poll: from your experience or research what would u consider the best three strains ?


Well-Known Member
going on my third year or more now, got a pretty good regimen going and am pretty sure i grow the best in my town now. people trip out when they see my weed and im always gettin "you grew this? damn get down" or somthing familiar. anyways i used to go get clones every time but i eventually found out some clones suck and u never really know what ur gettin. some are great but then they are sittin next to somthing not so great who decides to pop bananas before i knew what they were. so after getting tired of trying to find good clones i decided to make my own. so i cloned every strain i had, about 5 flavors. grew out the mothers and ended up with two favorites, mango and master kush. im currently on my 3rd round with these two winners the mango is such a great producer easy cloner and smells and looks wonderful. my master on the other hand is harder to clone much less yielder but looks like it came from space with its deep purple and so much trichs that make it almost seem like it has mold and has that kushy ushy taste and a wicked sage like smell in the air when lit. so enough of that..... im looking to expand my favs list any suggestions from some people that know whats the latest greatest. oh yeah im in cali so a trip to san fran, oakland or L.A is no big deal if you got the scoop of a club with the best thanks for all responses



Well-Known Member
asking peoples opinion on this will only make it harder to choose! everyone has their own favorites..and choosing top three lol thats even harder


Well-Known Member
my favorite to date has been a super silver haze. However, I've had several of the same strain from other sources that were disappointing. I've had some incredible chemdog too, as well as NL, trainwreck, ambrosia, blue dream, blue diesel, and many more. There are many many very potent strains though, with environment playing a big factor in results. Odor, taste, look, etc, are all things which are more opinion than something discernible. There are many many smoke reports here and on other related sites (some linked from seed retailers and breeder sites). Get a feeling for what you like and the terminology used to describe the different aspects of a smoke, and see what corresponds to what you seek. If you have experience with any named strains you can use that as a baseline and look for reports that mention strains you know, then compare those to strains you don't and try out something new :)


Well-Known Member
We have 8 strains going at all times right now with future plans to expand further as our co-op grows larger,the one thats a favorite of mine is Top 44 Skunk but be prepared to deal with the smell,right from seed the plants start to stink,12 little ass seedlings will stink to hi heaven,12 plants in heavy bud will have the neighbors on the next block looking for a skunk patch.


Well-Known Member
i think i grew that and was dissapointed but i think it was from bc seed co and that might have been the reason why. i also got hermies from them
my favorite to date has been a super silver haze. However, I've had several of the same strain from other sources that were disappointing. I've had some incredible chemdog too, as well as NL, trainwreck, ambrosia, blue dream, blue diesel, and many more. There are many many very potent strains though, with environment playing a big factor in results. Odor, taste, look, etc, are all things which are more opinion than something discernible. There are many many smoke reports here and on other related sites (some linked from seed retailers and breeder sites). Get a feeling for what you like and the terminology used to describe the different aspects of a smoke, and see what corresponds to what you seek. If you have experience with any named strains you can use that as a baseline and look for reports that mention strains you know, then compare those to strains you don't and try out something new :)


Well-Known Member
Anything I've grown has been a lot better than the crap/brick weed around here....among my favs to grow and smoke are la woman, pineapple express, pure skunk, lemon skunk, lsd, lowryder 2, lowlife hindu kush....adn the list grows monthly.


Well-Known Member
im really wanting somthing that tastes crazy. my kush is always great tasting so distinct of a taste but ive yet to grow somthing else that stands out as much as kush the mango and sweet and sour were pretty good but the taste is not near as prominent as kush


Well-Known Member
Anything I've grown has been a lot better than the crap/brick weed around here....among my favs to grow and smoke are la woman, pineapple express, pure skunk, lemon skunk, lsd, lowryder 2, lowlife hindu kush....adn the list grows monthly.
like i said its been 3 years for me now and i could make a long list if i wanted of some great stuff i grew. but with growing ive learned theres good and theres insane. over a year ago i put a post out like this and that how i discovered my mango strain and was lucky to find it at the local dispensary. all my friend are all about the kush kush kush but ive turned them on to the mango and now some like it better than the kush its def more stoney


Well-Known Member
Papaya - Despite the silly name and the "reviews", it tastes absolutely nothing like a papaya (or a mango.) Super fast acting stuff!!

Master Kush - Any time of day stuff. No catatonic freeze, no 1/2 hour buzz.

Aurora Indica - When you just don't want to dilly around with toking up. Pass it around, and nobody will be sober.


Well-Known Member
ny purple diesel.. grows fast and every pheno is purple. also it has the power of the diesel behind it so its for sure strait fire.
and of course chem dawg.. wow now that burns my nose when i toke it


Active Member
im really wanting somthing that tastes crazy. my kush is always great tasting so distinct of a taste but ive yet to grow somthing else that stands out as much as kush the mango and sweet and sour were pretty good but the taste is not near as prominent as kush
flavors are all preference, but some of my favorites of right now are:
-chem #4
-pandora's box
-s.a.g.e. (really want to try the wreckage)

all are extremely flavorful in their own ways. chem is a real piney pleasure, and to me the most mouth watering of the three, but like i said it's all personal.


Well-Known Member
im mean in the sense that when u smoke it u can really taste it and it leave a nice flav in the throat
flavors are all preference, but some of my favorites of right now are:
-chem #4
-pandora's box
-s.a.g.e. (really want to try the wreckage)

all are extremely flavorful in their own ways. chem is a real piney pleasure, and to me the most mouth watering of the three, but like i said it's all personal.