to me. I would try out every other watering an see how that works for you. I got some of that fertilizer but haven't used it yet I plan to use it at the end since I use other fertilizers. Mine is 0-10-0 so I assume u need some other fertilizer to provide the other nutes and maybe secondary nutes this I am using for an added boost in flowering.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Krazy if my response was conflicting. Mothers Finest I feel really cleard it up. I'm very new to organics and maybe should have kept my fingers quiet(;...Fussing with bottles & measurements is part of the reason I wanted to go organic. Amending my soil and just watering is what im looking for, that & a cleaner, tastier smoke. Sorry Krazy. I'm not gonna touch your feeding schedual question, although, I do have an idea I'm just not sure if it applies to organics as it would to chems.

& shout outs to Mother & Purple for the info...BsB.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the info. I do plan to start out with a bit lesser dose than recommend on the label. I also heard you suppose to mix n let it sit 24hrs before use not sure why wonder cus of the fume very strong or serving other purpose.

I have learn quite a bit info in this website but the same time very confusing cus some of the info i had learn is quite conflict.

For example, feeding schedule: One told me I should feed skip a day, water skip a day and feed again however I got another person said, I should feed skip a day, feed again n skip a day, then water and that is a complete week.

So what's the correct way to do so. Thank in advance.
It's all personal preference, some people do it in different patterns, not every situation is exactly the same. There's not one way that is the end all be all. Do what feels right or works best for you. Just as long as you never over do it, you will be fine.
Thank again for all the help.

BagSeedBoy, please feel free to share your thought and experience. After all I'm still learning and open to suggestion.