Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional


Well-Known Member
That looks off by a ton! ... At 1 inch from a 1000W sodium you receive 6000 Lumens?

Am I reading that chart correctly.

From math I've seen and worked out, one receives around 10,000 Lumens at 36 inches
from a 1000W.
u add the number of lumens to the total number in the key below the wattage sso u add 6,000 to the number at the top


Well-Known Member
That looks off by a ton! ... At 1 inch from a 1000W sodium you receive 6000 Lumens?

Am I reading that chart correctly.

From math I've seen and worked out, one receives around 10,000 Lumens at 36 inches
from a 1000W.
The chart is in thousands so 1" would be about 6 million if I remember correctly. His chart shows 36" to be about 5000 lumens. You wouldn't know for sure without a light meter and I am sure it would depend on the maker of bulb.

Heres the link explaining how he came to those results.


Well-Known Member
i was using some AN products for awhile...mainly big bud for since switching to jacks grow/bloom getting better results and not spending no where near as much as i was before...ill sub up and see how this new stuff always willing to try something new out...long as it does as good or better then the jacks does.


Well-Known Member
i was using some AN products for awhile...mainly big bud for since switching to jacks grow/bloom getting better results and not spending no where near as much as i was before...ill sub up and see how this new stuff always willing to try something new out...long as it does as good or better then the jacks does.
welcome, glad to have ya along :)
I am a firm believer in Jack's which is why I was asked to do this and why I agreed


Well-Known Member
got a call from Lumy this afternoon, and he is headed back home, we should hear from him tomorrow :)

Got my shipment of SmokeNGrow nutes in the mail and have spent the day in the garden :)

chopped the remaining tilders bottoms got em in the chamber, moved the pots into the veg room to do a re-veg

got most of the peat pots planted in my new #2 pots with my new 50/50 mixed medium, to each pot I also added 2 tablespoons of dolomite, 1/2 cup of Bio Tone 4-3-3 and 1/3 cup of Bufaloam 1-1-1 which should be just enough to add some little myco critters to my peat mix which is 50% sunshine mix #4 and 50% calcined clay (hydroton) there is a pic of the tub I mixed it in :)

I measured my light to table distance it is 36 inches (drew a line in one of the pics to show this) will start feedin em next week :)



Well-Known Member
Looks to be off to a nice start as expected. Isn't it fun using shit off box store shelf to grow the dank. Just love it. I am actually looking forward to using up my old FF products on the G-13s. Tired of looking at it! LOL


Well-Known Member
Whats goin on bro. Assume the rest of the Tilders is turnin out well!
prolly jar it tonight, but is cookin in the chamber just fine, had to boil a bit of water to get the RH up :) garden taken off nicely after the upcan, very impressed with the GDP and Crystal Limit they are growing like weeds LOL


Well-Known Member
i want some of dat GDP! u had seeds? or they wur clones? heared its clone only
I have both, one from clone and one from seed, a friend hermied one to get seeds and we are now both testing the seeds, so far the seed is growing and looking like the clone :)


Well-Known Member
just got done puttin the tilders bottom buds in jars, got 3 jars full and damn they were sticky took 10 min to wash my hands gonna turn em into fairie dust for my future salads (Lumy will tell ya bout my salads LOL)


Well-Known Member
I have both, one from clone and one from seed, a friend hermied one to get seeds and we are now both testing the seeds, so far the seed is growing and looking like the clone :)
lucky bastid...ive been trying for months to get a gdp clone...hell just one seed would make me happy..but im in FL...not a chance of finding a real clone here...even harder to find any seeds


Well-Known Member
lucky bastid...ive been trying for months to get a gdp clone...hell just one seed would make me happy..but im in FL...not a chance of finding a real clone here...even harder to find any seeds
it is an awesome strain, with a very distinct smell and taste my friend is on his 4th round with it, oh and did I mention it is f**kin purple and I mean purple wait till they flower, they are beautiful


Well-Known Member
lucky bastid...ive been trying for months to get a gdp clone...hell just one seed would make me happy..but im in FL...not a chance of finding a real clone here...even harder to find any seeds
You couldn't pay me enough money to move back to Fl ! CO all the way !


New Member
got a call from Lumy this afternoon, and he is headed back home, we should hear from him tomorrow :)

Got my shipment of SmokeNGrow nutes in the mail and have spent the day in the garden :)
WELL HERE I IS!!! :blsmoke: Yeppers got my 3-1-2 smoke'n'grows as well. Need to go to the coop location and see wassup...and as soon as my cmh bulb which HAS BEEN SHIPPED AND VERIFIED BY TRACKING # UPS!! Then the flip and then the infusion of smoke'n'grow flower nutes to Mary after the stretch!!

I have both, one from clone and one from seed, a friend hermied one to get seeds and we are now both testing the seeds, so far the seed is growing and looking like the clone :)
Beans..cough cough...:mrgreen:

And without further adieu....

RM3 you are even more awesome a dude than this forum even hints at. listen to me people...most for real dude you could ever meet...too quiet though...but as I never shut up guess that was my fault!!! This dude is so generous. Kept me baked...and I mean BAKED:eyesmoke: He did finally allow me to feed him a steak dinner at an awesome dive ....that shit was good. Met a couple of his friends and they were musicians and growers as well (notice a trend anyone?) who were awesome people as well. Put it this way ...felt like I knew these guys forever. If any of you go near Denver hook up with RM3 and you will meet a helluva good dude...for real

The garden....well it is quite a bit more impressive in person..and let me tell you ...RM3 is the King of K.I.S.S. All the variables covered and controlled by the most straight forward and common sense simple in fact that he watches and details everything just for something to do. Same thing with the chamber... very simple but effective...and I know just how effective...

TILDERS!! Awesome. Smooth and slight spice but very mellow taste...I cough very easily and could smoke it without worry of choking to death.
ok ...check this out...this shit will STONE YOU SO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN BY STONED!! Know what I mean? No wait ...I can tell you don't...This shit had my mind racing while I had melded as one on RM3's couch and questioned him on so many different things that I was too baked to remember the answers... It was fucking awesome

NL#1: Now this one tickled my fancy as the sativa was in your face and head and the indica was in your muscles...tingling and zipping over a nice cushions...hell yeah...and guess what...I GOT BEANS!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!

Now we get to the salad...I will allow RM3 to detail the salad but just let me say that as soon as I thought "Oh this is this type of high" it would change channels...not just one or two channels but like 11 or 12 in random loops...just simply wickedly heavenly...period

And as you know RM3 and I were lucky and fortunate to meet yet another awesome dude with nothing but positivity pouring out of him not too mention intelligence knowledge and an innate wisdom beyond his years... Shrub's...well if you will follow me to his thread I will elaborate further there in a bit...but he is one lil cool ass brother that knows his shit, and is just really great to be around.

Everyone I have met with RM3 are outstanding people and I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation for your hospitality realness and awesome company you all were. I too had a most awesome Christmas...and it was because of this awesome real friend I have been fortunate to have met...And all you guys I met with RM3 thank you as well... I dont wanna say names but you 3 know who you are...and all of you are the greatest!!!!!


ps-bear with me as I am making it rain as I do these posts


Well-Known Member
You won't need a tent my friend, you are always welcome :)

Ok just noticed the tent thing was for RMH, not RM3 my bad


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a blast Lumi. Wonder if that is the Salad a Doctors really means to say to have 1 a day.