Gumballs CMH Powered PC


Well-Known Member
man im with cd, that bud on a stick is great. its bout time for me to transplant to. probably sunday or monday when i chop the rest of blueberry. what kind of soin are you using again?


Well-Known Member
man im with cd, that bud on a stick is great. its bout time for me to transplant to. probably sunday or monday when i chop the rest of blueberry. what kind of soin are you using again?
i am using miracle gro potting soil mixed 65ish / 35ish perlite. trying to keep it simple, and everything has liked it so far!!

Can't wait to see how they react to the new containers! Lookin' good!
thanks H&P, i cant either. i am gonna have to take some clones soon though, and I gotta get the PC going again and start flowering something soon :wall: i am having fun getting all these things going too :D

[QUOTE="SICC";5080149]Yeah she is lookin better :)[/QUOTE]

thanks SICC, i'm gonna keep an eye on her though :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
go ahead and harvest that bud on a stick... smoke it... give areport and let us know how fucked up you get off it... please... just pray for a seed homie... if it was meant to be, you.ll get lucky... right?


Well-Known Member
go ahead and harvest that bud on a stick... smoke it... give areport and let us know how fucked up you get off it... please... just pray for a seed homie... if it was meant to be, you.ll get lucky... right?
you know thats exactly what I was thinking yesterday!!! but I had a busy day and didnt get to it. i doubt it will get me high. once the process goes beyond ripeness this long, 10-11 weeks flower, the potency greatly diminishes. I think i will harvest it after breafast and go ahead and break it up and dig for a hopeful seed. thanks micro!!


Well-Known Member
well the reveg is gone, and there was no seed found. oh well, makes me wish I had been able to keep her even more. probably got about 2 grams off her, she was already dried up. high is pretty stony but not harsh, and still enjoyable. I also regained her real estate so I plan to take some more clones :)

i figured out my temp problems. my exhaust was heating up the air to much that was intake. I had already removed the wood panel on the back, but even being around 5 inches off the wall over heated the bacinet. once I pulled it about 9 inches off the wall temps went down 2-3 points, and that is with lowering fan voltage to get more silence. I will probably update today or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i cut her down. she was CRISP :fire: she smoked good right off the stick. you know they say anything on a stick is good!! i was sad to do it, but she has been there since thanksgiving I think so if she was gonna reveg she would have done something by now. :cry: maybe one day I will find her again!!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, to bad, you could have dipped her chocolate and deep fried her, LoL. thats what she made me think of, like at the fair, LoL.


Active Member
Nah! She knew she had all to give and she just surprised you with a little after Christmas smoke. Do not forsake the millennial wisdom of the female marijuana plant! :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
what was the stoned like compared to the rest of the harvest? just curious...
it was a bit more stoney than the rest.

sorry for the lack of updates. been a bit busy fixing my temp problems. worked like a champ, expanded the cabinets floor twice as much as before and left some side vents so that it can breath some fresh air away from the exhausted air. temps are 87'ish right at the light, and i added a 13 watt CFL and it only raised the temps to 90. you can see my temp sensor in the full cabinet shot a few inches the the right of the light, and it is much cooler lower down. i like to check my worst case scenario and go from there. the canopy is at 82'ish. and there are the clones in the shady corner. i have taken 3 more. i think i killed the first one. left the dome off a bit long. it has roots, i will leave it for now and see.
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Here is the royal kush. she has done well with the transplant, but needs a feeding kinda badly. i have a mix ready for her and the sativa mom both. they both feel like they will need water by tomorrow so i will feed them then. took 2 clones from her.

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here is the lemon skunk. seems to be going good. been given it more and more nutes. she is up to 50% strength.

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here are the newest 2 together. lemon skunk on left and gifted indica on right, it will be 2 weeks from seed thursday.

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here is where I have been experimenting with supercropping. dont know if you can see the swollen spots of not. did this on some of the RUNT sativa branches as well. everything I pinched and bent was back up right by days end, so no harm at least :hump:

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here is the gifted indica again. i really like the leaves and color on this one. i have been feeding it well to keep the colors since my other plants have been showing deficiencies. I am gonna start uping the nutes much more if they keep showing me they are starving :D

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here is the sativa mom, aka the RUNT. I took one more clone from her 2, a pretty big one with 5-6 nodes, hoping this goes better. cleaned everyting with alcohol, cut at angle, scraped, etc. :wink: i think this is either a KC x Brazil from Attitude (sativa) or a TNR hybrid showing her sativa pheno from attitude as well. I mixed up the seeds and this one barely survived and now is a beast, for such a small container plant. i cant wait to sample her. these were gifted as well, from a nearbye donor. if that donor should want a clone of this fem let me know, but I aint seen you trolling on here lately :mrgreen:

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once these clones root and show a little growth i am going to flower them and the party cups. I start the PC up and put the moms in there, and take more clones. i think come march I will be taking clones for some outdoor geurilla growing.

yall have a great night :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hell yea, looks good. The Royal Kush looks happier from the up-canning. I can see the swollen stem more on one pic. That Indica does look familiar. Room to spread out sounds great.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea, looks good. The Royal Kush looks happier from the up-canning. I can see the swollen stem more on one pic. That Indica does look familiar. Room to spread out sounds great.
thanks daniels, the stems are getting real thick now!! hopefully they are ready for food shortly :D

dam, you got shit everywhere, LoL, looking good man!!
yeah, i like my garden. it is a lot of work having all these different plants, but enjoyable!!