Tmv???? Is that what my plants have?


TMV is a plant virus that is usually transmitted by smoking cigs in the grow room. It will stunt growth and deform plants. DO NOT SMOKE CIGS NEAR PLANTS! Cig smoke will stick to the leaves and "suffocate" them. I dont know if that is ur prob, but if it is, u need to gently wash them and pray.
No thats not the prob, I just have a weird yellowing of the leaves... And a pic I found of Tmv is very close... It may be low on N...


Well-Known Member
TMV is a plant virus that is usually transmitted by smoking cigs in the grow room. It will stunt growth and deform plants. DO NOT SMOKE CIGS NEAR PLANTS! Cig smoke will stick to the leaves and "suffocate" them. I dont know if that is ur prob, but if it is, u need to gently wash them and pray.
i dont smoke anymore,but did smoke 2 packs a day in the same room,i dont see any difference....what does TMV stand for