How much electricity Can i use without drawing suspicion

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
The new smart meters have the capability to see power usage trends. If the power company is actually using that data I don't know. The smart meters are mostly to detect electric theft and save money by a meter reader not having to go around reading them, but it depends on how much money the company is invested for software and people to crunch the data.
As stated, pay your bills and one is usually safe...UNLESS your running a large or commercial grow with multiple 1000W lights.
Loose lips sink ships, so IF someone is wanting to look at your utility records, something else has got there suspicion.


Active Member
Solar panels niggers..chill the fuck out build your own supply and sell it back to the fucking hydro company and then buy the fucking hydro company..............

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Solar panels niggers..chill the fuck out build your own supply and sell it back to the fucking hydro company and then buy the fucking hydro company..............
LOL, if you have the money for that kind of setup you may as well buy your medicine instead of growing it. You won't have any room to grow because of all the battery banks and inverters. There is a home solar kit locally for $500. It's a glorified battery charger providing about 7watts peak. They also have a "home" wind turbine for $1000 peak output depends on the wind. Both sets, deep cycle batteries not included. Both may run a small TV for a few hours without power companies power, but I don't see HIDs, fans, and the other stuff needed to run very long that way. To be in a position to sell back power to the power company, your looking at at least $20,000 investment.
I am a survivalist, I looked into it. It is not in the normal working mans budget.


Well-Known Member
At least you laughed right?
I have a 3 panel Solar Array which puts out 60 watts. It's good for charging my Deep Cycle Optimas which I use for running small electrical gear while mining.

I could run a 400 watt for a couple of hours. If you want backup power, you need to run a generator. You would need a very quite 1000 watt to run them in case of a long term power outage (my big generators use to much fuel, just at idle).



Well-Known Member
I just had a FANTASTIC IDEA!!!

Have one of those new electric car charging stations added to your garage. Then when your power bill goes through the roof you just tell them you bought an electric car.

You dont even have to spend money really buying the car!!!

Remember, there is nothing illegal with growing vegetables in your greenhouse or garage. However, this might consume a great deal of power... for which you have an obvious explanation. ;-)


Active Member
lol.. on the 150,000 volt lines??... you realize that can arc through like 3 feet of open air and kill you.. dont even have to touch it 0.0

not to mention the fact that you need a lil factory of transformers and shit to get the voltage down where you can use it...
there ya go, thats how the mexicans do it lmao......dumbasses:clap:bongsmilie


New Member
I completely disagree with everyone who says 'just pay your bill and nothing will happen.'

I pay my bill every month on time, and we went from 3 1000w hps and 2 400w mh,(about $550) to 5 1000w hps (about $700) and within a month I had the electric company come, turn off my power for 1-2 minutes while they switched my meter box out to replace it with a new one. Then the same guy came out 3 times a week for 2 weeks to check the meter and make sure the same consumption was going on. (Electricity company told me all of this)

When I called the electric company to see what was going on, why there was always someone comin by and why I hadnt received a notice or anything, they said that when my meter reached about 113 kw / day (I believe that was the number) it sent out a red flag to the company saying too much energy was being taken in, and to check the meter to see if something was wrong with it. I told the guy I had 4 other roommates and that at any given time someone was always home using something. He then informed me that for the energy we were using, it would have to be a family of 10, all of them never leaving the house, for that much energy to be used.

I immediately went back to 3 1000w (fucked myself btw) and went 16/8 in my mother/veg room. I havent seen him since then, but then again I havent called, and I only saw him the one time when he turned my power off and I damn near had a heart attack right on the spot.

So.... bullshit they dont care.... or.. I'd like to hear from someone whos running a REAL, FULL set up without extra juice coming in from an outside source, or rigging their box, and see what they have to say.

Whats up guys, i never reveal my secerts, but you all seem pretty kool. I also am answering this thread because of the person who wishes to run a large grow show. I have done large grow shows, and let me warn everyone out there that in a residential home, you can ONLY draw SO much power before, like said, you would have to have 10 people crammed into a 3 or 4 bedroom home. 24 HID lights in a residential home is insane. You can only run, as a rule of thumb, 1,200 watts per bedroom, a 3 bedroom house therefore can use between 3,600 and 4,000 watts per month without much suspicion, and yes ALWAYS PAY YOUR BILL ON TIME, that goes without being said. Also, do NOT add 3 or 4 lights at once when you never had any, UNLESS you start using this much the second you move in. A constant level of usage deems as being normal. So when we do residential grows, the second we move in we instantly use alot of power to push up our highest usage peak. They track that shit. Now every state is different. I am in a non medical state, but i live in a VERY HOT state, so Air conditioners are used for about 10 months out of the year, year round, i also live in a city of 1.5 million. High bills here dont turn heads to much, everyone's bill is about 400 to 500 a month depending on size of home etc. Last grow house we had, we were running 5,000 to 6,000 watts wide open with no problems, the electric company uses electric reader devices in our area as well, meaning that a technician needs not walk up to read your meter, he simply drives by and uses a digital device to capture your usage. I noticed a new tab on the meter 3 months into our grow, so i am sure in any place it's defacto to check to make sure the meter is operating correctly when large amounts are being sold to the customer, remember, you are there customer, that reason is to make sure your not getting charged for power your not using, once again protecting there customers. The power company WILL give your info over to police, BUT ONLY IF THE POLICE COME KNOCKING on there door, asking about there customer at 3674 evergreen terrace. Otherwise who the fuck cares. Second. Start off smaller, we produced fine crops with (3) 1,000 watt lights, (1) 1,000 watt light for our mothers, using 2 portable A/C units (never use the main HVAC, if it breaks and you cant fix it, it's kinda hard to get it "serviced" with 300 plants hanging around and the place a mess with equipment and what not. SOOOO like i tell many greenhorns, dont tap into your central unit, most people dont change filters often enough and run it to low, so it freezes up and fucks up. We also used standard t8 and t5 for our cloning area. A bunch of fans, blah blah blah, our bill was 700$ a month, actual power cost was only 475$, the rest was taxes and fee's, fucking Nazi power fucks. Anyhow, we were able to produce a nice 5 crop outs in one year, it paid for itself, and we made enough money to then MOVE UP. FUCK RESIDENTIAL if you are thinking about doing anything larger then the specs i just spoke of. Dont even think about running more power than you need. IF you want to do it right, you must aquire a COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE space. BUY one, thats better than renting, we do rent one, but we scoped it out, the guy who owns it did everything on a handshake, and be pay our rent one week in advance every month. He has cancer anyhow, so he's busy with other things, besides were a commercial business. It's all about show, our team is in the construction business, so we have trailers, trucks, vans, we look legit. You are going to need construction experience to do this right, and know about electricity. We use a 50 amp breaker, we run it to a special unit made for hydro growing, it then has plugs for you can just plug your ballast's right into it, it runs 8 lights. As easy as running a 10 gauge wire to your box, then insert on the box the correct breaker, it has a spine that it snaps into, you can safely remove any of this with the power on, the BLACK wire goes to your breaker connection. The WHITE wire, and ground wire goes to your BUSBAR, you will see other white and ground wires terminated into this location i am speaking of. Put it anywhere on the BUSBAR it does not matter, the BLACK is HOT, the WHITE IS a NEUTRAL or GROUND, they added a ground wire in the 70's, before that wires where only black and white. NOW thats simple!! A 15 amp breaker will run (1) 1,000 watt light, a light mover, perhaps a fan, at that point your close to 15 amps, but you must leave a few amps for overload pressure. So a 30 amp breaker will run (2) 1,000 watts plus a little more. Now if you do it this way, you simply run your wire from the box to your ballast. We have found that spending the extra money and buying the right equipment makes it far more easier to skin this cat, i'll get you details on the controller unit we are using. The last tennat in out warehouse was a Printer, he had huge printing machices, and we currently have 3 large breaker boxes, we only use one as of now. ALSO ANOTHER SECERT. USE LIGHT MOVERS, they work, and decrease the amount of lights you need, also WE USE COOL TUBE lights, connected to a 2,750 RPM blower. This makes makes keeping the room much easier to air condition. We build our own flowring chambers. they are 8ftw x 18ft long x 10 ft high. We make our own walls, insulate them, make them light tight, we use flat white paint and some mylar. We then build a plant table out of 2x4's and plywood. The table is 60inchs wide x 15 foot, 24 inchs high on the back and 18 inchs on the front, allowing pitch for our water to flow. This leaves about a 1 foot space completely around the table for walking and maintience. the front has 2 foot of space to accomadate a a/c and dehumidifer unit. We have a Light Rail brand light mover, with (2) 6.5 foot light rails, the unit moves (2) 1,000 watt lights back and forth quite quickly, the cool tubes, like i said are daisy chanined with air ducting, the fan is installed outside the room, and the duct blows the out air into the attic. Therefore, the air that cools the light, never comes in contact with the contaminated air in the grow room. the a/c unit ducts it's hot air into the attic as well, however we do use a OZONE generator to scrub the attic air for paranoria and safety. Your probably doing the math and thinking, thats not enough light, but with the light mover, light speaders, bat wings, and the fact that i can have my lights very close to the canopy with no burn, it works like a charm, i would say it's dong the work of (4) 1,000 watt lights. BUT the setup is painstaking, and you need a hand, and it takes some tweaking. We also use propane CO2 generators, VERY CHEAP, 1 normal size propane tank, like for your grill, i think it's 25 lbs or something, will give us 3 months of CO2 enrichment, thats 24$ to fill it up divided by 3 months, MUCH CHEAPER than those stupid co2 tanks and shitty emmiters that break!! Anyhow, any questions, please ask, we currently are running 200 flowering plants, have 20 mothers, and a butt load of clones, i have been through this many times and would love to help any greenhorns and other seasoned vets alike.


citoxe, excellent info. Consider posting such information while using a VPN or Tor to make your origin IP difficult to trace. Just some food for thought. Good luck!

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
How much juice does it take to run 4 ac units in the summer, and space heaters in the winter. People use all kinds of juice, I think drastic spikes are more a threat. Use a bunch for 2 mths, then nothing, then 30 days later the spike is back. Be consistent... No one knows what u need electricity 4.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
citoxe, excellent info. Consider posting such information while using a VPN or Tor to make your origin IP difficult to trace. Just some food for thought. Good luck!
That shit don't work no more, further more if it did and you typed in n signed up with out using the program of your choice using it now would be to late lol.
I had the same thought before and through all my homework bottom line, u can't hide today. Best bet is to not show your opp size, isolate plants before taking pix if u must. Even better to just remove a leaf n take a picture. Don't give anyone any reason to worry about you


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but somebody that was even thinking those kinds of numbers without really knowing thats not really even possible residential is a very dangerous person indeed. :)


Well-Known Member
Hope this post is not TOO dead. But I am curious what would raise a flag or at least a general idea. I know we have a smart (or at least digital) meter.

House is 3 BR multi floor and central AC
  • One 240 watt T5 (18/6)
  • Two 140 Watt UFO LED (18/6)
  • One 60 Watt Fan (cold air intake) (24/7)
  • One 180 8inch Can-Fan Max (exhaust) (24/7)
  • One 400 watt HID (adjustable to 200 or 300) (not currently on)
  • Three Air pumps at 180 watt total.
Last month I used about 1200 kWh for a bill of about $150. Month before was 897 kWh. I am up from last year by 10% Im 40% more vs neighbors.

It has been hot at times and I do keep AC set at 76-78.

I am looking at getting more into LEDs to offset heat and power issues, but that is down the road. When should I get worried? I don't have any hard power spikes in my history, its always been a gradual up and down. Ive taken steps to ensure that house lights are all LED and that as much can be done to offset power usage, but use central AC to cool tents and cold air intake to keep them cool when AC is off.

Just curious to know when I raised a flag. What they look for. Bill always paid on time and in full.

Thanks in advance.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Electric use is just ONE of the many things that can bring suspicion. If your paying on time, the power company is usually happy. Paid for high use is not usually an issue. Jacking the meter to steal, resulting in lower than normal usage, is a flag. Time consistent spikes and drops usually only become an issue if someone is already watching you for other reasons...smell, traffic to and from your place, lots of moisture inside the windows, spots on the roof where snow melts during winter while other parts are covered...Your T5 , led, fan and air pumps don't mean much at all. The HID draws the most...400 watts, no different than having four 100 watt light bulbs on. Toss in more HIDs and more cooling, then I would worry.


Well-Known Member
Electric use is just ONE of the many things that can bring suspicion. If your paying on time, the power company is usually happy. Paid for high use is not usually an issue. Jacking the meter to steal, resulting in lower than normal usage, is a flag. Time consistent spikes and drops usually only become an issue if someone is already watching you for other reasons...smell, traffic to and from your place, lots of moisture inside the windows, spots on the roof where snow melts during winter while other parts are covered...Your T5 , led, fan and air pumps don't mean much at all. The HID draws the most...400 watts, no different than having four 100 watt light bulbs on. Toss in more HIDs and more cooling, then I would worry.
well roof already melts 1st. smell if vented to side roof and carbon filtered and then through garage. may add in some booster fans, but wont go bigger then 400 hid, until upgrade to full leds. My "vision" is only 9 plants running at once (not including cloning stage). just made me worried when i see im 30-40% higher then average neighbor. thanks.