fist time grow


hi guys and girls. heres a few pics of my set up and grow so far. As its my first time growing im only doing 2 plants. i have 2 white widow from seedling under 600watt mh bulb 18/6. i have a 4" cold air intake and a 6" outake with temperature control. also in the room is 2 7" desk fans to circulate the air and a humidifier. plants seem to be doing fine but have noticed a couple of brown spots on 1 leaf and the tip of another leaf looks brownish?? this is only happening on 1 plant since i have transplanted it. but apart from that they look ok, well i think they ate?

hope these links work


The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
That could be spider mites...everything looks good though...take a VERY close look at the tops and bottoms of the leaves...


thank the ruiner i shall keep a close eye on that. am i just looking for spiders then? and if it is spider mites are they easy to get rid of?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
thank the ruiner i shall keep a close eye on that. am i just looking for spiders then? and if it is spider mites are they easy to get rid of?
First identify them if they are...find a magnifying glass or something to look closer.

But they are very small and look similar to spiders, and they leave a light webbing as well.

They can be a bitch and a half to get rid of, but if you act sooner than later your chances of getting rid of them are better. By the looks of it, you are doing well by keeping a close eye on them...continue to do so throughout the grow, even when the buds are stealing your eye, check the leaves...


Active Member
That could be spider mites...everything looks good though...take a VERY close look at the tops and bottoms of the leaves...
I've got a sharp monitor, but cannot see any evidence of spider mites. The bore holes from the pacific two spot spider mite is so small that it appears to be a but pin prick. The only blemishes I see are way too big to be mites.

What are you seeing that I am not?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I've got a sharp monitor, but cannot see any evidence of spider mites. The bore holes from the pacific two spot spider mite is so small that it appears to be a but pin prick. The only blemishes I see are way too big to be mites.

What are you seeing that I am not?
I said that because the holes were from underneath the leaves which usually means there are pests...


hi guys here is a few more pics of my grow now in to its 3rd week of veg. plants look as though there doing fine some tips of the leaves have started to curl?? not sure why this has happened. i have had to change the reflector to an air cooled as the temp in the room increased by a few degree's and i could not get it down so opted for this new cover and it is working a treat. am looking to change bulbs in the next week to the hps 600watt and change the cycle to 12/12.
