Why still that "green", "plant" smell after drying?

joe bad

just an annoying noob question

i have a plant im planning on chopping on tuesday.. so last week i took a little bud just to try

i dryed it until the outside of the bud was dry and the inside still a little moist

..it still had the "green" smell so i put it in a airtight jar opening the jar everyday and the smell never went away

i took it out of the jar and broke it into smaller buds and let it dry fully to smoke

still the smell never went away... it got me high but im worried about the rest of the plant smelling like that when i chop it...
it didnt have a chemical taste just that green plant taste

Did i do something wrong?

this is a pic of the plant 7 days ago..


and the bud on the left is the bud i took


any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you didn't let it dry properly before putting it in an air tight container. You want the smaller stems to snap rather than bend before sealing it up. My partner, everytime, wants to seal our stuff up before it's time cos he doesn't want to 'lose the weight'. He puts some of his in a jar two days before I do, and his always develops that fermented "hay bail" smell.


Well-Known Member
Next time flush them good, 3 weeks just water.I dry 2 ways,I either hang the buds until there crisp on the outside,or clip each nug off,and put them in box.After there crisp,I toss them in a paper bag.When they feel dry,I then toss them in a glass jar.I check 1 week later,usually they got perfect moisture,since I let them get nice and dry in the bag.The key is to make sure there perfectly dry,before you jar them.If you don't dry them correctly,and put them in a jar,then leave them in the jar for while,you run the risk of losing the buds aroma.The bud might also get moldy.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Next time flush them good, 3 weeks just water.I dry 2 ways,I either hang the buds until there crisp on the outside,or clip each nug off,and put them in box.After there crisp,I toss them in a paper bag.When they feel dry,I then toss them in a glass jar.I check 1 week later,usually they got perfect moisture,since I let them get nice and dry in the bag.The key is to make sure there perfectly dry,before you jar them.If you don't dry them correctly,and put them in a jar,then leave them in the jar for while,you run the risk of losing the buds aroma.The bud might also get moldy.
Do you really flush for 3 weeks with just water? Or was that a typo? That is crazy long. But just because something is not the way I do it, does not mean it will not work well for someone else. I usually only flush for 5-7 days. But I use Coco for a growing medium. As soon as I run clean PH'd water threw it, it is cleared out of nutrients and salts and such. I do add molasses or Sweet while I flush though.


Well-Known Member
everyone does it a different way. i dont let the stem snap i wait till the outside is dry and the stem bends...and then paper bag and then into jars..


Active Member
usually if i get that hay smell its past the point of no return but not always true but if its dank nugs it always smells like dank nugs curing dosent make more thc just for a smoother smoke


Well-Known Member
have you thought about trying different ways that work for you. it does depend on air flow/humidity and temps. so how about you take your harvest and split it up into three ways of drying/curing see which one is best for where you are. it will all still be smoke able.
Yeah its all about the cure , the taste and smoothness as well the most inportant part the high and lenght it lasts. I like to hang in a cool dark room under70 degrees for 20 days no fans. then pick up the heat for a day , cool again then trim all the fine leaf off , its cured proper now to to make hash or grease. bag and jar for another few days airing it eachday. then try that !

joe bad

Yeah its all about the cure , the taste and smoothness as well the most inportant part the high and lenght it lasts. I like to hang in a cool dark room under70 degrees for 20 days no fans. then pick up the heat for a day , cool again then trim all the fine leaf off , its cured proper now to to make hash or grease. bag and jar for another few days airing it eachday. then try that !

thanks alot


Well-Known Member
You are such a fucking bitch do you know that? I tell a guy to remove leafs on one plant and not on the other so he knows and you jump on me but wannabe can't tell the guy how to fucking dry his weed and you call it good advice. Sad man, just sad.

JF is right about this.On certain strains ya really dont have to worry as much about Chlorophyll.Other weaker herb like Sweet Tooth has to have all the leaves removed or you will end up with Grass that tastes like Grass.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
JF is right about this.On certain strains ya really dont have to worry as much about Chlorophyll.Other weaker herb like Sweet Tooth has to have all the leaves removed or you will end up with Grass that tastes like Grass.
Where did Japanfreak give any advice? He is just flaming. He wants a guy to strip off all the leafs on one of his plants on another thread. He says you will get better yield this way.

Anyway, Yes different strains do cure differently, But mainly your enviroment will be different then some people. So you need to figure out your own length of time and style. People can only give you the basics. It is like listening to someone tell you to add nutrients until your ppm is like 1,200 or what ever. Different strains, nutrients all of these things can make the required PPM needed different.

And JapanFreak. People might listen to you, if you stop being such a rude, insulting little prick all the time.


shawarma king
Look how green she is! It looks like she's been fed plenty of N right until the end. I don't have any advice, I just want to make an observation: intuitively I imagine a plant that green at harvest is going to require some special care to remove any "fresh" live plant taste.

But what the hell do I know. I'd probably just microwave it for 30 sec 'n smoke it.


Well-Known Member
There have been lots of good points made by many so far, just my two cents. Since I have moved to this place to grow which is terribly humid and rainy and in turn harvest buds prematurally because of mold concerns the following to be true for me. Drying and curing bud with lots of green left in it comes down to a very long and slow drying period, most of mine hang for 3 weeks or longer, but this is because of my weather. The slower it is able to dry the more chemical reactions you will have occur prior to curing were the final ones take place. The chorophyll is broken down slowly which is the grassy smell and taste. The more green you have the longer curing you have to endure for this to fully finish and your smell and taste to return.
You are going to have to try several methods to find the one which you like, gives you the best results and easiest to accomplish. It will take many harvests before you find what is best for you. Just keep trying and learning.
Happy Growing btw beautiful girl.