Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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Getting a lot of good pointers from you. I was curious about when you start to train the plants under the screen. How long in veg?


you obviously aint getting that many good pointers from him, especially if you asking about a screen.

i dont even think al b fuct even mentioned a screen thru out this whole thread...
I doubt I could get away with that level of energy usage in an apartment. I wonder what kind of yield, or surface coverage I could expect with one 1000 watter and a light mover?

50W/sq ft of HPS is a good rule of thumb. A 1000 HPS will thus cover 20 sq ft. 4'x5' is a practical size with a good batwing reflector.

I'm not overfond of light movers; in the end it is all down to the amount of light energy put down per sf. If the light only spends 50% of its time over a given spot, it is putting down 50% of the energy it would if not moving. You can reasonably expect 50% of the yield than if the light were stationary. All light movers do is even out growth over an area really too large for a particular lamp. Movers do prevent 'pyramiding' or prolific growth near the light with progressively reducing vigor as distance increases. Growth will be even with a mover, but more sparse and buds less dense across all plants than if the lamp is used over fewer plants in a smaller area. The overall yield will be roughly similar. However, I consider bud density very important to final quality- this is sacrificed to some degree with movers.
I am not sure but I do not think anyone should be trying a grow op in an apartment. Bad news from what I have heard. Maybe like one or two stashed plants...
I grew in apartments for years. It's a lot harder to do as utter silence and scent control are paramount, but it can be done. A single family house is a lot easier, especially if there's some appreciable distance between you & neighbours.

I once ran a nice walk-in closet grow, about 30 plants in SoG, but it was hard to ventilate without the ability to cut holes in the ceiling to vent into an attic ('twas a lower floor unit). I removed the closet door and put in a sheet of plywood with input and output vent grilles. The room it was attached to had forced air heating and cooling, providing fresh CO2 to that room to be cycled into the grow. It still suffered from excessive humidity problems from time to time as it was possible for the exhaust air to be cycled directly back into the op, but it worked reasonably well.
Getting a lot of good pointers from you. I was curious about when you start to train the plants under the screen. How long in veg?


What screen? What veg?

You sure you intended to reply to this thread?

This is a SoG not a ScrOG. No screen and zero veg time- clones go straight in to flower as soon as they have a good spray of roots.

you obviously aint getting that many good pointers from him, especially if you asking about a screen.

i dont even think al b fuct even mentioned a screen thru out this whole thread...

I have, but not in relation to what I'm doing. I have talked about ScrOG in more general terms- and why I don't do it!
I am not sure but I do not think anyone should be trying a grow op in an apartment. Bad news from what I have heard. Maybe like one or two stashed plants...

oh no? :blsmoke:


sorry to intrude al b...

but i just wanted to show some basic apartment growing...

the key is... make sure you can completely take down and hide everything... including plants... within 24 hours notice =]

i've had half a dozen inspections since starting growing not even a year ago... and i'm still around :hump::mrgreen:

al b once i have the moms availible i'm going to be setting up a SOG in hempy buckets... so this thread has been invaluable to me... gracias mi amigo
the key is... make sure you can completely take down and hide everything... including plants... within 24 hours notice =]

'Twas about 1993-4... I built a very large, wardrobe-sized lockable grow box from plywood, framed in 2x2 with screws & glue, stuck it in a walk-in closet. It was disguised by cutting up some old footlockers and putting the panels on the growbox to make it look like a stack of... well, old footlockers. :D Inspectors were entitled to look in my closet but not in my "storage containers." Never had them look in the closet but never took the risk of moving plants out of the apt prior to an inspection, either. Much scarier, IMNSFHO.

Still massively preferable to have a single-family house and some distance cushion between you & the neighbours.
'Twas about 1993-4... I built a very large, wardrobe-sized lockable grow box from plywood, framed in 2x2 with screws & glue, stuck it in a walk-in closet. It was disguised by cutting up some old footlockers and putting the panels on the growbox to make it look like a stack of... well, old footlockers. :D Inspectors were entitled to look in my closet but not in my "storage containers." Never had them look in the closet but never took the risk of moving plants out of the apt prior to an inspection, either. Much scarier, IMNSFHO.

Still massively preferable to have a single-family house and some distance cushion between you & the neighbours.

so you have been doing this for a long time... you ever get popped or come close to it?
'Twas about 1993-4... I built a very large, wardrobe-sized lockable grow box from plywood, framed in 2x2 with screws & glue, stuck it in a walk-in closet. It was disguised by cutting up some old footlockers and putting the panels on the growbox to make it look like a stack of... well, old footlockers. :D Inspectors were entitled to look in my closet but not in my "storage containers." Never had them look in the closet but never took the risk of moving plants out of the apt prior to an inspection, either. Much scarier, IMNSFHO.

Still massively preferable to have a single-family house and some distance cushion between you & the neighbours.

one time i moved plants outta here....
that was an experience... shoved them into rubbermaid storage containers, into the trunk of a car, and over to another growing friends house... got them back later that week =]

i panicked though... thought, shit, i need to get these things outta here...

since then they have just been covered by boxes and i threw shit over them... or put the sideways in my dresser drawers... haha

its as easy as tearing down stapled up panda plastic, and having enough emtpy storage containers around the place to fit a whole grow into... haha...

now that i'm only doing vegging, it makes that part of the issue a lot easier...

i won't be flowering again until i get my own house..
... and a proper carbon filter =]
wow............quite the informative thread. Im impressed.

I think what Cali Gurl was asking though was how to go about building your own hydro setup from non KIT parts.

Like what kind of pumps, timers and lines and etc etc.

Hell Im even half interested. My biggest hangup on that type of set up is that I know for a fact Id have to mail order in all the rockwool flec to use all the time.

I literally live 2 weeks from anywhere when it comes to technology.

Oh and BTW........slightly off topic but does anyone have a link to DWC that is good for instructions?

I cant seem to get my head around the fact that you can submerge the root mass in the water/nute solution and not drown your plant.
Who are all these "inspectors" that you all are speaking of? Are you saying that based on electricity consumption you had investigators round the apartment? Or are you referring to landlords doing maintenance and what not in the place? Please help, you all are scaring me!
Man I love the set up. This is probably the best thread seen so far. I am about to attempt my first major grow and going to try and mirror your style.:mrgreen: Do you think setting up my first major grow would would be ok using your style or starting out with easier like soil would be a better idea. Id rather set something up, maintain it properly, and get fresh bud every two weeks. :joint:
so you have been doing this for a long time... you ever get popped or come close to it?

Never, not once- and it's not down to luck. Good security requires reviewing all processes not just once but periodically.

one time i moved plants outta here....
that was an experience... shoved them into rubbermaid storage containers, into the trunk of a car, and over to another growing friends house... got them back later that week =]

eek. Lotsa opportunities for badness.

wow............quite the informative thread. Im impressed.

I think what Cali Gurl was asking though was how to go about building your own hydro setup from non KIT parts.

Like what kind of pumps, timers and lines and etc etc. Hell Im even half interested.

Air and water pumps are plain old aquarium types, get 'em at pet shops, hardware stores, some bigger discount & variety stores. Timers are also plain old sorts available at any hardware store. I use HD mechanical timers rated for heaters and aircon units with the lights. The downside to mechanical timers is that they usually only allow a minimum 15 min 'on' time. I use digital timers for water pumps as they can be set for any time period. My water pumps only run for about 3-4 mins per cycle. Lines are just pieces of cut garden hose. Nothing special here; that's why I haven't written anything about it.

My biggest hangup on that type of set up is that I know for a fact Id have to mail order in all the rockwool flec to use all the time.

I literally live 2 weeks from anywhere when it comes to technology.
You could alternatively use perlite or similar but you'd need to put a knee-hi stocking over the pot.

Oh and BTW........slightly off topic but does anyone have a link to DWC that is good for instructions?

I cant seem to get my head around the fact that you can submerge the root mass in the water/nute solution and not drown your plant.
As long as there's a feed from an air pump constantly pushing air through a stone or bubble curtain, that's all the roots need. DWC grows should have redundant air pumps. Roots will drown in just a few hours if a pump fails.

Who are all these "inspectors" that you all are speaking of? Are you saying that based on electricity consumption you had investigators round the apartment? Or are you referring to landlords doing maintenance and what not in the place? Please help, you all are scaring me!

Landlords... periodic property inspections... etc.

Man I love the set up. This is probably the best thread seen so far. I am about to attempt my first major grow and going to try and mirror your style.:mrgreen: Do you think setting up my first major grow would would be ok using your style or starting out with easier like soil would be a better idea. Id rather set something up, maintain it properly, and get fresh bud every two weeks. :joint:

Thanks for the compliment.

I would not use soil in a SoG op. Messy, heavy, hard to dispose of, significant productivity penalty as opposed to even the most basic flood hydro op. I suppose you could get started in soil, but when you get it really running, you'll then be on the learning curve again when you start running it in hydro... which ain't too sharp if you can just keep some basic parameters right. Remember, SoG depends on growing a larger number of smaller plants; you tend to have a lot of pots of media or soil to dispose of when harvesting is done.
You may not want to answer, but can you elaborate on your response to security. I know not telling anyone about the op is probably the most important, and maybe video cameras. I guess what Im saying is I want to do this the safest way possible. I live in Cali and I dont have any kids or wife etc etc. So what five things do you recommend are the most important within security perameters. The only thing that scares me is the amount of electricity being used (generator maybe but expensive). What five things do you recommend.
i dont know if you talked about this but do you use a lot of CO2 for your plants and if so do you run the tanks constantly??:blsmoke:
ISo what five things do you recommend are the most important within security perameters. The only thing that scares me is the amount of electricity being used (generator maybe but expensive). What five things do you recommend.

1. Stealth! Don't make it easy for anyone to accidentally find your op. Your op should make no noise audible where a passerby (esp meter readers) may hear it. Light leaks are a dead giveaway, but so are windows covered in black plastic. Use some sense and make it look natural. You must control scents if you live anywhere near civilisation. Centrif blowers pushing into carbon filters and UV ionisers are the go. Scent masking agents are giveaways if used inappropriately. If your grow is in a garage, an emergency scent mask might be paint thinner instead of mothballs. Use the mothballs to hide a closet grow. Carbon filters & ionisers actually destroy the scent and are far preferred, though carbon filters require periodic renewal of the activated carbon.

2. Information security: You know the old saying, three can keep a secret if two are dead. Don't smoke stogies when everyone else is dry. Pretend your op isn't there- talk about it here, nowhere else- and stay anonymous. Don't make direct email contact with people from cannabis boards, this one included. Don't EVER mail order seeds to the grow address... and never, ever use your own name with the seedbank. Pay cash at the hydro shop. Leave no paper trails. Dispose of grow op wastes smartly. Rootballs and old media can be bagged and go in common rubbish collection- remove any leaf material from the media. Leaf trimmings should be composted- evidence is gone in a week and you don't 'perfume' your rubbish bins. Lots of busts happen when leaf waste is disposed of in common rubbish. If you can't compost, dry your leaf waste, possibly with warm grow room exhaust air, crush it up to make it less identifiable, sprinkle it on lawns or gardens, water it in with the hose. Gone.

3. Social engineering: Be a normal neighbour. Not noisy, not needlessly nice- just keep a quiet, ordinary place. No 5 minute visitors, especially not late at night.

4. Electrical safety: Don't draw more than 80% of the rating of a circuit, i.e. no more than 16A continuous load on a 20A ckt bkr. If you need more current than the nearest ckt will carry, pull in a new run of cable and install another breaker in the breaker box, or tie into an existing underused ckt bkr. Keep all electrics off the floor; build a power panel to keep things high and dry.

5. Prevent water damage: If your op does not have a durable, concrete or tiled floor (ideally with a floor drain), protect the floors in the event a nute tank splits or something leaks. Cover the floor with heavy plastic and make it into a reservoir with a frame of 2x6 timbers around the perimeter. Water spewing out of an op (like from under a wall bottm where it meets the slab/foundation) has attracted neighbours' attention in many cases. The nosy nellies will want to help save your house from that leaky pipe while you happen to be away...

i dont know if you talked about this but do you use a lot of CO2 for your plants and if so do you run the tanks constantly??:blsmoke:

I don't use CO2 right now. May someday but I'd not only need the tanks & metering gear, I'd need aircon. Can't rely on airflow thru the op for cooling when you're trying to keep expensive bottled gas in there. It's good for about 20-25% increase in yield and higher air temperature tolerance, to about 32C/90F.
wow, so I dont have to go out and buy a CO2 tank. I was on my way till you posted this. Jorger Cervantes says CO2 tanks are a must. Can you elaborate on what else I should use to maximize my growth. Also, you posted a link to the specific lights system you use. could I find the same system at a local hydro store or do I have to mail out for it. I want to just pay cash.
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