What lights for a 2x4 flood tray?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Found some 2x4 flood trays on craigslist for 35$ a pop.

Wondering what kind of lights I should get for them. I prefer to stay in the 400 watt range for flowering, since mother/veg/clones/fans are suckin electricity, too.

I run an ebb and flow. And usually flower by 6" to 10" using SOG or SCROG

Anyways, the tray is kind of an akward shape.

Wondering if i should go with a 4 foot t5 fixture or a 400w hps?

If i had a 3x3 tray, I'd definitely go HPS, but the t5 light fits the 4x2 tray perfectly.

Any input would be appreciated. But I'd prefer people with some t5 experience rather that a bunch of people just regurgitating "ALWAYS FLOWER WITH HPS"


Well-Known Member
i used a 600 you could probably get away with a 400..

ive flower with cfls but never t5's im sure it would give the same result. t5 or any florescent tubes spread the lumens through out the whole light. you would need to add more light for high lumens/penetration.(placement of light)

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I don't need too much penetration, as I will be keeping the plants short.
adding more light isnt really an option for t5's as the fixture will be a bit larger than my whole flood table.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I'm basically asking, should i use a 4foot t5 or a 400w hps over a 4x2 flood table for a SOG grow.

I just feel like the t5 might be more even coverage


Well-Known Member
personally i would rather raise the 400 watter higher than normal to get the whole flood tray rather than using the t5 thats just me


Well-Known Member
I would opt for a 400w HPS.. If you get a magnetic HPS ballast, they also run MH.. So you can veg under MH and flower under HPS..

HID's are way better than florescent for growing..


Well-Known Member
I would opt for a 400w HPS.. If you get a magnetic HPS ballast, they also run MH.. So you can veg under MH and flower under HPS..

HID's are way better than florescent for growing..

im pretty sure you mean digital ballast...

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I use 1 600 per 2x4, which is considered on the high end. Very pro. tough to keep cool
if you're maxing a room out using this spec. And I don't use HPS except in tests....

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Which is why there are advertised MH or HPS or SWITCHABLE.

Never seen this advertisement for a digital.

Magnetic is much more inefficient anyways, I would never have a need for
such an experiment.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Dude, I have a magnetic HPS ballast running a regular MH bulb right now.
Read up on it, you'll find I'm right.
I even took your advice and read up :-)

"Digital ballasts will run all types of grow lights, and be able to recognize the difference between metal halide, HPS or LED. If a bulb is defective, damaged or incompatible, or if a short circuit is detected a well-manufactured, U.S.- made digital ballast will automatically shutdown before a safety hazard is created."


Well-Known Member
I even took your advice and read up :-)

"Digital ballasts will run all types of grow lights, and be able to recognize the difference between metal halide, HPS or LED. If a bulb is defective, damaged or incompatible, or if a short circuit is detected a well-manufactured, U.S.- made digital ballast will automatically shutdown before a safety hazard is created."
Yes, "a well-manufactured, U.S.- made digital ballast"


Well-Known Member
New! The 400 watt Switchable Electronic Ballast features a one year warranty and has hot lamp restart protection and a 8 min delay. Manufactured by GLW.

NextGen Switchable Digital Ballast - 600W/400W

400 Watt 400w Digital Switchable Ballast Grow Light Set Includes HPS, MH Bulbs, Reflector, Power Cord and Hanger, GYO-2002

Huh, I wonder why these digital ballasts advertise that they are switchable?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
So idiots don't believe that like their magnetic counterparts, you need seperate ballasts or
a specific ballast to run both.

There is no switch to flip unlike the magnetics either. They automatically take care of it.

Waiting for evidence.

A real test, find me a digital which says it will ONLY run one or the other. Til then, your statement
stands defeated.