sad widow


Active Member
Hi all, I have a monster white widow into 1.5 weeks of flower and she is losing most of her vibrant color from the top down and just not looking very healthy. Some of the under growth is nice and green at the budsight, yet at the top they look somewhat shrveled and kinda yellow green. I have three of them on Water Farm res. and the other two are fine. I have moved the light back to 2.5 ft. for now with a fan direct full time. (not much change). The ph is held @ 6.0 I dont measure PPM (never have). I run two 600w lights hps full time and switched the bulb from one to another to see if it has any effect. I have 6 widows growing and this one is huge and I dont wish to lose it right before the good stuff.

Is there some nute shock that could have effected just this plant and not the other two?

I am sorry I have no pics.



New Member
Hi all, I have a monster white widow into 1.5 weeks of flower and she is losing most of her vibrant color from the top down and just not looking very healthy. Some of the under growth is nice and green at the budsight, yet at the top they look somewhat shrveled and kinda yellow green. I have three of them on Water Farm res. and the other two are fine. I have moved the light back to 2.5 ft. for now with a fan direct full time. (not much change). The ph is held @ 6.0 I dont measure PPM (never have). I run two 600w lights hps full time and switched the bulb from one to another to see if it has any effect. I have 6 widows growing and this one is huge and I dont wish to lose it right before the good stuff.

Is there some nute shock that could have effected just this plant and not the other two?

I am sorry I have no pics.

Measure PPM, measure ppm, measure ppm...................Without that info, your growing in the dark, figuratively.


New Member
The big one is your canary in the mine, it sucks more fluid so it would be the first to show symptoms, whether it is under fert or over fert. The rest will probably follow, so get it fixed asap.


Active Member
I will get a ppm measurement tomorrow. The lights are off now. I always use half of what the recommended dose is for nutes and have never had an issue before. I did run the remainder of my veg nutes through the 1st week of flower and backed it up with flower nutes. The water farm has two res. the bottom is for leveling and the top is the additional res. I changed the nutes when the top one was almost empty.

I have been reading many posts looking for this issue. Most of them that are close pertain to yellowing at the beginning of flowering. It is like the whole top of this plant is losing color and life. This plant is huge it has a 30 to 40 bud canopy with 5 major colas. Probably 4 ft tall and 6 ft circumfrance. I am wondering if I should flush the whole res. and give it just water. However if it is a deficency i will make things worse.


New Member
I will get a ppm measurement tomorrow. The lights are off now. I always use half of what the recommended dose is for nutes and have never had an issue before. I did run the remainder of my veg nutes through the 1st week of flower and backed it up with flower nutes. The water farm has two res. the bottom is for leveling and the top is the additional res. I changed the nutes when the top one was almost empty.

I have been reading many posts looking for this issue. Most of them that are close pertain to yellowing at the beginning of flowering. It is like the whole top of this plant is losing color and life. This plant is huge it has a 30 to 40 bud canopy with 5 major colas. Probably 4 ft tall and 6 ft circumfrance. I am wondering if I should flush the whole res. and give it just water. However if it is a deficency i will make things worse.
Definitely flush the res and foliar feed until you find out whats going on. Over fertilization can kick your ass real fast. Make sure to rinse the leaves after the leaves are completely dry after foliar feeding so as not to accumulate salts on the leaves.