Spider Mites late in flower


Well-Known Member
I am starting week 7 of Flowering and am starting to notice spider mites. What can I do to control them for the next two weeks? I was told to lightly spay them with Sierra Natural Science 217. Wont spraying them with anything contribute to mold?


Gl mate, i had the same issue. Ended up losing most of my second plant to bud rot, though i did kill the mites it seems. Make sure you have lots of ventilation if you try to spray em. Hang up some Hot Shot No Pest Strips, it might control em a little.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
If you just noticed them and only have two weeks to go, you gotta live with them. They will leave the buds when you hang them to dry.
Your going to need to COMPLETELY clean and sterilize your room. Wash everything down with bleach water, including the walls, floor, and ceiling.
I had a bad case of the mites and I ended up using a yard fogger with straight malathion. That shit isn't made to fog, stinks like hell, and you will want to wear a painters respirator at the least. That killed every bug in the room, but it melted the fogger tank after a few days so if you do this, empty and rinse the tank out good.
The smell will go away in a few days but it killed every bug in the basement including pet fleas.
Safer way, two parts water one part bleach in a garden sprayer and spray everything down and then toss in a few bug bombs. Try not to bleach spray anything metal as the bleach will cause metal to tarnish/rust.
Get in, spray, and get out as that water/bleach mixture will feel like tear gas. Repeat a couple of times and then bug bomb, let set for a day and then ventilate out the room. My room is sealed so I needed to run my Carbon filter to clean out the air.
Good luck!