1st grow or last. Will need help, so tag along.


1 plant was transplanted fine, 2nd i f'd up because some of the bottom roots got torn, will this really fk the plant up?


Well-Known Member
It all depends on how many you torn and how bad. You should be fine though, it my look like it's dying in a day or two but that could be from the new stress and shock from the torn roots. This will slow its growth compared to the other plant you got going on. Keep us up dated!


Have another problem, the 2nd plant looks like something was eating away on 1 of the fan leafs. 1st plant still has the yellowing bottom leafs.

Pics in a minute.


Well-Known Member
They'll be alright. The soil looks dryed out. Give them babies a drink of water. SOunds like your being over protective of them. Alot of noobs kill their plants because they think a ton of work is required to grow them so they constantly over compensate for mistakes they think they are making.. They are weeds and will live so long as you let them be. Give them light and water them when the first inch or 2 of soil is dry. I check on my grow operation once a day. I water every 2-3 days and adjust lights. They do all the rest =)


?s- when should I start using nutes and which kind?
when should I really start worrying about humidity? so I can go buy the humidifier

PART_1293475164172.jpgPART_1293475292771.jpga.jpgPART_1293475213476.jpg how do they look so far?


Well-Known Member
every plant has different characteristics just like humans. i remember my first grow it wasnt the best but after each grow u take away new knowledge from it. i had grows done completely with cfls after people told me it couldnt be done.


Well-Known Member
i know alot of people dont lke usin it but i use miracle grow the powder form just general plant food i use it at half strength when the plants reach 2 months old cause i use soil that has nutes in it so at the 2 month mark is when it runs out. then for flowering i use dyna gro bloom. as for humidity i was in a 2x2x4 box i use to just put a cup of water where it had access to light and that helped with mine. i also use piss diluted 8oz to 1 gallon water for nitrogen boost during veg.


Well-Known Member
?s- when should I start using nutes and which kind?
when should I really start worrying about humidity? so I can go buy the humidifier

View attachment 1348045View attachment 1348037View attachment 1348036View attachment 1348038 how do they look so far?
How's it going man,
I use happy frog also, They said there's enough nutes to last 6 weeks before you have to start nuteing. After the 4-5 week I give a very low dose of Veg nutes. Normaly half a table spoon of veg nutes 2 times every week. After the gallon is up I'll do a table spoon per gallon. The leaves will tell you when you need to start nute's. You look good for now but I'd get them in some bigger pot's.
They say a gallon per foot but I like to go one gallon bigger just to give it more room. I use now 5 gallon buckets just because I'll never have to trans from start to end. It's alot of room for the roots which will give you bigger results. If your growing in the house I wouldnt worry about humidity too much at least I dont, if your keeping it a small fast grow. If you want some moisture in the air get a glass of water at sit it next to it that will be fine enough.

Their looking good!!! I don't put to much thinking into it. Once you start over thinking you'll screw something up.


Well-Known Member
there looking good man... just put them lilttle ones in a 5 gallon bucket and you are good to go. i always start with a party cup, and after 2-3 weeks, i move them to the 5 gal, i only transplant once and dont have to worry about it again. theres no point to transplant from party cup, to 1 gal, then 3 gal, then 5 gal like some ppl do, its very stupid to do that when u dont need to. after u trantsplant your little ones into a 5gal, u will be able to use your nutes. a very good nute to use in veg is liquid fish, you should pick some of that up, and of course super-thrive but im sure you know that.